Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 429: Federation [1]

The fall of Colliers made many people realize that the legacy left by the railway tycoon will be divided in the war between his children and relatives. The "railroad empire" will no longer be a monolith, and many capital forces have already Stirring, the moment when Colliers was sure he couldn't wake up, was the moment they sat at the dining table, tied napkins, picked up knives and forks, and elegantly and civilized the division of Colliers' heritage.

At the same time, some smaller railway contractors also found Du Lin. They hope to win the construction rights of these two railways. After all, tens of millions or even more projects can bring them too much. Profit, and influence.

Even the builders on the federal side appeared in Otis, planning to build the railway.

Facing these interested contractors, Du Lin gathered them together to discuss who would leave and who would leave behind.

There is no doubt that the city hall of Otis is temporarily unable to come up with the full cost of constructing this railway at one time. Du Lin asked some professionals who estimated that the cost of Du Lin's two railways was about 25 million to Around 30 million, if there are other requirements for the railway, such as being able to carry heavier steam locomotives or wanting to make steam locomotives run faster, the cost will increase significantly.

To build a railway that meets the highest standards in the Western world, it takes at least about 40 million, so Colliers' quotation was not accurate at first, or there were actually other fools inside.

Even if it is 30 million, it will take at least one year of financial revenue from Otis to be able to support the construction costs of these two railways. So Du Lin told all the contractors who planned to take out the project that they needed The advancement of funds may require an advancement of about 10 to 15 million yuan in the initial stage, and this part of the city hall will be returned monthly in the next 18 months.

Under such a condition, the faces of some contractors' representatives are not so good-looking. More than 10 million in advances are enough to make many big capitalists hurt their bones, not to mention that they have been stepped on by their feet. Vulnerable?

The representative of the contractor from the western part of the Empire pursed his lips and asked, "Mr. Mayor, have you considered lending to a bank or the Chamber of Commerce? I believe that both the central bank and the Association will be happy to give you funds. Support, this is something that is meaningful to all people. "He said that it is nothing more than financial pressure, workers' wages, settlement of materials and various other expenses. If the city hall of Otis cannot The cost of repaying the advance funds on time may cause the company to fail.

These capitalists never pin their hopes on how trustworthy their partners are, especially for official partners, they are even more distrustful.

If Otis City really has no money, can it still sue Otis City Hall? Is it useful even if prosecuted? The mayor patted his **** and walked away. His successor didn't acknowledge the money, and he might end up planting it all the way.

Most people expressed their understanding and approval of what the representative said. This is not a million or two million, but more than 10 million, which is too risky.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Du Lin nodded indifferently, then looked at the contractor sitting at the end from the Commonwealth, only he was always smiling.

The guy named Klin stood up, and slightly leaned to express his respect to Du Lin. His voice was very loud and thorough, giving a very exciting feeling.

"Dear Mayor of the city of Audis, and representatives of the enterprises of the Yaoxing Empire, hello everyone. As you know, I am from the Federation. United Construction is a large federal engineering company. We have the most professional designers. The most outstanding engineers and the most dedicated employees. We have done many projects that are considered impossible, and that is why I am here today. "

Klin left the seat and distributed the brochure to each corporate representative. "We not only provide the best design, but also provide a certain degree of financial solutions, Mr. Mayor, please forgive me for the next arrogance, you What I worry about is not a problem at all. We can provide financial support of not less than 30 million. Of course, the interest rate will be a little higher. The annual profit is 11%. Before you pay the entire construction money, Previously, the right to operate the railway was temporarily owned by our company! "

After sending the last propaganda brochure to Dulin, he smiled and stood aside, paying no attention to the anger of the representatives of the imperial enterprises.

If it weren't for Colliers' sudden loss of consciousness, they would not dare to step in the railroad sphere of the Yaoxing Empire. Colliers controls the operation of more than 60% of the empire's railways, and can also intervene in the operation of the remaining railways. As long as he is present, there is no "third party" in the field of railway transportation.

But he fell, which also made the federal capital forces realize that this is the best opportunity to enter the imperial rail industry for nearly three decades.

