Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 456: Fool [3] "Border Explorer on Demand + 12"

The old nobles in the north are a force to be reckoned with. Although these nobles have now lost their title, their social class has never changed. They just lost control of their territory and lost their lives to kill ordinary people, but economically and politically, they are still nobles of the past.

The silver and gold stamp on this document belongs to the Anthem family and should now be called Anthem Consortium.

This family is said to have existed for a long time. Their ancestors were not imperial nobles, but priests. As for why a priest would become a nobleman, according to the Anthem family, their ancestors cured an acute disease that erupted from the emperor . In order to thank this priest for his outstanding contribution to the empire, His Majesty the Emperor seized this priest to become an empire noble.

This is the origin of the Anthem family, which has continued from the time of becoming aristocracy to today, and the wealth and connections accumulated over hundreds of years are enough for them to have great power. If it wasn't for the successful usurpation of power by Magus and overthrowing the decaying old rule, perhaps they would not need to "instruct" Dulin and order Dulin to give up a gambling card.

This is a troublesome thing. The trouble is not that the other party has strong financial resources, but the relationship that they have in their hands. Once Doolin decides to reject their request, they may find Harry's head, or even Magus' head, to put pressure on themselves.

As some people have said, nobles are always nobles and always wear a pair of pants.

He was a bit annoyed by putting down the documents. It is absolutely impossible to want a complete gambling card. The gambling card and the rules he has formulated for the city are fundamental to maintaining his interests and to maintain the city to follow his planned route. There is absolutely no compromise at all. And some things are not because the specific content cannot be compromised, but for the stand, for their own dignity and majesty.

If today's opponent is a veteran aristocrat from the north, he has compromised, so what will others think of him? Maybe he thinks that Du Lin is actually a bully and a tough guy. He can rightly reject the demands of the capitalists, and also says that there is no possibility of a wholly-owned casino. When he turns around, he gives up the gambling cards to the hymn, which will make him Gap with all supporters.

Maybe tomorrow, another large consortium will come here to ask for a gambling card, and other consortiums will appear the day after tomorrow. In the end, he will not only lose face, but his reputation will be wiped out.

So in any case, you must grit your teeth and hold on.

Of course, the situation is not bad to that extent, he is just making his worst plan. With the plan that he and Magus and others agreed, Magus will not move him until they are fully realized. Give him too much pressure.

If the other party is willing to follow the rules, he does not mind accommodating a loud name into the core circle of Otis. But if the other party does not plan to follow the rules, he will also teach the other party how to be a person.

Letting go of the document for a while, he suddenly looked up and saw Dove standing on the side, "You can find a press officer for us, as soon as possible!" After watching Dove leave the office to execute his order, Du Lin opened it. The second document. This is a plan for the urban public transport route. The public transport operating company needs the mayor's final signature to be able to determine the route thoroughly ...

At this point, outside the window behind Doolin, at the corner of the street, Hagerson was sitting in a restaurant while being interviewed by Alice. For Hagerson, having a delicious free breakfast in the morning, and a pleasant beauty on the side, is definitely a pleasant morning.

"What do you think is the most unique place in this city?" Alice's eyes glowed with satisfaction. Obviously, this young man was much better than Mayor Doolin. Under her guidance, this young man The staff has begun to cooperate with her ideas. Although she feels that the temperament of this guy is a little different from the average person, she has been ignored during the interview with great news value.

She still needs to guide her so that this young person can keep up with her "rhythm" and say what she needs. "I heard that many people in the north and north of the empire regard this as a new paradise, is that so?"

Huggson nodded, holding the cup ears, "It is true. There are many opportunities here. Whether a worker or a businessman, you can find the possibility to realize your dream here. Empire dreams and Not far away, right by our side, as long as you are willing to reach out, you may touch it! ", Hagerson smiled, put the tea cup into the saucer, and squeezed some wet lips," This is and The biggest difference elsewhere is that anyone can find opportunities and hope here. "

Alice's gaze was a little bewildered as Hagerson's voice receded. She thought that this young man would say something explosive, but he didn't expect him to say such an official statement, which made her a little skeptical. Was it the wrong guide, or was this guy's brain washed out?

