Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 506: sell

"Miss Nasha, have you worked for Empire Star. How much do you think Empire Star is worth?" Du Lin took out a report from the drawer and put it on the table. "This is the fourth quarter sales report. There will be some sales in the last ten days, which will not be recorded here. "

Nasha understands what Du Lin means. This company was founded by Du Lin. He also supported this company to become the first brand in the current tape industry. It has a very wide audience and a very good reputation among consumers. Positive. People like to watch the tapes of the Empire Star logo. There are politicians who keep going out of the country, even talking without brains, there are some small programs and the most popular sitcoms.

Those actors who can't even talk about Lisuo's performance through deductive means will never forget. Whenever I think of some of these bridges, I can't help laughing. They are always looking forward to what kind of jokes these people will make in the next episode, and even consumers write letters to the Empire Star, hoping that this melodrama can be played forever, and never have an end day.

It is also said that the heart of the empire is a messenger sent by God to the world, and spreads happiness to human beings.

There is a lot of feedback like this. There is no doubt that as long as Empire Star Media continues to maintain its current excellent production and standards, its share in the tape market will only increase. She remembers that when Dulin was the executive chief executive of the Empire, she told her that when people used the host, actors and sitcoms in the Empire Star as part of daily life, they succeeded.

Yes, it's like getting a cup of coffee every day, toasting two slices of bread, making a fried egg and frying some bacon. This is daily life. It is also a daily life to see the tape of the Empire Star!

The terrible influence, the more she knows, the more Nasa feels that Du Lin's question is very difficult to answer. This is a bottomless gold mine, and the price she can give should not be satisfactory. She regrets that she has worked for Empire Star. She has not yet learned the ability of businessmen to open their eyes to tell nonsense. It is obviously a gold mine and can be described as a mud mine.

After a long pause, Nasha began to say, "I have a villa in the emperor, Imperial Oak Bay on the 11th, the best house!" After she paused for a moment, Du Lin did not express it, and she knew subconsciously that it was not enough Then, he added, "There are still three buildings in the center of Imperial City. Although they were burned, they can be used after being rebuilt or rebuilt. The location is very good." Du Lin still did not speak, which kept Nasha's heart constantly. Sink down.

The villas in Oak Bay, especially the No. 11 villa, have exceeded 2.5 million if sold. Below Oak Bay is Empire Bay. At that time, real estate traders made a hoe, and opened a small seawater lake on the mountainside. Many oak trees were planted beside the lake. They pumped up the seawater from Empire Bay, then flowed out from the other end, and they cultivated many beautiful marine fishes in it, keeping the water temperature between 27 and 30 degrees all year round.

This small lake is Oak Lake. The house that was not very valuable was because of this small lake. The value of the house doubled, coupled with the developer ’s willingness to sell it and not to sell it at a low price. Many rich people settled here. According to the rules of Oak Bay, only the top 20 can be purchased by big men, and become a higher area alone. From the 20th to the 50th, the rich can buy them. As for the 50th, there are only 50 houses in this place.

In addition to the beautiful environment and peace of mind, Oak Bay is also a heaven for businessmen. There are too many legendary tycoons and representatives of the consortium. There is a saying in the business district of the Imperial City-crowded into Oak Bay, it means that you are half successful.

It can be seen that the extraordinary charm of Oak Bay is hard to find at a high price.

The three properties in the city center add up to more than one million. These two add up to almost four to five million, but Du Lin has not spoken yet, and Nasa is still considering what is possible. Cut to Du Lin.

In the end, she gritted her teeth, "plus the manor in the suburbs ...", she looked up at Du Lin, which was the largest one she could afford, and apart from that there were some bits and pieces. Equity and some cash, these things can also be worth millions, but these millions are not so easy to cash. As for holding the majority of the Empire's newspapers, all have been ruled invalid under the testimony of the Empire's Supreme Court and the Imperial Court of Justice. This is a tens of millions of assets.

