Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Disgusting [two]

The new city hall has a huge conference room. Businessmen who invested in Otis were invited to this meeting by Du Lin. Those who could not come also sent representatives to participate. Some of them are serious businessmen, and more of them have never done anything legal. But these people are now dressed up in expensive formal clothes, sitting in the conference room and talking like a successful person.

This may be the reason why they are in awe of Du Lin. The aspect of fear need not be said. Du Lin itself is very legendary, and admiration is the benefit brought to them by Du Lin. The current city of Otis and the city of Otis six months ago are completely two cities. The dilapidated past has been covered by newly built high-rise buildings, and almost no old buildings can be seen in the middle of the city. This is a brand new city, a city of wonders.

Their investment here has not yet entered into operation, they have recovered their investment and multiplied the increase-land prices, house prices.

So they were in awe of Du Lin, of the speed with which he made money, and of his fierce means.

At the moment when the time was pointing at two o'clock, the entire conference room was quiet. Du Lin told them to have a meeting at two o'clock. They didn't have the slightest desire to stand up and look for Du Lin, they closed their mouths and sat quietly. Some people who don't understand clearly close their mouths seriously, they can only close their mouths.

Ten minutes later, Du Lin pushed in. He apologized for being late and greeted everyone. He just got a call just now and arranged a little things, so he was late.

"Today everyone came because our seven casinos have been completed, and at the latest one month, the city will welcome countless visitors who will leave the same countless money here and take it away. Happy. And this is what we have to do, and we must do well! ", Du Lin looked at the investors on the right, these are the biggest gang leaders on Nami Lindes "First, I don't allow anything that hurts tourists in this city, including deception, kidnapping, extortion, theft ... As long as you need to think about whether it hurts tourists, then it must not be Do it. "

"Second thing, I will allocate the equity of the seven casinos according to the proportion of your investment in Otis. The total holdings of each of you here will not exceed 5%. There is no restriction on trading, but before trading You must be notified to let me know what you are buying and who you are selling it to. You will have to pay for the construction of the casino and no other expenses will be incurred. "

As soon as Du Lin's words fell, some people showed remorse, and it could even be said as hate. What they hate is not Du Lin but themselves. If they invested a little more in the beginning, maybe they could get the upper limit, but it was 5 percent, but it was a no-buying deal! The ghost knew that Du Lin would actually use this method to distribute the power of the casino. The reason why some people did not invest as much as others was because they needed to leave more money to compete for the equity of the casino.

However, they made a mistake, and Du Lin did not deal with this part of the equity through auctions as before, which made their plan fail. Now all they want is that the investment amount of others and their investment amount will not be worse. Too much, only then can they get more equity.

"Third thing, I want all of you, to launch all your networks and connections, and to do everything in your power to promote the city of Otis in November, including everything you have here. We need to let the Empire know This is heaven, heaven on earth! "

"For this, I need you to pay an extra amount of money ...", when people heard Du Lin say this, they all froze. They thought that Du Lin was about to start spitting blood. In the next sentence, it made them a little unbelievable in their knowledge of Du Lin. "Because the railway in the east-west direction is under construction, I need you to buy a special car to pick up passengers who arrive near Otis for free."

"Not only in this city, but also in the surrounding area, there must be passenger coaches. The Imperial City also needs someone to publicize it. In short, I want the entire empire to know that Otis has begun business, and come here to see Hardly any money. "

After a few requests from Du Lin, some people suddenly realized that they were really getting rich.

There is no doubt that they have witnessed the city of Otis from scratch and know what it has. As long as the rich people in the pocket come here, they will never leave without spending their money.

Du Lin took a sip of cranberry water while holding a tea cup and continued: "One last thing, I will set up an Otis business group. If you are interested, you can add it."

The business group is also a countermeasure that came up after discussion between Du Lin and Magus. It is not used to fight against capital forces, but against the chamber of commerce. At present, the power and influence of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce are too great. Such an unofficial organization is carrying out the power that should be carried out by the government. This is a very dangerous behavior. Many people may think that some powers are far better controlled by the chamber of commerce than the official ones. This is a misunderstanding.

