Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 432: Buy [1]

"Do you know what the problem is?" Kevin gathered the information and evidence on the table and looked at Vivian, who was sitting beside him. Vivian has already begun to be inferior in the end of the trial just now.

His Excellency the Governor liked to collect these artworks when he was alive, and they were still fine works. In fact, it was more an investment than a collection. These artworks were beyond sight for ordinary people, including some merchants of the time. The works of great artists with extraordinary skills and prestige are not eligible for purchase by merchants, and only the nobles and royalty can collect them.

Of course, like many regulations, whether they can be implemented is a question.

At that time, many businessmen sent a piece of art to the Governor's House to "taste" to the Governor in order to seek a monopoly, in exchange for the exclusive right to sell a certain commodity in the state. Your Governor has collected many good things over the years . Good things naturally require better maintenance. The way of storing is also very important. Some things are afraid of humidity, but some things are afraid of drying, but some things must not be wet or dry.

This requires professional people to take charge of these various kinds of artworks. There are two such maintenance experts in your governor's house, or artists who have never made a name for themselves. They took the salary given to them by the Governor, while protecting those artworks for the Governor, while pursuing their own art, so that their descendants forgot what art was, instead they became more professional in maintenance.

Vivian's two elder brothers bought these two and asked them to prove that the artworks hanging in all the corridors and rooms of the Governor's House are things in the collection room. Some of them will be replaced by the Governor-General every so often, so in the Governor's oral will, these things should be her brother's things, which belong to the category of "Artwork" in your Governor's oral will.

This has been agreed by some jury members, and the judges seem to be inclined.

Vivian shook her head blankly, she didn't know where the problem was.

After Kevin packed his things and packed them in his bag, he stood up and walked outside, saying, "The problem is that you don't spend enough money! If you are willing to pay more, After buying these two witnesses, there will be no current situation. Fortunately, it is only their first appearance today, and there are not many things revealed. We also have a way to recover this bureau. You need to spend more money. "

Vivian also stood up, followed Kevin and walked outside, "How much will it cost?"

In fact, she is not greedy for those valuable works of art. The main reason why she and her brothers treated Bo Gongtang is that the attitude of the two **** changed dramatically after the death of the Governor-General, and she just wanted to keep her. These are all things that the Governor-General gave her, not value, but feelings.

People always say that they realize their regret after losing it. After the Governor left, Vivienne began to remember that hiding behind her father as a child was like hiding in the safest place. The security that cannot be described in words feels like a long time ago. forget. She wanted to keep everything the Governor gave her, whatever it was.

Kevin's footsteps, he turned and looked at Vivienne, "It doesn't depend on me, it depends on the appetite of those witnesses. If they can easily meet about thousands of dollars, they can choose to shut up, Or say something that leans towards us. But if they have a big appetite, maybe tens of thousands. "

"I gave it. I want to see the effect of this money as soon as possible!"

Tens of thousands are just a small amount of wealth to Vivian. Not only does she have the jewelry and house given to her by the Governor, she has a very high price. Many people are supporting the feminist movement. As the initiator and leader of the feminist movement in Cannes, she has received donations from many organizations and individuals. The money can be said to be organized by a feminist organization, or her. After all, when she followed the trend to promote the feminist movement, the Governor asked her to register the feminist organization.

This is already a social organization similar to the Social Movement Foundation, not a group of loosely organized individuals. As the owner of this organization, Vivienne has the power to distribute the money.

Kevin's car key flipped twice as he moved, "Wait for good news!"

After having dinner in the evening, Kevin found one of the artisan homes specializing in the maintenance of art according to the information he collected. This guy lived in Uptown, Theodore, and he can see that he and his family have There are many benefits to Your Excellency the Governor. It is no wonder that the Governor, after all, is very old, and his memory will have some problems due to aging. He may be able to recall the embarrassing and in-depth communication on the night of the day when he was sixteen, but he may not be able to remember How many people gave him something on his forty-second birthday.

Some of his many collections are what he likes, and he will be very impressed, and some are not like him, for example, a businessman gave him a male statue of the origin period. He didn't like the statue and the overly prominent gender characteristics of the statue, but this did not prevent the exaggerated statue that shaped some places from selling at an amazing price.

Only one thing needs to be worked out, which is enough for an ordinary person's family to spend a lifetime!

Over the green turf, Kevin stopped and squatted down the gravel path, reached out and folded a small grass, rubbed it, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed, then he opened the layer of turf, The bright street lamp examined the bottom of the turf and stood up.

He patted his hands and stood outside Mr. Niles's door. He rang the bell and waited for about two minutes before the door opened a slit. Mr. Niles, 41, looked only 34. Five years old and very well maintained. He glanced at the guests outside the door and said a little displeasedly, "I know you, Attorney Kevin, what can you do next time when you start the court."

As soon as he was about to close the door, Kevin stuffed his briefcase into the crack of the door. "Mr. Niles, it only takes a minute, and I will leave after I have finished speaking."

Niles hesitated and gave up the idea of ​​closing the door. He heard the inquiries of his wife and the voice of the teenager behind him. He perfunctory, and then came out of the room. "Let's go outside and say, you just leave . "

The two walked into the yard. The neighbors stayed at home. Kevin looked at the surrounding environment and the pedestrian-free road. He asked with a smile and whispered, "How much does it cost to modify the testimony?"

Niles waited for about ten seconds before he hesitantly asked, as if he didn't understand: "What did you just say ... is it for me to perjury?" After he said, he shook his head, "I didn't expect you to Well-known lawyers will also use this trick, the Empire's judicial system is really disappointing. ", Saying that he turned to leave, Kevin stopped him.

"Mr. Niles, as far as I know, your salary is 85 yuan a month when the Governor is alive, isn't it?" Niles didn't stop and walked towards the house. Kevin was not in a hurry, and continued, "You must love flowers and plants, these turf are very beautiful."

I do n’t know which word in this sentence had a magical effect like a spell. Mr. Niles stopped and he turned slowly, his face was already agitated, "You want to say What? "His tone was a little irritable, which proved Kevin's point.

He pointed at the turf under his feet and said, "I also use this kind of turf. One dollar is one square. There are about seventy or eighty squares here?"

"I don't understand what you want to say, what do you want to tell me?" Nairs was already obviously anxious, and he turned again to leave, but Kevin's voice sounded again ~ ~ According to what I have Knowing that you have always declared that your wife does not work and takes care of the family at home, then you ca n’t afford such a turf at your income, you have to change it every three weeks, so you have to change it four times in three months, I I do n’t know if it ’s the same kind of turf in your backyard. The cost of replacing the turf alone exceeds your income. Mr. Niles, if someone accuses you of stealing the artwork of the Governor's House, would you guess the judge would believe it? "

At this moment, Nile's face finally changed dramatically. He suppressed his throbbing heart and walked back to Kevin. He seemed very close to him and stared at him. "Be careful of your mouth, this is not In court, I'm not a judge, and I won't listen to your nonsense and not talk to you! "

Kevin stretched out his left cheek and pointed at his face. "Come and give me a punch to prove that you are a man."

Niles squeezed his fist and finally gave up the plan. He knew how troublesome his fist would be. These lawyers would only let him go until he went bankrupt.

"It seems that you are not going to give me a punch. Then consider my suggestion. How much do you need to modify your testimony?" Kevin looked at Niles and stared at him for a long time. Then I slowly said, "Or do you have anything else you want to say to me?"

He thinks there may be other things in it that he does n’t understand. If Nairs is just being talked by Vivian ’s brother or taking advantage, he should be relieved now, but obviously still Something else happened to him.

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