Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 537: new Year

The new year is here.

Mr. Kesma was sitting at the table, holding the little Mr. Kesma in his arms, and his stereotyped face rarely smiled. He is very satisfied with his current life. In the past, he believed that restraining and controlling children was the most powerful protection for their growth, but now it seems that his method is wrong. Only by letting the children leave the protection of the eagle, they have the possibility of flying in the sky.

Mason has now secured the position of the chief of the police department in Tener City. The biggest difference between him and the previous police chiefs is that he speaks well and is rich. Good talking makes people willing to be close to him, while rich makes people willing to listen to him. Every month, Doolin will give him a sufficient amount of funds to build his own team, and he used the money well to maintain the police team.

Everyone has his own independent personality and thoughts. When Prando was in office, everyone's life seemed to be good. Prando always took out the black money he received and shared it with everyone. . But his desire to control the police station and the police was also very strong. He said what can be done, then it can be done. If someone said that he can't do something, someone will definitely leave the police station.

There is indeed a lot of money in the pocket, but it also loses its standpoint of independence. Everything must be obeyed by Prando's orders, for better or worse.

The latter police chief was arranged by the governor. It is very strict and does not allow any errors in the police station. Even if it is only a small matter, such as misplaced documents, it may be severely reprimanded and some wages deducted. What's more terrible is that once any vicious case occurs, the chief of the police station will give the investigator a deadline, half a month or one month, or other time limits. If the deadline is not completed, the prosecutor will voluntarily confess the penalty. salary.

A boss who only knows blindly gives everyone independence and position, but the high-pressure working atmosphere makes many people unbearable. Not everyone is a detective. There are constant mistakes and punishments.

But Mason is different. He is always hectic, he invites everyone out for dinner, or where to spend the night. He only asked everyone to try their best to detect the cases that had happened, and did not issue any indicators. For some things that have been done wrong, an apology will be over as long as it is not a major event, and no one's salary will be deducted.

Strangely, under the leadership of such a less serious director who did not have a strong desire for control, Tener's law and order has actually been unprecedentedly improved. Of course, if we ignore the fact that there are always well-informed Guarts who provide necessary clues to the police, the police at the Tener Local Police Department are definitely the best batch of empires.

As for the second son, Merlin ... Although Mr. Kesma is not very satisfied, he thinks that it is necessary to go to school, at least to have more knowledge, which is a good thing for someone who needs to live in this society. Coupled with the fact that Su Rui was already showing some regret, Mr. Kesma and Mrs. Kesma were very satisfied with their straight stomachs, and some minor problems naturally disappeared.

As for Du Lin ... that's a bastard.

Mr. Kesma gave Dulin a rough comment, only two words.

Surrounded by children and grandchildren, there is nothing more comfortable than that, plus no worries about eating and drinking, this is the happiest New Year of Mr. Kesma in his lifetime.

If ..., yes, if.

If Walter doesn't come!

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the door of the house where Mr. Kesma lived was knocked. He stared at Mrs. Kesma before walking to the closet and approving a coat. There are interlayers in the jacket, and his two favorite weapons are inside. Mr. Doolin's **** has caused so much trouble outside, Mr. Kema is not completely ignorant, so he needs to be a bit alert.

"Who's outside?" He didn't open the door directly, one hand was already in his arms. As long as the other party's answer didn't satisfy him, he didn't mind shooting through the door first. As for whether the wrong person will be hit, that is the arrangement of the gods!

There was no answer outside the door. Mr. Kesma opened the insurance and was ready to shoot at the cat's eyes. At the same time, Mrs. Kesma's hand was pressed under the table, and a template that could slide away was opened. There was a shape inside. Very exaggerated pistol.

It seems that the weapons of the entire Scarlet Dawn members were not made by themselves, but all came from the aristocracy. From Rayton to Mr. Kesma and Mrs. Kesma, their usual weapons were once the most precious collection or favorite weapon of a certain aristocracy.