The government has strict standards. Although it can't be said that there will never be cases of malpractice for personal gain, it is definitely much less than that in the Chamber of Commerce. The existence of the old party and some people who want to step on others to climb up, the cost of selfish fraud is too high.

It's different in the general chamber of commerce. As long as it can afford the money, it has enough relations, and it is too simple to do something. The lack of power for effective oversight mechanisms does not bring hope, it only brings destruction.

So Du Lin thought of a way to differentiate.

To reduce the authority of the chamber of commerce with a regional business group, coupled with the cooperation of the city hall and the tilt of policies, as long as the businessmen in this area have no problems, they will join the business group. The business group accepts the official guidance of the empire and is obliged to contribute a certain amount of power to the empire's revival. It will also receive official recognition and convenience.

For example, when members of a trade group compete with a member of the chamber of commerce for a certain plot of land, the members of the trade group can definitely get benefits.

Such policy inclinations are particularly attractive to small and medium businessmen. Once these small and medium businessmen are used to the atmosphere of the business group and accept the official leadership, they can easily catch up with those who are not members of the business group under the policy tilt Big businessman. Under the siege of the chase, the chamber of commerce will soon be eaten away, and it will be swallowed up by the chamber of commerce.

When the Chamber of Commerce has become a thing of the past, the day when the Ministry of Commerce was established.

Regarding Du Lin's requirements and suggestions, the meeting lasted until the evening, and everyone left with a smile of satisfaction and excitement. This meeting may bring about a huge change for them.

Just this afternoon, one more thing happened.

After Mark personally called and invited, more than 70% of the newspaper directors in the field of the imperial newspaper industry rushed to the imperial capital. They wanted to gather together to discuss the establishment of a newspaper alliance. They are also very clear that now is the best time to defeat the George family, but not many people put this idea into action. There is nothing wrong with the George family being the "cancer" of the newspaper industry, but it is also the biggest "firewall" of the newspaper industry.

It is because of the existence of the George family that some small and micro newspapers can survive. These newspapers are particularly sensitive to changes in the market. Once the George family fell down and was finished, then followed by fierce market competition, the small and micro newspapers were annexed by the small and medium newspapers, and the small and medium newspapers were annexed by the large newspapers. Many people will lose their newspaper offices and job opportunities. They are very disgusted with the monopoly of the Georges on the newspaper industry, but they also get practical benefits as a result.

Without the George family, they would not get the latest daily news from all parts of the empire or even other countries.

Without the George family, disorderly and fierce market competition would cause many people to lose their jobs and businesses.

Without the George family ~ ~ there would be no rules that everyone follows.

From this perspective, the existence of the George family is actually a good thing for the Empire newspaper.

When Marco arrived at the scene to discuss the establishment of a newspaper alliance, a group of police and agents suddenly rushed into the venue and forcibly dispersed all the participants in the venue.

Mark walked angrily to the head of the imperial police station and asked him to explain the matter.

Although the George family seems to be going downhill in recent times, it is still not offending the chief of the police station. The chief of the police station had to laugh and patiently explained to Mark: "Someone called the police and said there was a hidden explosion Considering the safety of everyone's lives, the director of the General Police Investigation Bureau personally ordered us to evacuate everyone in this building and clean up every inch of possible explosives to ensure the safety of everyone's life and property. "

This truth is not just as simple as the past. Mark was silent for a while, and he had to say thank you. People are thinking about their life safety. If they blame each other in this way, obviously Mark does not even have the most basic ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

Originally, a meeting of extraordinary significance in Mark's mind turned into a farce. While letting people arrange the afternoon trips of these newspaper directors, he contacted other meeting places to fight for the meeting tomorrow.

The day before the newspaper alliance was established, he could stabilize the situation the day before.

I don't know why. He had a bad feeling in his heart. Someone seemed to be reluctant to let him establish this newspaper alliance. His guess was also proved in the evening. After layers of inspection, the officers and police officers of the General Police Investigation Bureau did not find any explosives, and someone reported a false alarm!

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