The family assets were divided by Mr. John's will, and there were about 10 million worth of assets left to Nasha, and she can only take out so much now. The rest of the money she would use according to old John's will, where they needed it.

Du Lin nodded slowly, "Closing!", He stood up, took out his clothes and reached out his hand, and shook hands with Nasha, "This seems to be our first very formal handshake, congratulations on becoming the Empire. The true owner of the star, as the founder, I hope that the Empire Star will create greater glories and achievements under your leadership! "

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" Nasha was also a bit excited. Winning the Empire Star meant that the most important piece of the layout was placed in the frame, and the rest was to create other fragments to fill all the gaps. .

"Can I ask a question?" Nasha was agitated a little. Her emotions haven't calmed down these days. Du Lin nodded, and she continued to ask, "Why don't you like the George family? What do we have? Offended you? "

Du Lin pursed his lips and smiled indifferently, "Since you treat our cooperation as a gift to me, I don't like these big decaying families. For me, this is not to give My face and opportunity, instead, you should feel happy and uplifted when you work with me. Unfortunately, we have different perspectives and different positions, so there will be some small misunderstandings. "

Nasha smiled and nodded, "I see, then transfer the book ..."

"I'll get the secretary done right away. You can go to Ilian first. I believe the people over there may be very anxiously waiting for this result."

After saying goodbye to Nasha, Du Lin shook his head with a smile and shook his head. He lifted the phone and dialed the number of the laboratory. "Boss, do you have any new ideas?"

The answer is Stan Ein. These purely academic and research people are not like those academic bastards. They put too much energy and attention on research. They will not be as extraordinary as Edward, He is personable, and will not say flattery like Edward's face like Edward. But Doolin liked their temperament, they were more pure.

Stan Ein asked this because Du Lin always came up with a flash of thought like a meteor passing through a large level, which often had an unrivalled boost to their research. Everyone agreed in the research room that maybe when Du Lin was born, God kissed his brain.

Of course, they will not consider that Durin is a Guarth. According to the actual relationship between each other, his gods and God should be opposites.

"Idea? No idea, but there is good news, I will give you another two million to solve the problem of fidelity and decoding of cable signal transmission. You can hire more people, you can buy what you want All the materials, including the patents owned by others! ", Du Lin heard Stein Ein's cheers when he said this sentence, he quickly told this to others, and the research room kept ringing" The boss is a good person ~ ~ The boss is nothing like a capitalist "and so embarrassing flattery.

Stan Ein came back soon, "Thank you very much, great Mr. Doolin ..."

Du Lin's scalp was a little numb, and he said immediately: "Stop, shut your mouth first ... This money is not allowed to be used indiscriminately, understand? Special funds must be used for designated projects. If it is like last time, I will reduce research funding by 20% next year. "

This group of scientists are both neuropathy and precious neuropathy. They used 8,000 pieces in boring experiments to prove that they can ignite a flame in water, and to prove that only a few different chemical components are needed to produce a kind of Thousands of degrees of high temperature compound formula ... They described the laboratory as the kingdom of heaven. All genius ideas and lunatic ideas can be purchased here without applying for research funding.

The services in the lab and the high salaries given to them almost made this group of people decide to spend the second half of their life on the island, as for family and society?

For scientists, it's just a low-level game for boring and very stupid humans to solve loneliness. How can it be interesting to pursue endless truth here?

After Du Lin heard this sentence, he heard Stan Ein sigh slightly. He sometimes relented and had to add, "I will allocate another half a million to waste for you ... I hope sometimes you will Destroy some equipment and rooms and provide something useful! "

"The great Mr. Doolin, I know, I will tell those idiots who love machinery and construction ..."

During the constant quarrel in the receiver, Du Lin hung up the phone.

He had a slight smile on his face, and he was facing the sun on the side, like a fox who stole a dragon egg, and his smile was enough to make the sun more sunny!

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