Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 517: Confrontation [1]

Du Lin ’s words were completely at the commanding heights. When the New Party “used the throne”, it did not promise the royal family and the old party members to retain the noble class. This privileged class was completely strangled to the ground and only the royal family was retained. . At the same time, the royal family no longer has the right to interfere in the politics of the empire. From the day when the New Party came to full power, the royal family has become a mascot, or the spiritual symbol of the empire.

In the first few years, the royal family ’s Christmas Day will appear in front of the public every year. I hope that this way can be used to remind all the empire citizens that their emperor is still alive, but was deprived of political rights by a group of villains, and hope that someone can Subvert the New Party's rule and rescue the royal family from the siege.

However, there is no use for doing so. The fiasco in the early days of the Patriotic War has made everyone in the entire Empire see the weak side of the Empire. Facing a group of business alliances that did not even match the shoes of the Empire, they were almost beaten. Lost country! In the face of the national aristocracy, the performance of the royal family was very disappointing. They did not do what they should do at all, so in the face of the "rumors" that the royal family constantly wanted to restore, there was no stir in the empire. .

The royal family died, and the nobles died.

Twenty years later this year, Dulin's remarks are absolutely correct on the political line. Even Harry couldn't find any reason to refute Dulin, even he couldn't even refute--because he It's the New Party.

Politics, especially high-level politics, does not exist on the wall, either a friend or an enemy. There is no third party.

Vitor's face was slightly red, not knowing whether he was ashamed or annoyed. He wrapped his mouth wrapped and smiled slightly with his head down. We will arrange these things by ourselves! "He said, he also took the initiative to apologize to Du Lin and Harry and pleaded guilty and left, then returned to Fei Lijia.

"What's wrong with you? It looks like you're angry!" Feilijia asked softly as she turned around. Vitor accompanied her to grow from a young child to adulthood, and she knew about Vitor It was as meticulous and familiar as Vitor knew her.

Vitor lowered his head and gave a cough, his fists covering his lips. "Dulin has no plans, and refused to follow my suggestions to arrange the next few days of life and life."

Fei Lijia glanced at Du Lin in surprise, Du Lin was also looking at her, and nodded with a smile, it seemed that she was not embarrassed or avoided in the conflict with Vitor just now.

"What did he say? I feel you are angry."

Vitor repeated what Dulin had just said, without adding a word or reducing a word, and there was no subjective trace in his tone. Big families like Fatima always have some unruly rules, and once they are violated, there will be very serious consequences. One of them is wording. In the process of conveying any words, no additions or deletions are allowed, and no subjective modification and tone are allowed. This is to minimize the unnecessary trouble caused by the standpoints of the subordinates.

After listening, Felicia did not speak, and continued to entertain the guests around her as if she didn't know anything, but her eyes were a little cool.

What is the most important thing about a centuries-old noble family?

Has it accumulated for centuries?

Is it a network resource that has been deposited for hundreds of years?

No, it is the glory of the family. From the moment they were born, these people have the best in the world. Each one is a lucky child born with a golden spoon. At the same time that others are feeling lucky, they are also carrying many things that others ca n’t imagine. responsibility. The elders in the family will tell them that they will not live for themselves in this life, they can only live for the family, the glory of the family is their glory, and the future of the family is their life.

When someone dares to insult the glory of the family, they must fight back fiercely, even if they pay a heavy price!

There is nothing more important than the glory of the family, not even the priestess is more important than the glory of the family!

Aside, Harry sighed, "I knew, I shouldn't have come." He glanced durin sideways, his eyes were very complicated.

If a child does something that shouldn't be done, then a person who is correct in three perspectives will definitely place this responsibility on the parent of the child. By the same token, when a mayor does something rude in front of a big aristocracy, people will blame Harry when they blame him, because Harry is Du Lin's top boss and the governor, he should take part Joint and several liability.

