Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 513: Arrive [two]

This society is sometimes so interesting. Some people seem to have the whole world at the moment they are born, but they are low-key all the time. There are also some people who need to continue their efforts on the road to success, but always think about how high-profile they are.

It's funny, but there is more to it than that.

The young man next to Felicia is called Vitor, not a member of the Fatima family, but has a very close relationship with the Fatima family. His family, let's call it family, has been serving the Fatima family since four hundred years ago. Among them, there are three big housekeepers, which can be said to be half of the Fatima family. In his generation, two of the best young people in the family took it out, one was assigned to Felicia, and the other was given to Felicia's brother as a servant, hoping that one of them could compete Get into position and become the next homeowner.

Vitor has been with Ferica since he was seven years old. At that time, Feriga was only three years old. Until now, he has hardly separated. To cultivate the tacit understanding between master and servant from an early age is one of the compulsory courses for all the major members of the big family, and it is also the basis for mutual trust. Whether it's Magus's steward or Solo's next to Soro, he has always played this role.

All glory and glory, all damage, they completely serve the host, but also born for the host.

It's just that sometimes some people have some mental dynamics and are not so easy to master.

There is no doubt that Fei Lijia is a perfect girl. Her noble origin and her appearance, temperament, and education, including everything, can be regarded as the best choice. There are actually three girls like her in the Fatima family, and there are always almost perfect women in large families. However, in Vitor's eyes, Feilijia is the best. From the age of seven, he watched Feilijia grow up little by little. In Vito's heart, Feilijia is not only the owner, but also his own life. All of them.

He was ardently nostalgic for his master, and would not allow any person or thing to defile Felicia.

Facing Felijia's doubts and doubts, Vitor stooped down like a gentleman. "I'm very sorry, ma'am, I'll take care of these things right away!", He was about to pass the steam locomotive. When the telegram informed the new party's report that Miss Fei Lijia should disappear immediately, Fei Lijia raised her wrist and stretched out a finger.

"Send a lawyer's letter to these garbled newspapers, telling them that if they don't want to go to court, it's better to formally apologize to them in their newspaper!"

Vitor praised Miss Felicia's kindness and love, and did so.

Fei Lijia looked at the newspaper on the table and held her forehead and smiled. There is no doubt that Vitol, including anyone in the family, would not reveal her schedule and whereabouts in private. This is definitely not among the nobles. Allowed, can even rise to the level of "betrayal." Therefore, the person who disclosed the news must not be a member of the family, so there are only two people who can make her doubt, one is Solo, and the other is Mayor Durin of Otis.

Soro now asks the Fatima family, hoping to use the status and power of the family to win the management right of a special zone. It is impossible to be confused about such a meaningless but harming image, then there is only one answer— —Dulin.

She can understand Du Lin's idea. This trick has also been often used in the past. After some merchants donate some products to the royal family, they will label their products with "royal purchase", on the one hand, to increase the added value of the products, On the other hand, it is also aimed at cracking down on peers. After all, what the royal family buys is definitely better than other homes but what the royal family doesn't buy, this is their purpose.

Similarly, Du Lin is like a businessman, and the city of Otis is the merchandise in his hand. Now he is proactively exposing his own schedule to the newspaper in order to promote his merchandise, which is also a very reasonable explanation.

She can imagine that the journey that should have been low-key has become lively in an instant.

Indeed, as Felicia thought, when the luxurious steam train stopped outside the newly-built exchange station in Otis two days later, the hall was already full of people. Many people were looking at the train on their feet, and some reporters even raised their cameras and anxiously waited for the moment she got out of the car.

"Need to disperse them?" Vitor pouted through the glass of the locomotive window and looked at the crowds outside, asking. Not only does so many people make the air unpleasant, but there are also many hidden dangers of insecurity. "Mayor Du Lin was very misconducted, and even the most basic reception work was done so poorly. I really do n’t know how he became the chief executive. of!"

