Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 522: Lock [3] "Unrestable Soul Gangster On Demand + Four"

"The third question, I still ask this reporter friend ..." Du Lin held out three fingers. "When did you receive the anonymous letter and where is it now."

He needs to figure out whether the sudden appearance of these reporters is whether Feilijia has used his own means or if someone else has to deal with him. This is very important. If Felicia did it, then he would give the other party a huge surprise. This has already involved the degree of threat to his life. It is impossible for him to flutter without thinking that nothing happened.

Once the truth about Nalindes's attack is fully revealed, people will first question his eligibility to become a mayor, although this is not very important to Doolin. However, once he lost the mayor's protective clothing, the empire must confess to the citizens of the entire empire in order to quell the aroused public opinion and public opinion behind it. Coupled with his "minority" and other personal tags, it is very likely that the Supreme Court of the Empire will send him to the gallows.

This matter is useless even in the early days of Magus. The role of public opinion can increasingly play a vital role in this new era. At that time, he will have no other way but to escape.

Then Princess Ferrija, who caused all this to happen, must bear the corresponding responsibility for this.

If you want to kill me, then don't blame me for killing you.

Hunter had calmed down, and he recalled, "Four days ago ... No, it should have been five days ago, when I packed my mailbox. The letter was in my bag ..."

This answer made Du Lin not much relaxed, but just proved that this matter had nothing to do with Férica. He looked at Gina, who let people bring the backpack that Hunter carried with him. A letter that had been opened was pulled out of it, and Du Lin began to read it carefully after glancing at it. This letter is handwritten, which is good, maybe the person who wrote the letter did not realize that the letter might fall into his hands.

The font is very beautiful. It can be seen that the person who wrote the letter has enough accumulation, and the status may not be ordinary. Because most ordinary people, including some Chafu capitalists, will not practice how to write beautiful words. Ordinary people do not need to do this. They may not need to write pleasing typefaces in their lifetime. Those capitalists in Chafu have a secretary to do the work for them. The secretary can write the characters neatly. The need for a fancy font.

Yes, fancy fonts, although the person who wrote the letter has restricted their writing habits, but there are some clues from the beginning and end of some letters.

He shoved the letter into his pocket and opened Hunter's notebook. There are some unimportant records in the front, but in the latter half, he only saw what Hunter wrote today. It contains most of the content about the Nami Lindes attack, including official hidden silver chips, including Todd's death, and some people's speculation at the time. What made Du Lin most ridiculous was the assassination of the Anthem family, which was actually arranged for Todd ...

The idea was interesting, he gave the notebook to Dover.

Hunter's bag also has a wallet with business cards and his own business cards, and banknotes of about tens of dollars.

Hunt was a little uncomfortable when Du Lin took out his wallet, but he said nothing and said nothing. When Du Lin read out his business card, he was a little panicked, not only his identity in the newspaper, but also his identity in the family industry-a special writer.

"I didn't expect Mr. Hunt to have such a wide network. Here are ... three companies have hired you as a special writer. Can you tell me about your relationship with them?", Du Lin fiddled with his business card twice and folded his wallet. Put it back in Hunter's bag, but left a business card by himself.

Hunt's lips moved, and he wanted to make up a lie to deceive Doolin, but soon he realized that any lie would be exposed one day. Moreover, his relationship with these three companies only requires a phone call to understand, there is no need to hide. He told Du Lin honestly that the president of the three companies was his father, and he took advantage of the identity of the special contributors of the three companies and his wealth and turmoil.

Du Lin put the bag on the haystack aside, then looked at the other guy, "Mr. Hunter's has answered my question and I am satisfied, then the question and answer between us is next.", He smiled, walked to the side and found a firewood pier and sat down. Today, he didn't sit down much all night. He was asleep after half asleep, and was a little tired all over.

"I remember agents from the Department of Defense came down and asked you to take care of your mouth. Is that so?"

