Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 447: Listing

Early in the morning, Du Lin smiled at the station and greeted several guests from the imperial capital to the newly built city hall. These people came to license Du Lin, the special zone card. With such a plaque, the city of Otis can draw a boundary with other cities, including Harry. In the strict sense, he can't control Doolin.

Otis City, like the three pearls on the East Coast, began to implement high-degree of self-management, but it is different. Du Lin is only responsible to the cabinet and is no longer managed by the state government, but the state government has the power to supervise.

"Three trips are hard, do you want to take a break before discussing the listing?" In fact, the distance from Emperor to Otis is less than two hundred kilometers. The so-called trip hardsense is just saying so, it seems to respect each other. Pay attention to each other. If it is possible to get tired a few months ago, after all, the speed of the whole car is not very fast, and the time of about five hours is really boring.

However, after the first-class cabin is used, this problem does not exist. If you want to sleep, you can sleep. You don't want to sleep. You can push the door of the small room together and chat with people around you.

Du Lin just said so habitually, one of the three women took it in one bite, "Okay, then we take a break." She said she stood up and asked Natalie to take her to rest. local. Du Lin glanced at the woman, smiled and said nothing. At this point, there are not many people who don't understand what is true or false. Either she came to Otis with emotion, even to find trouble, or she slept all the way to a senior official of the empire, which is not impossible.

It is said that a secretary of the Cabinet Secretariat just slept several opponents along the way, before conquering a senior party in the New Party and taking the post.

Du Lin looked back and said with a smile: "We set up the city hall on time at ten o'clock. I wonder if the two have other suggestions?"

The other two men smiled with enthusiasm. "No, Mr. Mayor, you decide. We are just to give a testimony, don't care about us." Their enthusiasm made Du Lin more certain that the woman seemed emotional .

According to the usual practice, Du Lin provided a "native product". In fact, it was a small box containing two rolls of cash, which was covered with some dried fruit only in Otis city. This kind of fruit is sour and astringent, and it is not delicious at all, but there are always some people who believe that eating this kind of fruit can keep them away from disease and also pay for it. This kind of thing can only make iced tea in Otis, and it is only useful in summer.

"Then it will be hard for two people, and then some Otis specialty products will be brought back to the two people, please take it away."

The two laughed even more happily. Didn't the purpose of fighting over a business trip be to gain a little benefit? Moreover, they have a clear positioning for themselves. No matter they are within the party ranks or outside party positions, they cannot be higher than Du Lin. It is not as fun as asking for help, but it is better for everyone to make money. In addition, the rumors of Du Lin are not very good, they do not dare to stand on Du Lin.

Before these people came, Du Lin set the time at ten o'clock, and his invitations were all sent out. How could it be delayed?

At nine o'clock, Harry also rushed to the scene with two "Members of Parliament". These two are definitely going to participate at such an important historical moment. This is an intangible political capital that can sometimes work wonders.

"Isn't it three people?" Harry glanced at the city hall sign hung with red silk and asked in a low voice.

Du Lin nodded her head to the person who came to the show, smiled, and opened her lips slightly. "There is also a woman, I'm just being polite. She is serious, and she should be resting now."

Harry smiled and shook his head. In fact, he knew more about the things of the Imperial City than Du Lin. Who knew that it was the eldest daughter of the family, and the elders wanted to put her in politics, so there would be some emotions.

The female politician's path to politics is not easy to take, not only needs someone behind, but also someone on the body. Generally, this person is born through marriage. It ’s inevitable to have a little temper for a job you do n’t like for the so-called family glory, and to marry someone you do n’t like.

The listing ceremony was very successful. As Du Lin tore off the red silk, a black plaque with gold characters on a black background was hung outside the gate of the city hall. Du Lin couldn't help but touch the engraved gold characters, Harry asked jokingly, "Would you not want to take this gold home?", The group laughed well, most of them People have a little bit of what kind of industry Du Lin has, of course, knowing that this is just a joke.

