Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 509: Brother [3] "Unrestable Soul Gangster On Demand + 2"

In the afternoon, Du Lin unexpectedly saw Flena. Now Flena is very different from Flena more than six months ago. More than half a year ago, when I saw this woman, the first feeling was that she was radiant, and she could tell from her temperament that the woman was "not worthwhile." All movie stars are worthless, no matter how many audiences these movie stars have in the public and how much they are loved, but at the top of this social tower, they will be summarized as the worthless ranks.

Sometimes even worse than ordinary people.

Because they have a price, having a price means that it is worthless. One hundred thousand yuan may be expensive for some people, but for those who are richer, one hundred thousand yuan is just a week ’s cost, or even a day. Expenses.

On the contrary, ordinary people are worth a little more. Ordinary people are valuable because most ordinary people are priceless, they still have their own independent self-esteem, and they have not been harmed by their own dignity!

Just as Du Lin went to the imperial capital, Kevin asked him to go to the "Opera".

In the past, Flenna was able to feel this temperament, but later she was a lot better when she was the vice president. This temperament that has appeared this time is gone, and it is replaced by a kind of knowledge. People often say that knowledge is wealth. It is definitely not a lie. A person learns to understand the world, history, and culture, and he can understand awe, can improve his quality and cultivation, and is unwilling to be a dirty person.

Of course, this is not absolute. There is also an academic **** like Edward who rolls sheets with female students in the way of teaching academic papers.

In short, all the bad things on her are gone, just like changing someone.

After a simple hug, Du Lin asked curiously, "Why are you suddenly free?"

Freina sat next to Doolin and glanced. "I heard you sold the Empire Star to the girls of the George family."

Originally, Du Lin told her that if she could prove that she could run a company after two years of study, and could make this company full of competitiveness, he would continue to give her the Empire Star to her management.

Having tasted this feeling of holding important social resources and wealth, the ideals of being a star in the past have become a joke!

"Have you heard?" Du Lin was somewhat surprised, and soon became indifferent. After he signed an agreement with Nasa, Empire Star became Nasa's industry. Whether it is for the banner of the George family not to be completely broken, or for further layout in the tape market, she will definitely hold a press conference or the like to tell everyone that the Empire Star has become the industry of Nasa George.

Some people may find it unnecessary, but in fact it is necessary. This means that after losing the newspaper industry, the "George Family" has found a new industry and entered the industry with a tough attitude.

Indeed, this will cause some people's attention and precaution, but it will also cause some people's attention. They may be willing to invest in Nasha and let her try to rebuild the past glory of the George family.

And after experiencing the "Anti-industry Manipulation Act" of the Empire, all walks of life have begun to realize that monopoly is not as simple as before. Anyone who makes a complaint will most likely cause greater problems and effects. Some monopoly companies have also begun to pay attention to their own monopoly methods and try not to touch the bottom line of empire law.

Du Lin then smiled and shook his head, "It seems that your learning effectiveness has not reached the most basic standards!"

She was a little excited when she heard Du Lin say that. She was kicked out of Empire Star Media by Du Lin. She took the winner around the company like a loser, and then packed herself. Something embarrassed to leave. Immediately afterwards, she also suffered a lot of crimes while studying at Imperial College. The most important point was the problem of professional terms. There are many professional terms and expressions in the economic management system. She has never even attended high school. How could an old girl suddenly understand?

In some people's strange eyes, she can only wake up early and sleep late, soaking up in the library every day to make up for the homework she lost when she was young. The whole person is like a madman. The purpose of her doing this was very simple, to get back what she had lost. But before the agreed day arrived, she heard that Empire Star Media had been sold by Du Lin, and her feelings of grievance filled her with impulse and came to Otis.

In fact, when she was on the steam locomotive, she had already regretted coming over blindly, but since she's here, she has to meet and complain.

As a result, Du Lin said that her learning performance was unsatisfactory, and the grievances that had already subsided again flooded into trouble. "How do you know that my learning effectiveness is not working?"

"How do I know?", Du Lin couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Ha, I just know." After waiting for Freina to keep asking, he raised his hand to stop her from going on, and her expression became serious. Some, "When a businessman sells a business that has an infinite future in the eyes of everyone, excluding the reasons for external forces, why does he do this?"

Freina answered hesitantly: "Because he wants to change careers?"

Du Lin gave a sigh of relief, "I sent you to study economic management, and it is the best Royal College of the Empire. For this I gave a donation of 100,000 yuan. Seeing that we are fellow citizens, you helped me again For many things. But I'm disappointed. Really, Freina, you ran over without even understanding the pursuit of a businessman. Do you think it's appropriate for you to do this? " When you need to think, you want to smoke.

He touched his pocket and felt empty, only to remember that the cigarette seemed to be thrown on the table in the Alexander Hotel. Freina immediately took out her cigarette and handed it to Du Lin, and lightly lit him. Du Lin gave her a sideways glance and let her sit down. "Businessmen will always pursue greater profits. With actual profits, I sold Empire Star because I found a more profitable deal. At the same time, I There is no saying that I completely give up the industry. "

"You still have a lot to learn, read more books when you have time, improve your culture and quality, and knowledge. Don't consider too much external interference. The day you left Illian, I told you that Your things are definitely yours, not yours. No matter how hard you try, they won't be yours, understand? "

Freina was a little embarrassed when she was reprimanded, her tongue stuck out, and then she held her own. Because this action has not been done since the age of six, the day when her parents "sold" her to the Tennell Theatre, she never made such mistakes and coquettish her parents Begging for mercy.

Du Linke ignored this and evaluated a naive. He gave some chips to Freina. Since coming here, going to Otis city is a chance to relax in stressful studies. In addition, let her go to see the city and think about why the city is fast. In the end, it was that link that touched the entire empire, so that there was a new word like "Audis effect".

When Harry was about to get off work at night, he made a phone call. He was frightened by Doolin now. It was the first time he saw someone who didn't follow the rules. In order to prevent this **** from making any big things on his own site, he planted some people to stare at others, such as the newly appointed Blairen. His men repaid Blairen to see Doolin today, and he immediately asked Doolin about the situation.

He can never let Blairon know that he is watching him, even if his purpose is to be good for Blairen ~ ~ It is not appropriate to say it, and it will easily cause very bad influence.

"What did you do to find Blairon? He is a 'good boy'!" Harry paid a lot of money for this, and he personally assured Blairon's grandfather that nothing unexpected would happen. It was the situation that led to Blairon's superiority. If there is a conflict with Du Lin just after taking office, I am afraid he will have a headache for a long time.

In fact, Harry also has some doubts. Since the mid-term election, someone has always given him money, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands. Some he took, some he didn't, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find anything wrong. This time Blairen's grandfather gave him a million dollars before he made such a decision.

In response to Harry's questioning, Du Lingui denied, "I just have some ideas to communicate with him, and we are very happy to talk to you, you can go to Blairen to verify it." Things were told to Harry, and some of them were not told now, and he will inevitably be told in the future. He simply said that he would save a meeting.

After listening to Du Lin's words, Harry felt that there were no traps or problems. After considering it, he agreed. After collecting so much money from others, it was impossible to make Blairon's political career just entered a new level and reached the end . In addition, he also believes that Doolin's plan is beneficial to Namindes and Otis, and the differential development can make the two cities not rob each other of resources, but can develop together.

As for the development of Nami Lindes into an industrial city, it is not impossible. He even thought about whether to hand over the two resources in his hands to Blairen to strengthen Nami Lindes' urban economic system. Improve the industrial system,

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