The guy nodded quickly, he was too scared, Todd Durin dared to kill, and he had no problem with a person without a name or even a name. "Yes, an agent told We do not disclose these things to the outside world. "

"So why do you say it?" Durin glanced at Hunter. "Is it because of money?"

The guy nodded silently, he was moved by 100,000 yuan, it will be a brand new life, and he will say goodbye to his past self. But what he didn't expect was that the money was not available, and Du Lin's people came to the door, which made him even more frightened by Du Lin's forces, which was simply horrible!

"how much is it?"

"One hundred thousand ..."

Du Lin sighed, "Did you tell anyone else about these things? Or do you know anyone who shared this information with you?"

He shook his head quickly. "No, I only told Mr. Hunter a person. I don't know about the others."

Du Lin patted his legs and stood up, "Very good, gentlemen, our quiz game went very smoothly, and the two honest performances also moved me very much."

"Can we go? I want to go home, my daughter may not have dinner tonight." The Nalindes City Hall clerk looked at Dorin with surprise, "I swear I won't be any more People say these things! "

Hunter looked at Du Lin with a look of anticipation, but Du Lin was surprised, "When did I say that I should let you go? Did you say that?" He looked at all the Buddhas and shook his head. So he spread his hands in the eyes of two eyes that quickly became desperate. "The quiz game just saved you from being beaten and tortured. You both intend to hurt me in this way. You think I will What shouldn't have happened like that, let you leave? "

He slightly raised his head, "Everyone has to pay the price for their actions, this will be the eternal truth!" He finished, leaning on the shoulders of Dufo, and walked towards the outside of the warehouse, "Go away, Go back to sleep, there is still much to do tomorrow! "

The two watched Du Lin really left and immediately struggled. Hunter shouted loudly. He told those around him who he was, how rich he was, and what kind of reward he would give him if he left. .

He seemed to have forgotten that these people were only the bottom performers, and the messenger had left.

The cries soon came, and the reddish forage must have made the animals in the pasture happy, because they not only supplemented the salt, but also added many nutritious things.

Early the next morning, when Fei Lijia appeared in the lobby on the first floor, Du Lin greeted him. Fei Lijia stopped and stood in front of Du Lin with a smile.

"I'm very sorry to bother you, but can you help me see what's special about these handwritings?", Du Lin passed a piece of paper, there were separate words in the middle of the paper, which were not coherent and involved. How substantial is the content. UU reading books www. uukanshu. com

After taking a look at the paper, Fei Lijia gave Du Lin, "This should be written by a gentleman. He has a distinguished identity and status. I don't see anything else."

Du Lin thanked him and left with Fei Lijia. Now he has locked in the person who wants to stab the knife behind him-the Solow or Cape family.

He had a feeling when he saw the letter last night. Except for the nobles who circled at the beginning of letters or at the end of the street, I am afraid that no one else would write things in this troublesome way of writing. Among those who offended or offended him, in addition to the Cape family, there was only the young lady of the Fatima family in the hall.

Hunter told him that the letter came from six days ago. It may be that Fei Lijia was still in the north six days ago. He had not even seen his face, and there was no interest between the two, so she would definitely not write it. of.

Suddenly, Du Lin suddenly felt a little funny. Originally, Magus did not agree to the establishment of the second and more special zones because he was not sure that the mayors of these special zones could stand as strictly as Du Lin. Stand against the erosion of capital forces. But he suddenly agreed, in addition to having his own ideas, there was also a purpose to carry the conflict between him and the Cape family for Du Lin.

As a "former marquis", Magus knew very well what kind of power the northern nobility would have once it was launched. At present, Doolin was not very suitable for the accident. In order to go further, he took the matter and opened it up. The new SAR was compromised, allowing the Kape family to shift their attention to the new SAR, thereby reducing the escalation of the conflict between the two, and alleviating their conflicts.

It's just that some people don't seem to be willing to let go of this, so Du Lin naturally has nothing to worry about.

If you want to kill me, then I will kill you first!

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