She laughed and continued to ask, "I heard news that I didn't know where it came from. It is said that the mayor of this city is serving as an umbrella for some illegal businesses. It is because of this behavior that they have Will invest more here, right? "

Hugson showed some surprised expressions, "God is above, I don't know where you heard these terrible rumors, but I think with Miss I, your IQ, you should be able to understand the truth of these rumors. This is simply impossible. As I said just now, people invest here because it is full of unprecedented potential and hope. As for the illegal businesses you mentioned, there is no such thing at all. "

does not exist?

Alice herself was a little confused. She had already spoken very carefully, and even said a few things she shouldn't say, but depending on the other party's reaction ... Is there something wrong with my information collection?

At this point, Alice's mind was a little confused. She decided to ignore the words of the guy named Hagson, pick up the book for the record, turn a few pages, find some exciting topics, and then asked: "I have seen Several reports have also learned some facts. Mayor Du Lin had instructed the head of the police station, Haight, to kill some innocent citizens in the lobby of the Imperial Bank. What do you think of this? "

Haggson smiled and shook his head. "Ma'am, I think there is a big problem with your interview position. First of all, I must tell you that slandering an ordinary person makes fake news, and slandering a city's mayor to make a series of fakes. News, the legal rulings are different. The former you may only need to compensate for some loss of reputation, but the latter you may face prison. "

"I did not come to Otis at the time of the incident, but I have a more real understanding of the matter. It is said that some deported citizens at that time clashed with Hait, the police chief, and attempted to seize the handgun of Hait. And attacked him. After the warning was invalid, the police officers around Director Hite shot the thugs in order to protect the pistol from being taken away and the security of Director Hite. "His expression on the face was serious and long gone. A previous smile, "The wounded died unfortunately on the way to Nami Lindes due to excessive blood loss, and returned to the embrace of God. As for what you have heard, it is just rumors."

"But ..." Alice reluctantly wanted to continue the "interview", but Hagson did not give her the opportunity.

He picked up the napkin and touched his lips, and then stood up, very politely owed, "Thank you very much, Madam, for your generous hospitality, my time for work is up. You should know that as a member of the City Hall, we have strict In order to avoid being troubled by my boss, I had to take a step first! "He glanced at the watch on his wrist, and the bright diamond reflected the blinding light in the sunlight.

"The coffee is very pure and the muffins are delicious, goodbye!"

Looking at the back of Hagson's departure, Alice suddenly felt that she had made a mistake. When she came back, the waiter was smiling and stood aside with the bill. "Dear Madam, Are you paying by cash or check? "

Looking at the dazzling numbers on the bill, Alice had a desire to be crazy ~ ~ She flipped through her handbag and patted the last few coins and a five-dollar note on the table, angrily Stood up and walked towards the door. After taking two steps, I came back, picked up the coffee and untouched muffins on the table, gorged and drank, and stared at the waiter before leaving quickly.

This is over, and the tolls for going back are gone!

Donald was a little weird when he met Hagson at the gate of the town hall. The smile on this guy's face was kind of ... like a thief stealing the joy of valuables, he couldn't help leaning in and asked, " What's so happy? "Since the two" relaxed "together that night, the relationship immediately became much more harmonious.

Huggson glanced back at the restaurant in the distance, shrugged his shoulders, "I hit a fool!" And couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, Alice seemed to him to be a fool. Although Hagson had his own arrogance, he also had a look of arrogance to ordinary people, but after all he was of noble origin, and he was of noble origin. He knew exactly when to say what.

He can say bad things about Du Lin, and then bear the consequences, which may cause problems for the family's plan for him.

He can also, as before, not say good things about Du Lin, but don't say bad things about Du Lin.

Even if he does not agree with Du Lin, the struggle should not be expanded.

This is the essence.

Political literacy, which is generated by a series of factors such as identity, status, family, and environment, makes it difficult for ordinary people.

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