Rail transport itself has huge profit margins, but also has enough political influence. These are always the things that capital chases.

Under the influence of the Federal Trade Union for more than a year, the federal capital forces have begun to invade the empire's economic field quickly, and the constant emergence of large quantities of duty-free goods has hit the empire's local market. Now they are no longer satisfied with petty business. Began to enter the political arena of the empire.

If Du Lin agreed to the request of the federal businessman, then it means that the federals broke the "zero" situation and successfully broke the ice, which is definitely not a good thing.

"Mr. Mayor, I think this evil federal man should be expelled!" A representative stood up and raised his claim, "Here is the territory of the empire. It should also be an empire! "

Klin didn't look at that guy, and has been following Du Lin. He smiled and said, "Mr. Mayor, no matter when you have enough funds, you can get back the right to operate the railway anytime, anywhere. This is just business. The country has nothing to do with the great patriotism of the gentlemen. The business should be pure, without any stand, and we can indeed come up with a construction plan that meets your needs, what do you say? "

Du Lin slightly tilted his head and walked back and forth a few steps. He shook his head and said, "Eleven percent is too much!"

Clinton suddenly showed a surprise look, his excited lips began to crease, it seemed that Doolin was accusing him of unacceptable conditions in the financial solution he provided, but in fact he was telling everyone that he was willing to choose a federal businessman to do it this matter.

Many local representatives showed disappointment, and a few people left the table angrily. They knew they lost in this competition. At the same time, they also realized that in the near future, more federal businessmen will appear in the empire and compete with the capital forces of the empire for market share.

The economic recovery of the empire is like a honeycomb dripping with honey. It has already attracted many people's peep. This day will definitely not be too far away.

For Du Lin, this is no way out. He is short of money now, and it can even be said that he will always be short of money in the future. Those representatives of the empire cannot give a better solution. Not enough money put off the railway plan. Otis needs these two railways. It can be said that as long as there are two railways, it is only a matter of time to surpass Nami Lindes.

He can't wait too long, and those investors can't wait too long.

Maybe just like those people suggested, borrowing from a bank or chamber of commerce is a good way. The problem is that the bank needs the city hall to mortgage the tax for at least 18 months, that is, after the loan to the bank, every penny collected in this city in the next 18 months is related to Du Lin, It has nothing to do with this city.

What about development?

What about construction?

As for the chamber of commerce, he has just suppressed the workers' union and turned to loan to the chamber of commerce. The chamber of commerce will definitely open an unbearable condition to expand the influence of the chamber of commerce to every corner of the city.

Rather than being taken away by these people from the future of the city, it's better to be harmless.

Things seemed to be a foregone conclusion, and Du Lin asked Natalie to send away the others ~ ~ to sit down with Klin and talk about the construction of the railway. Over the next few days, more and more federalists have arrived in Otis, forming a negotiating group and Otis City Hall to discuss details about the construction of the railway.

Here, Du Lin put forward a requirement that must also be met, that is, all workers must be imperial, and the management must have at least three imperials.

Commercial negotiations involving tens of millions of capital like this can never be decided in a single meal. Twelve days later, the two sides signed a final agreement.

This construction company called "Joint Construction" took over this project from Du Lin, and the advance fund was not less than 20 million, and the city hall of Otis needed to pay no less than 10 million, and all funds were accepted Both parties monitor and supervise at the same time. After one third of the project period is reached, the total construction cost is calculated, and then the city hall of Otis will start paying interest and repaying the principal based on this cost.

No one in the empire came to congratulate on the day of the signing. On the contrary, a lot of journalists from the Federation came. Under the illumination of the magnesium lamp, Du Lin exchanged an agreement with Ms. Pola, the president of the United Construction Company.

After the signing of the contract, the two parties simply convened a banquet and hurriedly halted the meeting. The joint construction workers needed to start the preliminary plan immediately, including site inspections and employment of workers, and a lot of chores.

"You have to take care of the emotions of the Empire!"

Kevin was half-lying on the sofa with his legs up and eating beef and steamed wheat kernels with a big mouth. The final review of the agreement was done by him. The others were uneasy!

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