Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 454: Chaoyi [1]

What went wrong so that the high-level decree could not be implemented and completely implemented?

In fact, Margs did not say that all the politicians present were very clear-interests.

The transmission of benefits caused some artificial obstacles in the process of implementing the decree from the high level. When Magus requested the full implementation of the prohibition order, the owner of an unlicensed brewery spent a little money to find Got his relatives. His relatives looked at the money and found him a local official in charge of this. The official had to give the winery a green light under the double embarrassment of human feelings and interests.

Turning on the green light requires capital, control costs and labor costs. This cost must not be paid by the entangled official himself, so he would recommend this one to the upper level. For the upper-level characters, it is impossible to affect their fart. Their involvement and non-intervention will not have any negative effects, but intervention will bring considerable benefits. After weighing, they will Put your money in your pocket and open an umbrella to shield the ants under your feet from the holy light that can burn paramecium.

At this time, two things will happen. In the first case, Paramecium fears that one day this umbrella may not be able to block the Holy Light and make them the nourishment of the earth, so they encourage the upper characters to change to a larger umbrella. To this end, they are willing to provide more benefits, and even take the initiative to open the way for the upper-level person in exchange for their protection. So the upper-level figure changed to a larger umbrella. Under the umbrella were not only those crazy dogs who had evolved from his feet, but also others.

In the second case, in the face of the increasing number and benefits of these benefit carriers, the ambition began to swell, and he was no longer satisfied to support the umbrella himself, so he began to actively contact more people to support the umbrella together, and Form a network, a complete network of benefits delivery, in exchange for their greatest value.

In either case, in the end, because of the interests, the decree cannot be implemented at the grassroots level. Far away, not to mention, just in the imperial capital, there are more than 30 bars that have not obtained a liquor license are selling spirits in a fair manner. Even for those bars that have obtained a liquor license, it is likely that the liquor license in their hands was not obtained before the first prohibition was issued, but obtained illegally through various methods.

Who caused this?

There is no doubt that it is the city hall of the imperial capital and the management of the city. Maybe their original idea was not to get more money in this way. Maybe they just wanted to make their political career a little better. They wanted to have a few more decent clothes so that their wives could buy one more. Necklaces give children more toys.

When a politician is actually not easy, the daily exchanges will dwarf their salaries. That meager salary simply cannot support the daily expenses of a politician working in the imperial capital. At this point, Magus knew, Bowers knew, all politicians knew. So Magus didn't point this out, and under the mad plunder of the old party, it would not be a big deal to collect a small amount of political contributions from others.

An umbrella, a network of relationships, and finally a huge network of chapters to prevent high-level government orders from landing, then this topic returns to the original point. What is the problem?

No one answered this question after Magus raised it, not because he couldn't answer it, but because he couldn't answer it.

He caught the weakness of these people in one sentence because they were different.

The difference is that politicians of aristocratic origin and businessman origin do not need to consider the issue of "bribery" and "acceptance of bribes" at all, such as Magus himself, who is himself a noble origin. Before setting up a new party and usurping power, he owned hundreds of thousands of acres of land and lived more than 200,000 people in his territory. The property he owned was enough to form a huge business group. Even if you give him a million, in his opinion, it may be the normal household expenses in the past three or five months, he simply cannot be tempted.

On the contrary, these civilian-born politicians are the ones who need to take bribes, and the first ones to be captured by capitalists waving their banknotes-they are short of money.

"Back to our topic, the killings we see are positive for us and for this society. At least we know that during this half month, a large number of criminals have returned to **** instead of continuing It should be a good thing, not a bad thing, to poison this empire and our people. Also, I would like to ask you, has anyone called the police? Has anyone marched for this? "

He smiled and shook his head. "No!"

"Gentlemen, this is a very special period, a process in which no exit has been found during the transformation. We reserve the right to sue for their actions, but we first stand by and calmly watch what they do.", Magus began to guide these people, instilling his own ideas, "They are a knife that helps us eliminate some of our temporarily helpless evils. When they lose control and become evil, it is our turn to eliminate them."

"As for Mr. Du Lin's approach, I only represent my personal opinion as a positive attitude. Moreover, he has not instructed anyone to do anything, everything is spontaneous under the temptation of capital interests."

"Also, Mr. Du Lin talked to me two days ago about how to prove that imperial citizens are imperial citizens. Through our chats and discussions, I realized that there are some in our country that we did not expect Nowhere to see. Mr. Du Lin asked me a question, how to prove that an imperial citizen is a true imperial citizen. I admit that I am caught in a loop that cannot be got out of. "

"I told him that only the relatives and friends of this citizen need to provide proof to prove that the imperial citizen is an imperial citizen. But then I realized another problem, how to prove that his relatives and friends are also imperial citizens. Continuing as I think, this question may never be answered, because the answer is too frightening. Then Mr. Du Lin told me his idea, that is, to issue a certificate to the citizens of the empire to prove their identity. . "

After he finished speaking, he closed his mouth and raised a cup of tea. The release of the news required everyone to have a process of acceptance. In the past, Magus, like many nobles, had nourished many slaves. These slaves do not need to give them any salary, they just need to make them hungry, and they will keep working until they can't move. He will attach a chain to each slave, with a small metal card on the chain, which indicates the slave's name and owner, and the serial number registered with the Slave Authority.

Now, if identity certificates are issued to imperial citizens, will it cause resentment from some people and cause a tsunami of public opinion?

He didn't know it himself. After all, this kind of thing is a little difficult, but it also has many benefits. The basis of a country is its citizens. Statistics and registration of these citizens will be very convenient. In particular, Du Lin proposed the establishment of a complete archive, Magus felt very necessary.

From the moment a person is born, his life trajectory will be reflected in a document. He has done good things and bad things at a glance. When one day he has a certain value to the society, people can read from that file whether his current social value is real or unreal. It can also be a deterrent to potential criminals.

When they intend to commit a crime, they should know that if they are arrested for the crime, this stain will accompany them throughout their lives. They will find it hard to find high-paying jobs. There will be no daughters from legitimate families willing to associate with them. Even some citizens have no power. Increasing the cost of crime is one of the best ways to reduce crime. He talked with Du Lin a lot, so he just threw this idea at today's meeting ~ ~ Soon the conference hall was caught in In the heat of discussion, I am afraid that this will be the main work for the next time, in addition to the votes.

Du Lin didn't know that some people wanted to fight themselves in a way he couldn't think of, and even less that Magus was more active than him to promote this thing. In the whole thing, he just did some simple work, and then added The above is just the vision for the future of these jobs.

Magus told him that the city of Otis can establish the identity system first, and if it can't find too many problems, it will find a way to promote the society.

The resistance that may be in the eyes of Doolin and Magus is not reflected in the city of Otis. The labor certificate is a good way for everyone to accept new things. Even some non-workers want to join the workers' union to obtain a labor certificate. After all, with this thing, there is one more dollar a month anyway.

A dollar may be unwilling for those businessmen and capitalists to bend over to pick it up, but for the average working class, this is three or even four days of food. And I heard that the Workers ’Union has formulated a“ working age ”system. Working classes with more than two years of service will increase their working age by one year each year. At the same time, they can also obtain additional subsidies from the Workers’ Union based on their working age. There is a six-point subsidy for working age, and ten years is sixty!

If I worked for two or three decades, wouldn't I be able to add one or two yuan a month?

As for when it can be implemented ..., it may take some time.

Years, or ten years.

But early registration is definitely right!

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