Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 498: Contact 【一】

When Nasha met Mr. John, he looked very bad. He could feel that his life was about to reach the end. The only thing he couldn't let go at this time was Nasha.

It is ridiculous to say that his most rebellious son finally became his most important person, and his favorite son finally wanted to kill him. In fact, he took a ridiculous lesson, full of irony. . John shook his head first, and a smile appeared on his withered face. His face was already slightly blackened. This was a call to stop the metabolism, which made his smile very ugly.

"Grandpa ...", Nasha bit her lip and squatted in front of Mr. John, put her head lightly on Mr. John's knee, and the old man's eyes flashed too many complicated light that could not be interpreted. His hands trembled and gently stroked Nasha's head. He could not feel the softness of his hair, as if ... there was nothing special.

"The man who killed your father was Arthur, and he will soon receive the punishment he deserves. I have talked to a lawyer and the will will be changed. After I die, 50% of the family belongs to you. Fifteen percent of the remaining fifty percent are for my brothers and sisters, and we are all one family anyway. The remaining thirty-five percent will be donated to the empire for free and form a family ' John George Foundation ', that's why I let you come in person. "

The old man said so much that his mouth was a little dry. He never let Nasha get a little water for him. He moistened his lips and did not drink it. The doctor told him that his body was failing at a very alarming rate, which may have something to do with the continuous severe mental stimulation he suffered for a short time. Part of the blood circulation system has been ruptured due to explosive high blood pressure, causing congestion in some places, and blood loss in some places.

From partial failure to overall failure, he couldn't hold on for much longer. At this time, trying to save him is no longer a action that human beings can accomplish, unless God gives the gift.

So let's not talk about eating right now, even drinking less water is enough to sustain life. After eating or drinking water, it will cause local blood accumulation, which is a heavy burden on John's body now.

What Nasha wanted to say, John did n’t give her the opportunity and raised his hand to stop her. "I have arranged someone to do it on the foundation side. You will be the first chairman. If you do n’t have the ability to continue in the future, If you control the foundation, you will have an honorary chairman, and there is a little bit more. The specific content of this foundation is related to the news I have done for a lifetime. You can ask my lawyer. "

"Your father is dead, and it looks like I may not be able to last long. Arthur will definitely go to prison. You are the last line in the whole family. Don't believe your grandparents, they are all for the money in your pocket. "

"We have lost the newspaper industry. Under the push and control of the Cabinet and some people, it will be very difficult for the newspaper industry to see a giant like us in the future. Facing those sporadic profits, more time and more are needed. But the money can't do what we want, the traditional newspaper industry can give up. "

"Have you not taken back your shares and people in Empire Star?" Nasha wiped her tears and nodded her head quietly. John said with satisfaction: "Very good, it must be the era of this new medium I do n’t want to admit it, but the times have left us behind. After you go back and talk to Du Lin, if you can buy Empire Star, it is the best, you ca n’t buy and try to increase your equity. "

"In the future, the wave of public opinion will shift from newspapers to this visual medium." John sighed, perhaps afraid that Nasha could not understand or understand. He did not have the slightest secret to tell her the reason, "Because at least 30% of the entire empire has not gone to school, they cannot read the newspaper, but they can watch the person in that little thing read the news to them."

"With the economic recovery of the empire, I believe that it won't take a few years for this kind of thing to spread widely ..."

John and Nasha talked for more than two hours. He gave everything he thought to the side, and the conversation ended only when he couldn't sit still, and was a little slumped in a wheelchair.

Outside the City Hall of the Imperial City that night, Mr. John, in a wheelchair, personally announced to the tens of thousands of people on the square that he had acknowledged all the charges against him by the court. Sincere apology ...

The George family.

It's over!

The death of an industry trust will always attract more attention than those that have not been officially confirmed. In this case, a small group of people chose to shut up and the public believed in the "truth."

