Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 440: Kidnappers [3] "Border Explorer on Demand + Eight"

The phone call was from Alex's wife, and she could hear her panic, and her voice was crying, "Alex, our child has been kidnapped. What should I do now?" On the phone The cry made Alex realize that this was not a joke, but he was a little confused as to why his child would be kidnapped.

He has only one child, probably because he has lived in the shadow of His Excellency the Governor for so many years. He is actually very disappointed with "Father's Love". He does not want to favor one of them because he has too many children, so that other children will be harmed. So he only has one child. In this way, he can give all his father's love to the only child, rather than selectively ignore who is unfair.

He has suffered once unfairly, and will not let his children suffer it again.

His child is a daughter, who is just sixteen years old this year, and only had a birthday in July, a lovely girl. She did well in her studies, and Alex didn't relax her daughter's requirements. He invited some tutors. She will also perform well in dance and social etiquette in high society. She is definitely a dignified and beautiful girl, and will inevitably become the darling of high society.

But now, she has been abducted.

Alex let go of the job at hand, stood up, walked back and forth in the office with the phone, "Relax, dear, relax, how did you know she was kidnapped?"

"Letter, there is a letter!" Said his wife, sobbing, and then there was a busy voice in the earpiece, accompanied by the sound of the paper being folded and unfolded, and his wife's voice sounded in the earpiece, " The letter said ... We need to prepare 100,000 pieces of cash, and we can't call the police, otherwise they ... "Some bitter crying upset Alex, and he ordered the secretary to set his desk after two sentences. The papers were given to the governor, and then he picked up his coat and left the office.

He drove home and saw the letter his wife said. He had known the letter on the phone. When he saw the letter, he noticed that all the words were cut from the newspaper. The patchwork is not hand-written, which shows that the other party should not be doing this kind of thing for the first time and has considerable experience.

He called Ed directly to tell Ed about this, hoping that he could second some soldiers from Ed to help him find his daughter, and at the same time give some "lessons" to those who kidnapped his daughter.

As soon as Ed knew this, he mobilized a team's manpower and brought him in person.

"What the **** is going on, and how could you be kidnapped?" Ed glanced at the blackmail letter on the table, and lost it after reading it. He wasn't a great detective, and he certainly couldn't see any doubt in the letter. He just wanted to know what to do next.

"Wait!", Alex sat with his arms in front of the phone, and the letter didn't say where and when to pay the money, then the other party would definitely find a way to inform himself. The best way is to call. No contact is required, and there are no witnesses. Any phone booth can do it.

"And ...", he looked at his wife. "You take two soldiers, take your daughter's picture and go to the school and ask, who has seen where she went, and who went with him, ask clearly Maybe we can find someone who kidnapped her. "

His wife wiped her tears and returned to the room to take a recent photo. She got into the car brought by Ed and quickly went to the school to find clues.

Ed closed the door and sat next to Alex, pressing one hand on his shoulder and squeezing slightly, "What are you going to do?"

"Find them!" At this moment, Alex's eyes flashed a fierce luster. "Then kill them!"

Time became slow and tormented at this moment. At about seven o'clock in the evening, Alex's wife returned. She asked people near her school and her classmates, and said she saw her sitting at the school gate. This is a very beautiful car. No one saw what the driver looked like. This is everyone's final impression of her.

Alex asked a little irritably, "What about the license plate number? Does anyone remember the license plate number?"

As soon as his wife got up, she walked towards the door, and Alex stopped her. "No need to go. Even if someone remembers the license plate number, it may not be true. The other party has a pre-abducted abduction, it must be We wo n’t leave such obvious flaws. Please wait until the other party contacts us. "

At about 8:30 in the evening, the phone rang suddenly, and the people at the table suddenly became alert. Alex made a silent movement, then took a deep breath and lifted the phone. "I'm Alex."

