Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 497: Flame [two]

The door was closed gently, but the last sound in John's heart seemed to blast a thunder, making him dizzy for a moment.

He quickly sat back in his chair, leaning at the table, panting with his head down and sulking. Drool dripped down the edge of his teeth, and suddenly he felt a bit out of control of his body. It felt fast, and he went very quickly. When he looked up again, he was horrified to find himself lying in the prison medical room.

The strange smell of alcohol was in the nasal cavity, and some nurses were walking around to check the physical condition of the prisoners on the bed.

Prisons can never be "peaceful" as one might think, here is a microcosm of society. From the perspective of the warden and the guards, these prisoners are just prisoners. But among the prisoners, there is a complete social pattern.

There are politicians and politicians. The gangs here are like parties, and their leaders are naturally leaders. They will sit together and discuss how to make the society in prison more beautiful, let everyone love it from the heart, take it as their home, and even make some rules that everyone must follow.

There are capitalists, those who have a way to get in from the outside, they will take the cigarette apart and sell a lot of banknotes by the root. A female poster in clothes rented out for one night was enough for them to find a skilled girl outside and have fun for three nights.

There are the middle class, the bottom of society, and the "law enforcement" who maintains internal order ... This is a miniature society, and what can be seen from the outside can be seen from here.

There will be conflicts where there are people. The conflicts inside are more **** and simpler than the conflicts outside. These wounded may be the losers of a conflict, or the tragic winners.

John moved his finger and tilted his head to ask the guy next to the bed today's date. The other side answered impatiently, and John realized that it was two days later. This time he was in a coma for two days, which made him feel a kind of fear, as if his body was gradually getting out of control, and God was slowly extending his arms to him.

He shook his body, barely allowed himself to sit up, and a nurse came over immediately.

Before the nurse said anything, he said, "I want to see Magus, and I will confess guilt, but I must see Magus, this is conditional."

Little nurses dare not delay this important information. Those who read the newspapers these days know what happened, they are working in prisons themselves, and they are also the first prison in the Empire. They have a certain sensitivity to politics. She immediately reported the matter to the warden of the Empire's First Prison, and after the news went through several departments, she turned to Magus.

Regarding the request of the old John, Magus agreed and he agreed with him. He and John were "old friends". They knew each other more than twenty years ago. At that time, John was so motivated that he "swallowed" other newspapers. Special Features Agency locked into Empire's largest supplier of press releases. After that, they will sometimes get in touch, often because there are important things to go to the news, or some news goes out of bounds.

Although he is not a good friend, his old friend is definitely old enough.

With a warrant from Mr. Magus, Mr. John saw him in a wheelchair that night.

Looking at Magus, who was very upright, even with his back straight, John could only sigh helplessly. Time is always the greatest enemy of intelligent creatures. Because I really love this world, I will hate time. But people hate time, but remember the years ...

"I will confess my guilt, in front of everyone. I will confess whatever guilt you intend to add to me." John knows the personality of Magus, and he will not tell you many useless things , And then use ambiguous words to give you an answer that you do n’t know if it is or not, “but I have a request, as long as you agree to me, the sale is closed.”

Magus sat opposite John, clasping his knees with his fingers in his hands, a look of careful listening.

"I want to amend my will ... and I hope someone will accompany me to hell!"

When he said this, Mr. John's tone showed Senlen's hatred. He narrowed his eyes twice, then rubbed his eyes, staring straight at Magus.

Magus tilted his head for a moment and thought, "No problem, but we need something to keep Mr. Arthur with you."

Mr. John held out his hand. "A deal!"

On Thursday, there was some news about Nami Lindes in the newspaper. There was already a new mayor taking over the place and a password was given. It is said that Todd did not die, but just left Nami Lindes to take office elsewhere. As for the shootout in the villa area, it was a rally between local gangs. To this end, the new mayor's joint police station and police investigation office launched a cleanup operation in Namindes.

