Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 463: Sin [2]

Alice was shaking with excitement while standing outside the town hall with her notebook for interviews. There was a faint feeling of urination that made her very uncomfortable. Such an opportunity will only happen once in more than a decade or even decades. If she gets an exclusive interview and photos, she will not know how high her reputation will be. Maybe the **** who wanted to take advantage of her would ask her to let her go back.

Yes, Alice's first job as a journalist was in the George family's special agency, and that was her first job. When she first entered the Special Features Agency, she was shocked by the "greatness" of the Special Features Agency. It was difficult for her to imagine that the entire empire and even other countries were using Special Features' press releases and paid more or less for this. Especially after working for a while, she gradually found that the newspaper industry of the entire empire was almost monopolized by the Georges, and she had a sense of superiority that was beyond description.

Feeling happy as a reporter for a special feature agency, feeling unparalleled honor.

But soon she was faced with a question about how to stay in a special feature agency. Every year, a large number of intern reporters write free press releases or take news photos for special features agencies, but they can stay in special features agencies as few as a pinch of hair on cattle. The huge pressure of competition and the pressure to lose her job forced her to ask the "senior" who took her to find the news. The senior smiled and told her that as long as she was willing to let go of her dignity, the special agency would have her place.

What is meant by letting down dignity is nothing more than maintaining a pure relationship with a few daily heads of personnel and administration, not talking about feelings and money.

how can that be?

The words of the seniors made Alice feel sick and she went to find someone else, but the reality was so cruel. Every year, journalists who receive a journalism award are proud to join the special feature agency, which only needs the most outstanding group of journalists. They never train young journalists, they plunder the best resources of the entire journalist industry.

A level like Alice has more than less than enough, and is not even qualified to enter the big list of annual selection. If she doesn't abandon something, why mix into a special feature agency? Just because the press release she wrote couldn't sell but had a beautiful face?

So she became a reporter, left the special agency, and left the capital. She once thought that with her talent, she would soon be able to emerge in the journalism industry and become a star of tomorrow.

In her long job, she gradually realized that she wanted to become famous and want to become a leader, and she couldn't rely on her alone.

The Special Features Agency has the largest empire's largest news resource database and network of relationships. The characters she can't interview can be interviewed by Special Features Agency reporters. At high-level conferences where she can't get in, journalists from special features agencies can go in. There are very few things in this world that make it difficult for a special feature agency, but it can hold her back.

Fortunately, she has a delicate face that gives her a unique advantage in the process. Occasionally, she will encounter some kind people to interview her, so she has room for survival.

The more things you can't get, the more you want to prove that you can have it, but dismiss it.

Now, an unprecedented opportunity has come, in front of her, as long as she can interview Du Lin, she will definitely be famous. Regardless of who those people are and why they are assassinating Doolin, the political influence of the assassination will be more explosive than ordinary reports. As long as people want to know more details, she will subscribe to her news, and her identity and status will rise.

To become a famous journalist, many man-made difficulties are no longer a problem. This is the most precious opportunity in her life, and she must hold fast.

The thought of peeing even more when she thought that she would be standing on the highest hall to accept the news awards given to her by the big men.

As soon as the policeman who stopped her appeared, she turned her attention and greeted her. "Will the mayor be willing to give me an interview?" She smiled and leaned forward slightly, revealing what was hidden in her body. The Mariana Trench also cast a wink. The young policeman like her has dealt with it a lot, this is the best way to use it.

Then she saw the little policeman raising her arms and pointing at her, and said to the people around her, "It's her!"

She hadn't responded yet, and several people in dark clothes and sunglasses also came over. She didn't know what happened, but she knew what might happen if she didn't leave. The moment she turned to prepare to run away, there were already two men in black standing behind her, forcing her to turn around.

Hite looked at her, and took out the handcuffs hung on his waist, "Ms. Alice, you were arrested for assassinating the mayor of Otis ..."

With a buzz, Alice's mind went blank!