The environment in which he grew up and what he saw during his life made him say such words without any surprise. One sentence was actually right-"The steward of the aristocracy is a half aristocrat. What title is the master and what title is the steward? ". It's not clear exactly where this sentence came from, but it makes sense. Masters and servants like Felicia and Vitor, once decades of dealing with each other, Vitor himself can make some unimportant decisions on behalf of the master on the premise of clearing his position. .

Fei Lijia shook her head. Since she couldn't hide her schedule, she went out generously. She hasn't done any bad things, and she doesn't look like a lava beast in myth. There is no reason to be afraid to see these ordinary people. She cleaned up her outfit with the help of a maid, and walked out of the train door under the guidance of Vitor.

The crowd boiled for a moment, and countless flashes of magnesium light flickered madly, and people cheered subconsciously as if they saw any big star.

The group separated the crowd, and Du Lin and Harry greeted him. Harry was in front, and Du Lin was behind.

Originally, Dulin did not intend to invite Harry, but Harry pushed off his work and ran over, and he could not drive Harry back. The longer you spend with Harry, the more you can discover that Harry and Magus are completely different people.

Magus' behavior was low-key and his attitude towards capitalists was very firm. He never wavered. His desire for power is also not strong. He met with Magus several times and Doolin did not feel that the other party used power to force himself to promise or promise anything. On the contrary, if he ignores Magus' identity, he may be an ordinary person. Old man. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he has reached the pinnacle of politics. For him, there is no need to prove himself by showing his power.

But Harry is different. This guy is passionate about power and chasing capital forces. His structure seems to be very large. In fact, just like that, an ordinary politician is not as dazzling as Magus. To say so does not mean that he has failed, he has passed, it is just a pass, not even ninety.

Harry strode over to Felicia, rejoicing, "Dear Princess Felicia, on behalf of the state government and all citizens, you are welcome to come!" He said that he owed slightly. .

He didn't use the wrong word, only the royal princess could use her highness, and the duke's princess could only use the miss.

Vitol was standing half a step behind Felicia. After Felicia returned the gift, he said blankly: "Governor Harry, Miss is tired, we need a place to rest, I don't know if you are ready No?"

It stands to reason that Vitol should only say this after Dulin's greetings, but I don't know if it was because Dulin "leaked" the wind or because the newspaper said that he had a leg with Ms. Feilijia, which made him a little unhappy. Coupled with the fact that Du Lin didn't seem to say hello, he said this in advance.

He can be the servant of the heir of the Fatima family, and the most important servant. It cannot be a fool who cannot discern such a simple matter. As long as he uses his brain, he knows that everything is a ghost of Du Lin. This makes He felt very bad about Du Lin ~ ~ Fei Lijia didn't speak, but looked at Du Lin, Du Lin came up with a smile and raised his hand, "Welcome you Come to Otis! "

Harry looked at him, Vitol looked at him, and Felicia looked at him.

Not only did he not use honorifics, he even reached out to an unmarried, noble woman who could be called a girl in such a public place? What kind of brain circuit does this trample take to make such an impolite move?

Harry smiled a little awkwardly. Actually, he didn't blame Du Lin, because Du Lin was just a farmer's child. He couldn't understand how sophisticated and complicated the social etiquette of the aristocracy was. But Vitor didn't think so, and he felt that Doolin was declaring his authority here and looking down on the Fatima family.

When Vitor was about to scold Du Lin's rudeness, Fei Lijia smiled and didn't speak. She carried her skirt slightly and saluted, the movement range was very small, so small that many people only touched her skirt. .

"Miss ...", Vitor didn't understand what he wanted to say, "he ..."

Fei Lijia glanced at him, and he closed his mouth immediately. After spending more than ten years, he could already understand the meaning in Fei Lijia's eyes, which was to shut him up.

"I'm a bit tired, can I take a break first?" She said with a smile, her smile bright like the moment when the dawn came to the earth, the whole world came to life.

"Of course, I have prepared the best hotel for you, the best room!", Harry blocked Du Lin, not letting this fool continue to make rude gestures, reaching out and guiding Fei Lijia towards Outside the station.

Ginna stood on the platform next to the station with a box on his back and picked up booger. He let the security guards open a passage through sign language. He glanced at the girl, indifferently grinned, and shook the box on his back.

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