Sometimes a lie is stupid to you, but many people also feel it is very true, especially a lie that is not related to their own vital interests. People are more willing to believe the official statement. Some people who have known the truth have been warned, and the whole city has restored the tranquility of the past. For this tranquility, more than 300 gang members were sent to the second prison of the imperial capital, and 39 of them will be executed publicly. .

Because they involved the murder of the chief of the police department in Nalindes, the reason was that the chief of the police department detained a batch of more than 200,000 worth of goods, and under the premise that he could not buy the winner of the "Empire Heroes" They had a very extreme revenge on the police chief and planned the murder.

It is not important what the truth is. People who can know the truth of this matter have been scared by Du Lin ’s wrist. People who do not know the truth are still living their happy and happy lives.

Some people are not necessarily happy.

It was also on Thursday, the same day, Arthur was wearing dark clothes and sitting in the first position on the left side of the first row of the church. He was wearing sunglasses and staring blankly at the priest preside over his brother's funeral. Mark was lying quietly in the crystal coffin, and he looked as if he had fallen asleep, and his face was very rosy. Listening to the priest's boring prayer, Arthur's mouth was drawn, not because he did not like the eulogy, but because he remembered the fact that he was about to take over the power of the family.

He controlled his smile, and at this time it was obviously a very excessive move.

Just need him to arrange two people to "discover" Mr. John hanging or commit suicide for some other reason, then everything belongs to him, this family, these industries, and decades of accumulation.

He glanced at Nasha, who was sitting across the aisle, and a fierce look flashed in the eyes behind his sunglasses. Not only did he kill his brother, but also his father, in a very short time Arthur's mind and character changed dramatically. If this change had occurred earlier, perhaps it would not have ended today.

He was figuring out when Nasha would disappear, so that there would be no more people in the family who could interfere with him.

At this time, the door of the church peng pushed out from the outside, and the loud and crisp tapping sound made people involuntarily turn their heads sideways to look at these uninvited guests, and they disturbed the sacred funeral.

The people who came were all wearing black trench coats, felt hats, and some were wearing sunglasses. The way they walk and make them look bad is not good.

But the fact is that they constantly pull people's cheeks, and then "experience" into people's mouths, forcing people to swallow.

The first guy who stood next to Arthur stood with his badge of investigation bureau with shield emblem, "I am Tom, a senior agent of the Imperial Police Investigation Bureau, and trouble Mr. Arthur with us. Some things need you to explain. ", Said Jerry showing Arthur a warrant for wholesale arrest to the side.

Arthur went to great lengths to maintain his calmness, but his beating apple muscle had betrayed his flustered heart ~ ~ I do n’t know what happened, I want to see my lawyer, only when the lawyer is there Will follow ... "

Tom didn't say so much nonsense to him, punched him directly in the stomach, and after Arthur curled into a shrimp in the crowd's exclamation, Jerry immediately handcuffed him.

"This is a warrant of arrest, not a summons. You have no choice, Mr. Arthur." Tom took off his sunglasses and exposed blue eyes, as if piercing Arthur's heart like a knife, "As for you I want to find a lawyer, and when you get to the Bureau of Investigation, we will let you contact the lawyer! "He took Arthur's collar to lift him, and shoved toward the door.

Arthur's legs and stomach were trembling. If he had jumped crazy before changing to the former, but he had done so many ills, he would not have been able to do anything without fear.

A small ..., no, it was a thunder that did not interrupt the funeral. When Mr. Mark's crystal coffin was gently placed in the grave and filled with soil, Nasha was tearing toward Walked towards the gate of the cemetery.

John is in prison, Marx, and she has no loved ones.

She was at a loss, not knowing what to do and how to do it. Just as she was about to get in the car and leave, a blonde woman came over.

"I am Lilith, a senior agent of the Imperial Police Investigation Bureau. There is a case that requires your cooperation. This may be related to the cause of your father's death. We have found the killer!"

When she finished speaking the last word, Nasa's anger and raging flames, which had never been felt before him, rose from her feet and lit the whole body. The flame seemed to come from hell, she clenched her teeth and squeezed out a word.

"it is good!"

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