Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 530: Miss [two]

If Soro only offered things like money as a bargaining chip, the Governor would definitely not agree. The money is sufficient at his level, as long as he has the power in his hands and wants money anytime. Can get it. But the second half of Solo's words moved him. He didn't know where he got the news, but he was really moved.

The new party's organizational structure is somewhat special. It refers to the nobleman's prime minister system at the time, and at the same time draws on the federal parliamentary system to form a new political organizational structure. From the cabinet's first person, Magus, there is no such thing as a deputy leader or a second leader. The second party is the chairman of the New Party Committee. The role of the New Party Committee is quite extensive. The New Party Committee can be regarded as the core organization of the New Party.

This organization is fully responsible for the election of the New Party. The appointment and dismissal of party personnel within the New Party is responsible for all intra-party and some non-party affairs. It is a comprehensive agency with great power within the party. The main person in charge is the committee. Chairman, and two Vice-Chairmen of the Committee. These three people will fully preside over the work within the party and have extremely strong authority. The goal of His Excellency Governor is to be a vice chairman of the committee.

As long as he can reach this position, entering the top ten in the party is basically not a problem. He is forty-seven years old, and there is still a long time for him to survive, enough to put some of his opponents to death in his place. He has two ways to go in the future. One is to become the chairman of the committee, second only to the leadership of the New Party in the party, or directly into the political arena, starting at the ministerial level, and still have the opportunity to win the highest throne.

He planned a course for his second half of his political career, and now he just needs to move forward step by step. Of course, in the process, he needs someone who can help him overcome some difficulties and knock on some closed doors. Solo's speech touched his most sensitive nerves well. He groaned for a moment, and when he was about to speak out the plan between Magus and him, suddenly a shadow blocked the light. He timely Closed his mouth.

A young man was here. He first presented his work permit, an ID of a senior detective from the Anti-Crime Investigation Bureau, and whispered something in the governor's ear. Regardless of whether Bangka's goal is the governor or not, the governor's safety cannot be compromised. This time, they not only deployed agents from their own bureau, but also deployed some agents from the Police Investigation Bureau to ensure that the governor would not No surprises here.

When the young detective stood up again with a somewhat awkward smile, the governor turned his face and looked at him in amazement, and then shook his head, his lips moved, and said nothing. He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Solo, who was also a little confused, and said softly, "That's all we have to say. I will call you back. Now I have to leave some things. Thank you very much for your hospitality! "

He picked up his hat and briefcase, stood up, shook hands with Solo, nodded his greetings and left quickly.

Solo was a little confused. He didn't know what the young agent and His Excellency the Governor had told His Excellency to leave immediately, but it should be a very important business? He tilted his head to look at Ernes, and Ernes stooped slightly. "We should have no problems, right?" He wasn't quite sure, he needed Ernes to confirm his guess. And Ernes's reply let him a sigh of relief. The matter was done, and he took a big step away from the position of homeowner.

Although there were some twists and turns, the results were always good, which made him feel a lot better. The news that His Excellency the Governor intends to run for the post of Vice-Chairman of the New Party Committee is that of the old party member. The news is very important and very crucial. The fact is now in front of him. Fortunately, the owed humanity will not be returned to him for the time being, after he becomes the owner of the house.

"Then we ..." Soro looked at a row of dining cars walking towards them in the distance, shrugged his shoulders, and easily pointed at the place where the Governor had just sat. "Enjoy a great meal And then go back north! "

A large table of dishes made Soro very comfortable. He likes the dishes in the south. The taste and visual changes are more. At the same time, the rare ingredients in the north are also very much here. In short, he is very satisfied. For this table, he used three hundred yuan. This money is not a problem for a successful career.

After making Orness pay the money and paying an excessive tip, the two walked out of the Starlight restaurant slowly. As they approached the car parked by the road, suddenly there were four young people from a car more than ten meters away. Li rushed out, and rushed towards them.

Soro looked in horror at the pistol clasped in the other's hand, holding Ernesto and turned to squat in the car. He didn't want to save Ernes, he just hoped that Ernes's unhealthy body could Just for him to resist a few bullets.

