Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 490: Gift [three] "Z big names on demand + four"

It was not until late at night that Du Lin arranged everything. His villa was not small, and everyone could squeeze it.

Dufo was the last one to go. Before he left, he asked Du Lin a little curiously, why would Buck be added to their group? To know that Buck had not experienced any ups and downs with them, he was born with a kind of exclusion. Characteristics.

He was not Keena. Keena had undergone the postgraduate studies of Doolin and Dover, and even for Dover's affairs, they did not know what happened to Ordo. many.


Nothing at all.

Du Lin smiled and pouted for a while, "I told a lie, you listen to the truth, he wants to thank at least half of the blood in his body comes from the King." He patted Du Fu's shoulder, "Well, don't think about it, go to sleep!"

After sending Dufo back, Du Lin returned to his bedroom. Dufo's question and his answer were just a lie as he said.

Dove knows many things about him. In the strict sense, Dove and Doolin Group are an inseparable part. When he first arrived in Otis, he called Dove and urged her to hurry up. She had been hesitating, but finally came. If Dove wasn't willing to come over at that time, Du Lin would do something that could be terrible. Fortunately, she agreed, maybe she realized something herself, or for some other reason, she came.

The appearance of Buck allowed Doolin to use Dove more beyond the scope. For example, Dove now replaces Natalie's work, but Natalie can never replace Dove, which is essentially different. Buck was like the basis for Doolin's greater trust in Dove, and also the cornerstone of Dove's deep recognition. It is often said that using family members to threaten others is a very dirty, dirty and shameless trick, but this trick is a good thing to do!

Buck's initiative to want to be his own is very good, at least he will not let Du Lin ask, but Dove questioned, young people are very promising!

The sun just rose the next day, and the neon lights of Otis gradually turned off, but there were more people on the street, because today is the first weekend after Otis opened, for this reason carnivals are held in many places in Otis To celebrate this very special moment. The steam locomotive didn't stop last night, and the full passengers were brought here one after another. Even the steam locomotive driver sighed. All this changed too quickly.

On such a morning, although there were people on the increasingly deserted Nami Lindes Street, it was difficult to see the once magnificent scene.

Mr. Todd just got up from the bed, he walked lightly to the bathroom and started washing. His current wife is still his former wife. He knows how much humiliation and torture his wife has suffered for himself. He is ashamed of her, so he has not divorced since then.

But that's how it feels. He breads his mistress while his wife has a small white face to walk around.

After washing, Todd changed into a casual outfit and went into the study. Although it was a weekend, he had a lot to do as the mayor. He was just about to start working, even wearing reading glasses, and the phone ring on the table suddenly rang.

He glanced, then waited for a moment before speaking the phone.

Most people don't call him on non-working days, this is a courtesy, unless it is a very important thing or a personal matter.

When he got up, his brain had not started to turn. It took a buffer time to find out how to deal with a few problems in his heart, and then he called the phone. He is the mayor, and the mayor does not allow the possibility of helplessness.

"I'm Todd!" The voice was steady and powerful, and there was a hint of magnetism, which didn't sound like an old guy.

A young laughter soon rang in the earpiece, "Mayor Todd, good morning. I'm sorry to interrupt your break. In fact, this call should not have been me calling you, it should be you calling me Yes. But I waited for three days and couldn't wait for your call, so I had the liberty to call you. "

Todd frowned, flashing in his heart, blurting out, "Are you durin?"

Todd was uncomfortable with a refreshing laugh. His face was a bit ugly, but the words and his tone were like a happy person who could say, "Really you? Great, actually I also I want to contact you. The development of Otis is very unique and it is very worthwhile for me to learn. I am still thinking about when I can go to your side and look at some projects that Nano Lindes can also introduce. I did not expect you. Already called. "

"Mr. Todd, are you sure what you want is the same as what you are saying? If you have only these words to say, then I will hang up later. If you have anything else to say, please speak out, chance Only one time!"

