Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 434: Shadow [3] "Border Explorer on Demand + Six"

Nairs closed the door and sat on the sofa. The rooms of the Governor's House are also much more luxurious than ordinary people's houses. There are not only bedrooms, separate shower rooms, but also a living room.

He rubbed his face and buried it deep between his hands, the whole body exuding a decadent breath. He had contacted his family before coming here. After all, his wife and children would definitely worry if he did n’t go back overnight, maybe they would not worry after a while, because he would stay in prison for a long time, as long as possible. It's hard to come out in this life.

"What should I do?" Niles dropped his hands and looked at Kevin confused. "What should I do to make the judge sympathize with me?"

Kevin closed the notebook on the table, and he opened the curtains to let more sunlight in. "You put the responsibility on Vivian's brothers, in fact, it ’s simple to tell the truth, then add a little sadness and Helpless, as long as the jury has sympathy for you, they can even consider you innocent. "

Niles heard Kevin say this, and he was full of hope. He had just stood up and was going to go to Kevin's side. He felt a bit reckless to do so, and sat back again. "You will help me in this lawsuit, right?"

Kevin nodded indifferently, "As long as you can afford it, you are my boss!"

"how much is it?"

"Not less than 300,000!"

The moment when Nelston was still full of hope, he fell into the ice cave. The number of 300,000 made him feel that the light had become very weak. He could not take out the money, or he could take it. Out, but his family is about to lose their present life. Over the years, the art they stole has been sold by the federal side for about 15-6 million through private transactions. He and another craftsman each have about 400,000.

Almost half of the money was used for home purchases and enjoyment, and 200,000 were lying in the bank. If he wants to make up 300,000, he must sell his current house and the two cars in his hand, and sell all the expensive luxury goods to make up 300,000. This amount of money is too much for him to pay. What's more, paying 300,000 yuan does not mean that he can be released without charge, maybe just to reduce his sentence.

"Actually ... you have another way to get rid of sin, and that is to get Mrs. Vivian's forgiveness!", Kevin took a cigarette lighter, his elbows pressed against the armrest of the chair, the big red The bag's high-back chair stands behind him. His forearm is upright, and his fingers are between the cigarettes. It looks like a visual shock, especially his smile, which makes Niels feel the one behind him. The red leather on the chair was like flowing blood, full of sin and desire.

He moved his **** to Kevin's side, sitting at the end of the couch, leaning forward, and leaning his head, "What should I do?"

The next hearing will be three days later. This time is for both parties and their lawyers to find more evidence to support their views. Seeing that the third day is coming, Vivian's two brothers sit Together, they discuss the next things.

The lead lawyer of the luxury lawyers group told them that this lawsuit is likely to be won. These lawyers are flushed with excitement, regardless of whether the outside world will believe that they have used collective power to win Kevin. This is for them It's a huge victory! Once the lawsuit is settled, their value and status will skyrocket. Even if the two brothers now decide not to pay any of their legal fees, they will gladly represent the case for free.

"I've asked someone to evaluate it. The old man's things add up to about 30 million." Vivien's elder brother's eyes have been focused on a waitress. The girl is young and beautiful. Unfortunately, she has a copy Inferior work, he doesn't mind raising the girl if she wants to.

Vivian's elder brother frowned and asked, "So little? Didn't all those things we sold sell for 16 million?"

Vivian's elder brother recovered his gaze, "Alex, you know that although the old men do n’t like those things, they do n’t mean that they are not good things. One of the stone carvings from the Origin era sold nearly eight million. It has exceeded the total of the remaining twenty or more! Those things in the storeroom that can be sold at such a high level are gone. Most of them are tens of thousands of items, and 30 million. I think it is very amazing. . "

Alex, Vivian's second brother Mingwu nodded, "It's okay to say that, this time we are selling in the empire or sending it to the Federation as before?"