Du Lin retracted his hand and shrugged. "As a mayor of Otis, I'm actually very ashamed, because there are still many ideas currently staying in the planning stage. The main reason is because of lack of startup funds. The words are really gold, I do n’t mind melting them out and investing in the construction of the city of Otis! ”He looked at the guests who came to the ceremony, his expression gradually became serious,“ This The city from scratch is not only the credit of me alone, but also of everyone here. "

"Without your bold investment and your help to Otis, this city would not be as vibrant as it is now. Believe me, and believe this city, it will definitely bring you The generous returns will also make the residents here, the people who work here, and the people looking for business opportunities here receive unexpected returns! "

"Thank you, thank you for being able to attend today's city hall listing ceremony. Someone will send a small souvenir later, thank you again!"

Du Lin bowed slightly to make the scene more lively and the atmosphere more harmonious.

Harry standing behind Du Lin hung his politician ’s exclusive friendly smile, tilted his head and said Donald: "You have to learn something. If nothing unexpected happens, Du Lin will nominate you to become this city after leaving office. Mayor, during this time you need to learn how to manage a city and how to make the city run healthy. ", Said he looked to the other side," You, too, Hagson. Although we belong Depending on the camp, what I said to Donald is just as useful to you. I believe that after these years, they will arrange a new job for you, and then it will be the time to truly test a manager's ability to govern. "

"If you don't want to be a joke, learn from Durindo. This is a rare opportunity. You are all your peers and you should have something to say."

This is what his mouth says, but Harry thinks that the two guys and Dulin may not be able to mix together. Dulin really looks like a young man from the outside, and his body also exudes a special taste of youth, but he In his bones, I am also a man of seventy and eighty. He is like an old politician who has been soaked for a long time. He has an insight into the situation and a means of directing people's hearts. If these two "little guys" are stabbed under Du Lin, I am afraid Can't please it.

Compared to Donald nodded earnestly, Hagson just smiled and perfunctory.

There are people behind him. Sometimes he really needs to be envious of this kind of reborn guy. From the moment of birth, he doesn't need to worry about anything. Even for political things, there are enough grandpas and uncles in the family to ask him for advice. . Coupled with the smooth sailing of these years, I suddenly discovered that a guy younger than himself had become the mayor, and somehow was uncomfortable.

It's like a child holding an ice cream with a big fist and thinking that they have mastered the world. They will not have a thought of drafting until they see a bigger and more spectacular ice cream.

Du Lin said a few more words, and then the staff began to distribute souvenirs inside the red line. The so-called souvenirs are a miniature metal model of the city hall, and the surface is plated with gold. To say how valuable it is, in fact it is more than one hundred dollars, and guests invited by Du Lin in the red line can afford it. But it is worthless and not necessarily the case, this thing itself represents a historical witness ~ ~ may have a higher value someday.

It was almost noon that the woman from the imperial capital who was in need of rest only appeared in front of Du Lin. She drew the corners of her eyes. She wanted to ask Du Lin why she didn't call her, but she faced the young mayor. Even if she doesn't understand any more, she knows that this is not something she can shame. She squeezed a smile, apologized slightly for her actions, and then turned and left with her companions.

Du Lin didn't have too many eyes to stay on her, just a woman who couldn't tell the weight, is there still such a woman?

The new city hall, the new office, sitting in the office with the cold circulation system added to the wall, the whole person was completely relaxed. The heat outside the house could no longer be irritating. He took a sigh of relief, picked up the first document on the table, and read it carefully.

The huge election has finally begun. According to the voting qualifications currently exercised, each community can elect 45 percent of the residents to participate in the voting. This is a number obtained after screening out children and elderly people. As for It is another matter who gets this conclusion in exactly how.

At the same time, the George family announced that it was carrying out the tape business and released the first version of the first set of tapes, which had a limited time price of only 19 yuan and 9 yuan.

Because Nasa took over the Empire Star Media company, the George family also quickly gained a lot of inspiration and experience from the existing mechanism of Doolin, so they could be released three months earlier than originally expected. .

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