The gunfire didn't go off, and the detectives who had already been arranged rushed out of the car under Bangka's hands and started the arrest operation.

Pointed at by a dozen black hole muzzles, the young people were not blindly killed. They dropped the pistol on the ground according to the requirements of the agent's shouting, then slowly kneeled down, raised his hands, and leaned forward. Finally lay on the ground, and actively raised his hands high.

The agents immediately rushed up, seized the four young men, and found their target for assassination.

"Two gentlemen, I am a senior agent of the Woodland State Anti-Crime Investigation Bureau. You have also seen it, so I hope you can cooperate ..." He put away the pistol in his hand and said with a smile. "This is not a joke!"

Shocked, Solo looked at the young men who had been caught, and he stood up pale. At that moment, he felt like he was about to die, and his heartbeat made him very uncomfortable. He hadn't eased yet at the moment, while breathing, he looked at the agent of the anti-investigation bureau.

On the contrary, Ernes had returned to God, and he stood up and stood in front of Solo. He looked directly at the agent and said, "We can cooperate with your investigation, but after our lawyer comes, Only then! "

"No problem!" Douglas reached out and took the two of them to the anti-crime investigation vehicle.

Soon, the moment Soro and Ernes were sent to the Anti-Crime Investigation Bureau, their personal information was also found out. After looking at the personal information of the two, the director of the Investigation Bureau suddenly felt a little bit of a brain pain. Although the Anthem Consortium is located in the north, the influence of this consortium is very large, and it is not the kind of "positive" influence.

According to the truth he knows through some personal channels, a considerable part of the source of wealth of the Anthem Consortium is basically derived from illegal smuggling. Yes, this wealthy, distinguished and well-known consortium also runs smuggling business like this to make huge profits.

The reason why no one has investigated the Anthem Consortium so far is because the Anthem Consortium is strong, with too many branches and leaves, and the relationship is inextricably intertwined. It is difficult to achieve the goal without a comprehensive plan. Secondly, His Majesty's Consortium has numerous factories. These factories have 200,000 jobs in the north. If some accidents occur, it will most likely cause social unrest in the north.

In fact, there is another reason that cannot be said, that is, the companies and families behind the Anthem Consortium have considerable power, coupled with the resistance of the old nobles in the north to the New Party, the price they need to pay to move casually is much higher than When nothing can be seen, so in order to gradually improve the current empire, Magus has so far not considered moving these people.

This is also the reason why the Anthem Consortium actively seeks the operation rights of casinos and special zones. They urgently need to wash a large amount of black gold in their hands to minimize their own risks and external threats ~ ~ The ghost knows that sly When will Magus, like the old fox, trip them.

So the Anthem Consortium has not only a good name but also a bad name.

Faced with such people involved, it is indeed a headache.

After considering it over and over again, the Secretary felt that it was better to record a confession to get them out of the way, at least the trouble would not come to him in the end.

In the downstairs room, Soro calmly walked back and forth, just ten minutes ago he felt the death was so close to himself for the first time, he had smelled the smell of death. His fierce expression made him seem to lose his usual grace and decentness, and suddenly he kicked the table with a kick, and the loud noise made everyone outside the room shrink his neck.

Soon, an agent came in. He glanced at the table on the ground and said blankly, "Okay, you can go now."

"Let's go?" Soro smiled angrily. "You can't leave here without telling me who is going to assassinate me!", His eyes widened, he must know who is going to kill himself, if Unclear about this, he is likely to encounter horrible things like assassinations, and he must solve this guy.

But the agent was not ready to cooperate. He shrugged and said, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Solo. You have no right to know anything about this case. I know you are a big man. You can try to listen to the news in other ways. Instead of embarrassing me like this! "

A simple sentence of this agent gave Solo's emotions a temporary relief. As the agent said, embarrassing a little person is meaningless, and he has a way to inquire about the news inside. After staring at the detective fiercely, he walked outside with his clothes on, and said, "Arrange your people to take me to the dock and send more people."

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