"I!", When Mr. Kesma was about to pull the trigger, the sound outside the door sounded, he was familiar with it, he inserted the gun back into the clothes mezzanine, opened the door, and watched the door stand in the wind Walter shivering in the snow, frowning, "It's another new year, I'm enjoying this moment, but you bother me!" He said, letting Walter come in.

They are all old folks for several decades. Except that some things happened in the middle of them, there was some gap between them. In fact, the relationship was good.

Walter shook the snowflakes on his body, walked in, and looked pale, like the vampire who had just climbed out of the coffin in Knight's novel. He hung his coat on the clothes rack at the door, and followed Mr. Kesma to the restaurant. The fire in the fireplace was crackling. The heavy snow made some firewood damp, so there was a sound when it burned.

Mr. Kesma gave up his youngest daughter to a place, pointed to the chair, "Will you have something to eat together?"

Walter shook his head, and he squatted in front of the fireplace, his body shaking constantly. Seems to be seeing something unusual, Mr. Kesma asked, "You didn't drink today?"

"No drink ...", Walter's voice trembled as he spoke, "It's been two days since I drank!"

This answer surprised Mr. Kesma very much. Walter "hurts" his brain. The doctor said that he was over-stimulated and he often had hallucinations and accompanied by severe headaches. Poor Walter cannot afford narcotics, nor can he treat himself as a real medicine, so he can only paralyze himself by ingesting a large amount of alcohol, make himself better, and allow his life to be in trouble. Come to an end.

But he has not been drinking for two days, which is a serious problem. Mr. Kesma got up from the dining table, he went to the fireplace and found a foot to sit down. "Old man, what's wrong with you? Are you afraid?"

Walter tilted his head to look at Mr. Kesma. His expression was as if he had just been wronged by a few rough dogs. The last time I saw him, it was at the funeral of Mr. Walter's family on.

"She's back, she's back from hell!" The huge fear hidden in the trembling voice allowed Mr. Kesma to clearly feel his inner collapse at this moment.

"You said she was back? Who is it?"

Walter sucked his nose and lowered his voice slightly, just like the little girl hiding under the bed afraid of the devil to find herself. There was a voice in my tone that I had a horrible secret and only told you how I feel. I saw her and she came back! "

The first reaction of Mr. Kesma was that it was impossible, "Are you trying to make me happy or want to scare me? I remember very clearly that I took off Anna's face with a single shot, and she died then. You are Did n’t he drink again and have hallucinations? ”He waved at Mason.“ Go get the strongest bottle of wine. This poor worm needs to be replenished. ”

Suddenly Walter sprang up, holding Mr. Kesma's neckline with both hands, and the faces of the two were almost together. "Listen to me, I really saw her and she came back. What should we do? We Do you want to transfer? "

Mr. Kisma frowned, and patted his hand around his neckline. "Calm down, did you really see him?"

Walt felt a cold object on his temple against his scalp, so he let go of his hands with interest, and backed away a little, watching Mr. Kesma withdraw his gun, and then pressed hard. Nodded. "Last time a child noticed a stranger outside the town, didn't you ask me to look?"

"I saw her. She was wearing a fake mask, and there were a few young people around, looking a bit like soldiers. They turned around and left, I thought I drank too much, so I did n’t drink for the past two days. , I can still remember all her memories until now, which proves not to be hallucinations! "Walter swallowed," What shall we do? "

Mr. Kesma chose to believe in Walter's words. There was only one thing in the world that could stop him from drinking, and that was Anna.

"Don't you always want to say to kill her yourself? Now is a good opportunity, maybe you can realize your dream ...", Mr. Kesma's answer put Huat into extreme pain again.

Who can think that the woman who gave birth to a child is actually a spy sent by the aristocracy to break into the organization, and who can think that this woman actually set a trap in order to catch Mr. Kesma, and killed him in front of his own face Got his own child with Walt's parents. It was a fierce woman, and to this day Walter couldn't forget the woman, fear her, and hate her.