Todd immediately realized that Durin might already know that he was the behind-the-scenes instructor. He wasn't surprised at all. The leaders of many powerful forces in Namindes have now become investors in Otis. Many of these people They dare to fangs with themselves, but they are meek like a little lamb in Otis. Todd wouldn't be surprised if they disclosed any news to Doolin. The only thing that made him a little bit confused is that since Doolin had discovered the problem long ago, why have he waited till now.

He said a little colder, "Mayor Du Lin, I don't understand what you said, maybe you made the wrong call?"

Du Lin's hearty laughter came again, "Okay, Mr. Todd, bye!"

Todd was a bit unclear, so he looked at the receiver in his hand, and then dialed the number of the base in Otis. "Dulin has anything unusual these days? Has he mobilized someone? The person from the police station No less, have any suspected soldiers visited him? "

The former secretary was so worried that he did n’t have any time to ask, and he answered Todd directly. None of the questions he asked were, "Dulin has to go to work very regularly every day. As for the manpower ... , Sir, I really do n’t know. The city of Otis is very large now, and there are people everywhere. I ca n’t find out who is Doolin's person and who is a traveler. As for the police station, it ’s not normal at present. There has been no significant increase or decrease in police presence and return. "

"The soldier you said, I haven't found it yet."

The news of the former secretary can be said to be good news, but the anxiety in Todd's heart is still increasing. He hummed, "Keep staring at them, tell me if there is any abnormality!", He hung up the phone and held his Looking at the street with no one outside the arm, he called Harry again and said that there might be a misunderstanding between Du Lin and him. If necessary, he hoped to invite Harry to be a middleman.

Todd didn't know. At the other end of the call just now, after the former secretary hung up the phone, he knelt down on the floor with his hands, sweat dripping down his hair, his head was like Being pressed into water. His body was trembling, his eyes panicked, and some tears appeared.

Less than ten centimeters away from his back of the head, there was a black hole in the gun hole, while the Buddha held the apple while pointing the gun at the guy.

In the city of Doolin, there is nothing here that Doolin didn't know, only he didn't want to know. Almost all investors have a relationship with him. He only needs a word, and the waiters in all places throughout the city will start to pay attention to Du Lin's requirements. Want to play Tibetan cats here?

It's hard!

"Continue to write, before I finish eating apples, I want to see a list that will allow me to make a difference." Du Fu took a sip of apples as he spoke. What will happen if you can't, you don't need to think about it.

The former secretary immediately lay down on the chair in front of him, and wrote out Todd's confidant information, including where they lived, what they did, and how to find them.

When Du Fu finished his last sip and threw the apple core into the trash can ~ ~ he asked, "Did you finish writing?"

The former secretary nodded. "It's finished."

"Who made the template? It is written, including the supplier of the materials, and anyone who provides technical guidance to you, can not miss one!"

"Yes ... yes, I will write now."

When Du Lin got this list, the former secretary's flowered head was packed into a very beautiful and precious gift box, and was on his way to Nami Lindes. No more than six hours, and Mr. Todd must be able to see it before dinner.

"Then ..." Du Lin lifted his wrist and glanced at his watch. "Began at five o'clock!"

This is like a normal weekend. The postman rode a bicycle to drive in the most luxurious villa area in Shangcheng District. The clean and beautiful environment gave him a feeling. Perhaps only the lucky ones kissed by God can have a chance at Buy a house here.

He stopped at the door of a slightly higher-level villa in the middle of the villa area. The villa number was "one", which housed the big man known by the entire Namindes, the mayor of the city.

He rang the bell with a gift box, and a young man quickly appeared in front of him, "What's the matter?"

The postman pointed to the gift box in his hand, "A ... box from Otis."

The young man glanced at the consignment note, signed his name, put the box in the yard, and then told Mr. Todd that someone sent him a box.

Mr. Todd didn't hesitate to have the box open in the yard, while he stood on the second-floor balcony.

When the delicate pink ribbon was pulled open, exposing a delicate box with red bottom and gold rim, the young man lifted it up, only to discover that the box was "pushed" open. His palm rested on the lid and he pushed forward slightly ...

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