Somehow to be unreliable in the eyes of the big nobles, Harry has a nausea that eats flies, how good is it to wait for someone to send money in his office, why have to run here? Show up? Definitely a success, Fei Lijia will never forget him, and it is possible that even His Holiness will know his performance today.

Du Lin gave him a cigarette and patted him on the shoulder. This action was actually very illegal. Harry was his boss. He did not have the respect or distinction in doing so, but now Harry has been durined. The headaches tossed about three times and five times, and I didn't care about these little moves. He dare to go back even the Fatima family, what a big deal not to give himself face?

"Mr. Governor, we are the masters of this empire, these people ..." Du Lin smiled contemptuously, shaking his head and smoking a cigarette, saying, "They are not!"

Harry would like to ask where he had the courage and confidence to say such things. According to the statistics of the New Party Cabinet at present, the entire empire belongs to publicly-owned factories and other enterprises or factories with jobs, which only account for 100% of the total working population Seventy-seven percent, or ninety-three percent of those who have jobs, are serving capitalists. There are also hierarchies in the capitalists, from the most ordinary little merchants to top chaebols such as Fatima and Anthem Consortium.

In this particular group, less than 10% of the wealth owned by the chaebol is roughly equal to the wealth owned by another 90% of capitalists.

In other words, a family like Fatima owns about 5 percent of the total "market value" of the empire. Why should such a large family not fear him?

Really think that the so-called New Party administration can really settle these big nobles?

That's impossible. If it is necessary, a top-ranking chaebol will only need to launch a strike, at least hundreds of thousands of people will have no work to do in a short time, no place to work, they will become a strategic threat to coerce the cabinet to compromise. arms.

Du Lin felt that Harry was a little ... despising himself, but he didn't care. He had come to this world empty-handed, and there was a dad who specialized in killing nobles. What was he afraid of?

He wasn't afraid of anything. He should be afraid of these nobles, because they had a big family and couldn't afford to lift the table.

After the banquet lasted for a while, Du Lin saw Vitor abruptly leave, and he didn't care. In the land of Otis, no one could hide what he did. Then came the climax of the dinner and the gift-giving session.

The host of this session should have been Dulin, but he was disgusted by Vitor and he was too lazy to go up. He didn't want to seduce the Fatima family and transferred the errand to Harry. Harry did not express any objections to this, and even relieved that it was obviously better to do it by himself than Doolin. If the bastard's character is not good, he will come up with "surprise" that can scare people.

When Harry presented the golden one thousand denomination gold chips in the red silk tray to Felicia ~ ~ the guests around all spontaneously started applauding, "This is very memorable A small souvenir, it will not be issued for circulation, and the number is one, it will only be given to the most distinguished guests! ", The waiter holding the tray showed the golden chips in the tray to the surroundings, and handed it back Vitor.

Felicia smiled and thanked Harry for her generous gift. She took a full pound of chips in her hands and said, "It's very exquisite, and it feels very heavy. Is this pure gold?" Nodding in Harry In the surrounding guests whispered. The denomination is only one thousand, but the value is more than 30,000 yuan, plus the non-issued circulation and numbered certification, the real value is probably above its own value! (There is a typo in the front, it is 30,000, so it won't be changed, just confirm it here.)

Felicia once again thanked Harry and all the guests present, then put the chips on the tray and let Vitor put them away.

The comedy scene that looked perfect, the guests and the guests were happy, and the atmosphere was more lively.

Du Lin has been watching coldly with all this happening. In the face of this aristocratic girl who is difficult to find her inner fluctuations from her facial changes, Du Lin doesn't say, she can still feel the gap between the nobles and the civilians. At least if they were "humiliated", if it was humiliated, they would not immediately put their emotions on their faces. This culture alone is much stronger than ordinary people.

The banquet lasted until 9:30 pm, and when Fei Lijia suggested that she was a little tired, the banquet officially ended. Under the arch guard of a group of people, Fei Lijia walked out of the hall first, but at this time, Gina went to Du Lin aside and said a word.

"I feel a bit wrong. There are a few more beggars at the door!"

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