"Of course it is sent to the Federation. If we sell it in the empire, our face will not look very good. The old man will sell his things as soon as he dies. What do others think of us?"

Alex nodded, he hesitated, "I don't think my sister will just let it go, she will find a way to take back those things."

Vivian's older brother Ed smiled easily. "She? What can she do besides proclaiming herself a feminist fighter everywhere? Let those women attack us? If so, I think it's a good idea too , I do need an aggressive woman to calm my restlessness. "He said, patted the back of Alex's hand," Relax, she can do nothing, as before, it is a useless Child! "

As he said this, Ed's eyes flashed with a ribbon of jealousy and hatred, and he remembered everything that happened at home when he was a child. The Governor does not have that much time to educate them, and their daily lives are determined by the Governor's wife. But each time His Excellency the Governor returned home, he would severely reprimand the two boys, and even beat them for a trivial matter. On the contrary, His Excellency the Governor “loves” Vivian, who is actually not so obedient.

From that time, Ed did not like the old man. When he grew up, he understood that this was the old man's love for him, and he hoped that he would embark on a successful road through sternness. But understanding and understanding, hate will not be reduced by half. This is like someone slaps you and tells you it is for you. Even if it is true, you ca n’t be happy, only hate or hate .

The old man crushed them for forty years. How many forty years can a person have? Two? Or a half?

Ed has lived in the shadow of His Excellency the Governor all his life. He has had enough. If there were not too many connections and friends with the old man, he might have done something that should not have been done long ago.

Alex disagreed with Aishund's contempt. "She has at least a lawyer named Kevin, who is said to be the best lawyer in the empire. We must always be careful."

Ed was no longer careful with his predecessor when His Excellency the Governor was still alive. He raised his head, leaned on a chair, and raised his leg. One hand rested on the back of the chair, and one hand rested on the edge of the table. "What's the matter? This is Aldo, this is our house, not the Emperor. If there is an accident, let him disappear . "

"You mean to kill him?" Alex's tone was a bit strange. After all, he was engaged in administrative work, far less than a soldier like Ed. "Will it cause trouble?"

"Trouble? Alex, you are too careful. Find someone to kill him and send it out of the city to be ashes. I don't believe anyone can find evidence from a pile of ashes to charge us.", The confession he said vowed, as if he had done such a thing, to make Alex a little better.

If Ed knew a guy named Anpu, he probably wouldn't have thought this way. He would not only burn Kevin to ashes, but also throw Kevin's ashes into the sea with real ashes.

The topic of the two brothers gradually shifted to the woman. At this time, a little child with a peaked cap and some dry snot marks above his lips ran over, holding an envelope in his hand ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ on the table.

"Two sirs, someone asked me to give you this letter ..." He didn't leave after he finished speaking, but looked at the two people expectantly.

Alex found a small change in his pocket and gave it to the child. When he looked back, Ed had opened the envelope and read the contents. His face became more and more terrifying, and finally he tore the letter into pieces!

"What's wrong?", Alex glanced at the letters that had been torn by Ed, bent down to pick them up, and then tried to spell the letter back according to the tooth marks on the edges of each piece.

Ed didn't stop him, just lowered his voice and whispered in a tone full of anger, "You're right, that female watch won't end like that. You don't have to look, she knows we and that The two dumb partners stole things from the coffers, and he asked us to take the initiative to end the dispute and end the dispute. "After he spoke, his chest was violently undulating." How many things are hanging on the wall? "

"There are about sixty or seventy ... and they are all good ones!"

The Governor's Mansion is too big, so more artwork is needed to embellish your taste and appreciation of the art. As the owner, the Governor cannot hang all the cheap things on the wall and let the great nobles laugh at him. The same artwork, so he hung the best things outside, except those he didn't like.

Although there are only sixty or seventy pieces outside, these sixty or seventy pieces are definitely the most precious in the Governor's collection, and this is the root of the two brothers' fight!

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