"Why grab that woman?" Dove simply bandaged the wound for Du Lin, and the bullet was found in Du Lin's sleeve. Fortunately, this shot was hit on his arm. If it was hit on his body, I am afraid he can only lie down now. But even so, the bullet penetrated the arm of Du Lin's arm, leaving a 25-cent coin-sized breach on the back, and the flesh came out.

These injuries need to go to Nami Lindes to be treated. Buck's **** and Edward have been out for almost a month, but there is no news at all.

Du Lin snorted, "This is an unexpected assassination for us and everyone, but it is a premeditated and planned task for the killer. I don't believe any sudden The incident happened by accident, so coincidentally when I was assassinated, this reporter appeared on the scene and now comes to interview me. So whether she is innocent or not, first arrest her and interrogate it. Know if she is guilty. "

It was at this moment that Haight walked back, Du Lin turned around and gave another command, "I remember she had a young man who was on duty and took pictures of her and found him. They were a group."

Soon after the news of Doulin's assassination spread, Harry frowned in the luxurious office. Indeed, Du Lin's refutation of his face made him embarrassed, and there was a gap between each other, but Solo did too much. He can understand the idea of ​​Solow, and if the temptation cannot be completed, then intimidation is obviously the few options left. But Solow was mistaken. This is not the north, not their territory. They can find a way to cover up even the big things.

People will be curious about the forces who dare to start with a mayor. Some guys who feel full when they are satisfied may be pursuing the matter, and even the enemies of the Cape family will take the initiative to expose it. At that time, a vicious political incident in which the aristocratic consortium starts to deal with representatives of ethnic minorities will surface. What should be done, how can it be handled, and whether it will affect him?

If the Empire does not handle this assassination, it will chill many people and there may be social unrest. But to deal with this and related people, the Cape family and the Anthem Consortium will not stand still. It is also a storm.

Why is this stupid so stupid?

Harry stomped, turned back to his desk, sat down, and lifted the phone.

On the second day of the incident, while Du Lin had come out of the operating room and was lying in bed to recuperate, a gang called "Freedom Front" suddenly announced responsibility. They claimed that Dorian was assassinated because Doolin had a firm grip on smuggling channels on the East Coast, monopolized the East Coast's smuggling trade channels on wine, and forced many gangs who profited from alcohol and smuggling to be disbanded. The assassination was also suspected to be related to Doolin.

The strange situation seemed to be clear at once. Magus immediately asked the local army and navy to arrest these killers who dare to assassinate important officials of the empire ~ ~ We must know that Du Lin is still in his hands. Hundreds of millions, in case Du Lin really died, who would they cry for? In addition, Magus admired the dagger that stabbed capital forces in Otis, so his anger was extremely fierce.

There is a statement from the current Prime Minister of the Imperial Cabinet that members of this gang called the "Free Front" have been arrested ashore, with less than 20 people in total. At the police station, in the presence of many journalists from home and abroad, they explained to the entire world the reason for the assassination of Dulin and the detailed assassination process, and acknowledged that this case was done by them. Doolin did not give them a way to live , They will not give Du Lin a way to live.

A shocked case of the assassination of the mayor at home and abroad seems to be coming to an end. The remedial measures of the Cape family are in place, and many people think this is the truth.

But some people think that this is just a smoke bomb.

"I'm going to be discharged ..." When the doctor checked the room, he saw that Du Lin was changing clothes and immediately stopped his move. It would take at least fifteen days after the operation to leave the hospital. Complete healing is not to know the condition of the wounded anytime, anywhere, it is purely for the cost of a high-level intensive care unit for thirty dollars a day.

Before the doctor had time to say anything, someone pressed his chest against him, preventing him from approaching Doolin.

Du Lin glanced at him, "I'm not talking to you, I'm just telling you." He lifted his neck, and Dove carefully wore a collar for him, and then helped him dress it in a smooth way. Take a step towards the outside of the ward.

The man in black pushed the doctor into the toilet. Under the arch guards of many people, Du Lin walked out of the hospital.

"I'm going to the East Coast. I have to meet these people ..."

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