The voice in the earpiece is like being released from a sheepskin bag. Obviously, the other party used some means to make his voice lose its original taste. "Mr. Alex, I heard that you have made a lot of money recently. I also need money. But we do n’t know each other. I ask you that you may not give it, so I have to use other methods. "

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm ready for money, and my daughter?"

"Your daughter is really very cute. She hasn't even cried so far. Of course, she is very good. Would you like to hear her voice?" Alex immediately confirmed the request, but the kidnapper seemed to be joking with him. "I'm just kidding. You can't do anything until you see the money."

"Damn ..., how can I give you money? You say somewhere!"

"Mr. Alex, then I will trouble you next. Before nine o'clock in the evening, it is not John ’s way to the end. We are waiting for you at John's Farm! I hope you will be on time and bring what I want. "

The phone was then hung up. Alex pouted and looked at Ed. Ed immediately took the man one step ahead. He was also a bit grateful. John Farm was on the outskirts of the city, where there were few people, even if there was a gun battle. It won't attract anyone.

There is actually a little joke inside. Mr. John is the farmer of John Farm. Of course he is dead. He is a rich farmer who likes to show off. In the past, he planned to make the city by donating money to build roads. Keeping his name, the nobles of the time also agreed to his request. The road was soon repaired, but John was almost frustrated when the noble announced the name of the road.

The way the kidnapper said on the phone just now-not John's way.

In fact, if Mr. John knows that the world has experienced so many things in the kingdom of heaven, his "not John's way" still exists, and if his story with the nobility has been circulating, perhaps he should be satisfied, at least this People in the city will remember him and his stories. When children ask the origin of this road because of curiosity, his name and story will continue to pass.

After everyone left the villa, only the servant's room in the whole villa was still lit, without any anger.

In a villa across the street from the community, Du Lin lowered the curtains. He sat on the sofa with a cigarette and glanced at Dufo who was looking at the tape and the presidents of the five club members. He couldn't help complaining. "You've seen this thing three times. This is the fourth time. What's so good about it?"

Dufo looked at it and thought about it very seriously, "I think it's pretty good."

Du Lin nodded. "You won, I'll go and see our Princess."

In fact, they are only one community road away from Alex's house, which adds up to less than twenty meters. But these twenty meters are absolutely natural for Alex and his people.

Du Lin pushed open the door of the innermost room on the second floor. A girl was tied tightly to a chair. She looked at Du Lin with fluttering eyes, but there was not much fear.

"Is my father here?" She asked.

Du Lin shook his head. "Sorry, they're gone."

The girl's face looked disappointed, and she sighed, "In fact, if you have any requirements, you can not use such extreme means, there will always be a solution, right?"

Du Lin thought for a while and couldn't help laughing ~ ~ You have a good teacher and a wide range of insights, but you certainly don't know that theory and reality are difficult to combine. Solution? Do you think there can be other solutions to our request? Can you borrow money from your father? Will he give us? Alright girl, keep your little smart, don't shout, then you can go home safely. "

Du Lin smiled and closed the door, then opened the next room. The owner's family of four were tied into a ham and arranged on the bed neatly. Their mouths were blocked because they were even clever. nothing.

After reconfirming that the ropes of these people were not loose, and there was nothing to help them escape, Du Lin said good night and turned off the lights in the room.

He just borrowed this house, and when things were over, he would leave quietly without hurting these people.

The kidnapping of Alex's daughter is the only way to pull Ed out of the army base. If this is not the case and Ed does not come out of the military base, Doolin will have no way to send him to see his father. . Fortunately, this guy still talks about brotherhood to Alex, not only came out, but also brought some people.

Tonight is destined to be a day without results.

Ed and Alex turned John Farm over to the bottom. They couldn't find his daughter and the kidnappers. They immediately realized that they had been deceived. When they returned, it was already late at night. Under the condition of sleepiness, they were very Quickly entered the dream.

Until there was some burnt smell that woke them up.

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