The city of Otis is still hot. Many places need to line up, and people's acceptance of tokens is constantly increasing.

Durin has brought great changes to the city. After the two railways are repaired, Otis will completely replace Nami Lindes, economically overtake the capital, and become the most shining star of the empire.

The "initiator" of all this is talking to Mr. Kesma in the sun. Mr. Kesma is eight months old, and he is very good and can walk on his own. Mr. Kesma said that Mr. Xiao Kesma followed him. He could walk by himself in eight or nine months, and despised him by the way, saying that he could walk by himself when he was more than one year old. As for whether Mr. Kesma was true, Mrs. Kesma's laughter could tell that he might have lied.

However, Du Lin did not expose Mr. Kesma's little lie. He has been climbing up and out in recent years, and has continuously overlapped with the memories in his dream, and he has become more mature.

Mr. Kesma is a face-loving person. Doolin didn't want to turn into a quarrel with a phone full of affection. He complimented Mr. Kesma a few words and expressed his regret for himself. Mrs. Kesma on the other side of the phone laughed louder, and Mr. Kesma snorted before driving his wife out of the mayor's office.

When there was only Mr. Kesma in the room, he said softly, "Your unmarried wife may be pregnant again."

Mr. Kesma took away Mr. Kesma and left two people to watch over there. Although Du Lin didn't say anything, he always felt that he should be decent in doing things and couldn't leave anybody's words. Alyssa went to Otis once and he knew that, after returning, she began normal life, work, work, and occasionally going out with colleagues to turn around, not much different from normal people.

But there are other things in the man's belly, and hiding is impossible to hide. When the people over there told Mr. Kesma that he might have another grandchild, the old man went into his studio with a stern face. I couldn't help laughing when I closed the door.

He now informs Doolin that he is just giving him a shot, and for a few days, the second little Mr. or Mrs. Kosma will be born in the middle of next year, and he is very happy.

He was not very kind to these children, but he was very kind to his grandchildren. While talking to Du Lin, Mr. Xiaoxima outside the office was carrying a chicken from someone's house, and he asked one Question, "When did you tell me last time?"

Du Lin touched his chin. "You mean Mennon?"

"Yes, Mennon." Unlike Mr. Kema's warm atmosphere, there is an indescribable sense. "He almost hurt members of our family. Whoever he is, he must Pay the price! In the past, I dared to kill the Duke, now is the time for you to prove yourself, my son. "

The life of Mr. Kesma is a legendary life. According to his youth ~ ~ Although the Duke of the Empire no longer has the power to establish a Principality, it is still a huge one in the Imperial aristocracy. Looking up at the mountains. Rich, entitled, connected, and armed, it can be said that his territory is his country, but there is no official name. But such a duke, which the royal family must respect, died under the guns of Mr. Kesma.

If the current official position is used as a reference standard, it should almost be a character at the level of Magus.

Mr. Kesma has never obeyed the law in his life, so he doesn't take the law seriously.

Du Lin, who heard the word "family" from his mouth, was suddenly hesitant. He remembered some childhood things. People in the town used the word family to the Kekes family more than ten years ago. Mr. Sma also frankly accepted such words. When he was young, Du Lin may feel very glorious, but he felt a little shame when he was older.

It's just a farmer family in the countryside, isn't it a bit too exaggerated to use the term family specifically?

Now it seems that this is not an exaggeration, this is the fact.

The dignity of the family does not allow any offense, and members of the family are not allowed to be harmed by anyone, even if it is only a threat.

Du Lin didn't speak for a while, and Mr. Kesma was a little sullen. "I don't care. I let the postman send you something in the past. OK, I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'm hanging up."

When Du Lin responded, there was no sound in the receiver. He shook his head with amusement. His father hadn't changed much from the past. His mentality and habits were actually a good thing.

Then he began to wait for Mr. Kesma's gift, and he was very curious about what it was.

This waited for more than a month.

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