Cosma Empire

Chapter 44: 10 intersection

Looking at the back of Wood's hurried departure, Colt bowed his head and looked at the two dark stains on his chest. He used his fingers to learn the appearance of Wood, rubbed it, sniffed, and then came One conclusion-Guarts are really dirty!

当然 Of course he would not understand that these two stains were actually dried and oxidized blood, and he would not understand that Wood left quickly because he despised Graff's new faces.

Whether a person has hurt someone, or more seriously, whether a person has killed someone, his mentality is completely different. Before harming or even killing the same kind, we can call such people ordinary people, ordinary people with universal values ​​and morals. They are like those hidden in textbooks, tightly binding their hands together with morality and ethics.

面对 When facing danger, their first thought was how to resolve the disputes.

But when one person has hurt others or even killed others, the mentality will be completely different. Wood was deeply touched by this, and he was just a fantasy guy before he killed the three tramps who tried to drag him into the alley to warm his body. But after he killed someone, he didn't like fantasy anymore, because he felt that it could be realized, and he also realized his dream.

It is not difficult to cross the threshold of morality and ethics, just take a small step forward.

If they are in danger at this time, they will not think about how to solve the problem like ordinary people, but they will use their weapons to solve the problem thoroughly.

Howwood has always felt that these people are just ordinary, and when he has not seen the world's hairy guy, he finds himself wrong.

They are not sheep, but lions.

He cannot completely blame him with such a view. Of course, rich experience sometimes makes people lose the basic judgment ability. The other party did not greet them with the inherent old forces before selling these private wines, nor did they entrust others to inform them that new players are entering. Without any buffer, I bumped into this market, indicating that the other party is simply a "newbie" and does not understand that in this world, no matter which line has its own rules and regulations. It is not impossible to mess around, but be prepared to be punished, sometimes you lose money, sometimes you lose your life!

But those two drops of blood made Wood suddenly realize that he might not be able to use a scissors like a gardener to easily cut off a branch that affects the overall gardening. What he is facing is war!

War is a terrible word, whether it is a war between nations, a war between gangs, or a war between forces. As a result of the war, one side destroys the other. The so-called truce and reconciliation are simply the passage of time over the results.

Greenwood hopes to kick this group of new faces who have disrupted the market out of Tener City and regain his market, but he does not want to use war.

Unfortunately, he chose the wrong opponent and used the wrong strategy.

For more than ten years, his incredible career has expanded him so much that he made the wrong decision.

Standing at the dark crossroads, the autumn wind brought a hint of chill from the other end of the street. Wood didn't know where to go, as if he was also standing at the crossroads at this time, full of life. confused.

The troika came back faster than it did when it came back. After unloading a hundred boxes of wine, even the horse pulling the car seemed a lot happier. In the compartment, Graff opened a hidden compartment and put the cash box in. This dark grid was requested by Doolin. The purpose was not to hide money, but to hide some contraband before it was inspected.

Sitting in the carriage of the carriage, the two bodies at the feet had become cold, stiff, and bloody, which filled the whole carriage, lingering on the tip of the nose and lingering. He glanced at the bodies of the two policemen without thinking of a good way. After all, this is the body of a police officer. No matter where it is thrown, if it is found, it must be a huge trouble. From the current situation, it is better to bring it back to the farm. Just find a place to dig a pit and bury it.

The carriage drove for about ten minutes, leaving the busiest city centre of Tener City, and the streets became deserted again. Even if one or two people could be seen walking on the road, they looked down and hurriedly.

This trip was quite easy, and Graff fell asleep unconsciously with the bump of the carriage.

Just as Wood didn't know which way Graf was going, Graf didn't know that Dooling had arranged Dufo to lead someone behind them in order to avoid accidents.

At this time, the Buddha was looking at five or six guys with felt hats and trench coats behind the carriage. After considering it for a while, he decided not to do anything for the time being. It wasn't what he was afraid of. On the one hand, there were too many people living in the city. Who knew which corner would be like a tramp, as before. If someone witnesses a fight, it is likely to be bad.

On the other hand, judging by the speed and alertness of the other party, they do not seem to want to cut off the carriage, but instead keep a relatively safe distance and hang behind. Therefore, Dufo felt that instead of causing unnecessary troubles in the city, it was better to fulfill their wishes and wait until the suburbs to start.

The city of Tennell is not large. After leaving the city center for about forty minutes, the surrounding buildings have become low and dilapidated ~ ~ After passing the last intersection, even the street lights have disappeared. Only the faint moonlight shrouded the quiet earth in the night. The carriage lights also turned on a bit, just like the waiting light during wild fishing, attracting the "fish" to bite the hook.

When they were only ten minutes away from the farm, they all started to do it. When they started to run, they obviously alarmed the people who followed them, and they were very alert and immediately dispersed and rushed into the grass near the half-man. Dufo immediately split into two batches, staring at the two, and he shouted.

From time to time, Graff would be shaken by the bumpy carriage until he lost the horizontal screen. He woke up from the blur and raised his hand and wiped the saliva from his mouth, but he heard someone shouting. what.

"Stop!" Graff knocked on the wooden board between the carriage and the driver's seat. The troika stopped before and after, and he jumped out of the carriage. The cool autumn wind made him sting, and the wind brought coolness. , Also brought the voice of Dufo.

"Catch one, don't let the other go!"

With a word, Graf was completely sleepless. The muscles on his cheekbones trembled, and he immediately slapped the carriage and lifted the oil lamp from the side of the carriage. "Hurry up and see what happened!"

With the addition of lights, two other guys were caught and they were tightly tied together and twisted into the carriage. Graff looked at Dufo strangely and asked, "Did you run out and catch the thief in the middle of the night? How did they offend you?"

Batu Buddha was a little embarrassed and his hat was off. His favorite checked woolen sweater was covered with grass and there was a lot of mud on his shoes and trouser legs. Gasping, he replied, "These guys ... have been following you since you unloaded the goods, and I think they have a problem."

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