He often had some hallucinations after waking up in the middle of the night, as if she was back, but this time it was definitely not hallucinations, she really came back.

As soon as the woman who brought him great fear broke his heart, he just wanted to run away, far away.

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Author: Tripod writes, "Ke Sima Empire" is reproduced works, the fifth chapter thirty-seven Chapters Year published by the users.

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The new year is here.

Mr. Kesma was sitting at the table, holding the little Mr. Kesma in his arms, and his stereotyped face rarely smiled. He is very satisfied with his current life. In the past, he believed that restraining and controlling children was the most powerful protection for their growth, but now it seems that his method is wrong. Only by letting the children leave the protection of the eagle, they have the possibility of flying in the sky.

Mason has now secured the position of the chief of the police department in Tener City. The biggest difference between him and the previous police chiefs is that he speaks well and is rich. Good talking makes people willing to be close to him, while rich makes people willing to listen to him. Every month, Doolin will give him a sufficient amount of funds to build his own team, and he used the money well to maintain the police team.

Everyone has his own independent personality and thoughts. When Prando was in office, everyone's life seemed to be good. Prando always took out the black money he received and shared it with everyone. . But his desire to control the police station and the police was also very strong. He said what can be done, then it can be done. If someone said that he can't do something, someone will definitely leave the police station.

There is indeed a lot of money in the pocket, but it also loses its standpoint of independence. Everything must be obeyed by Prando's orders, for better or worse.

The latter police chief was arranged by the governor. It is very strict and does not allow any errors in the police station. Even if it is only a small matter, such as misplaced documents, it may be severely reprimanded and some wages deducted. What's more terrible is that once any vicious case occurs, the chief of the police station will give the investigator a deadline, half a month or one month, or other time limits. If the deadline is not completed, the prosecutor will voluntarily confess the penalty. salary.

A boss who only knows blindly gives everyone independence and position, but the high-pressure working atmosphere makes many people unbearable. Not everyone is a detective. There are constant mistakes and punishments.

But Mason is different. He is always hectic, he invites everyone out for dinner, or where to spend the night. He only asked everyone to try their best to detect the cases that had happened, and did not issue any indicators. For some things that have been done wrong, an apology will be over as long as it is not a major event, and no one's salary will be deducted.

Strangely, under the leadership of such a less serious director who did not have a strong desire for control, Tener's law and order has actually been unprecedentedly improved. Of course, if we ignore the fact that there are always well-informed Guarts who provide necessary clues to the police, the police at the Tener Local Police Department are definitely the best batch of empires.

As for the second son, Merlin ... Although Mr. Kesma is not very satisfied, he thinks that it is necessary to go to school, at least to have more knowledge, which is a good thing for someone who needs to live in this society. Coupled with the fact that Su Rui was already showing some regret, Mr. Kesma and Mrs. Kesma were very satisfied with their straight stomachs, and some minor problems naturally disappeared.

As for Du Lin ... that's a bastard.

Mr. Kesma gave Dulin a rough comment, only two words.

Surrounded by children and grandchildren, there is nothing more comfortable than that, plus no worries about eating and drinking, this is the happiest New Year of Mr. Kesma in his lifetime.

If ..., yes, if.

If Walter doesn't come!

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the door of the house where Mr. Kesma lived was knocked. He stared at Mrs. Kesma before walking to the closet and approving a coat. There are interlayers in the jacket, and his two favorite weapons are inside. Mr. Doolin's **** has caused so much trouble outside, Mr. Kema is not completely ignorant, so he needs to be a bit alert.

"Who's outside?" He didn't open the door directly, one hand was already in his arms. As long as the other party's answer didn't satisfy him, he didn't mind shooting through the door first. As for whether the wrong person will be hit, that is the arrangement of the gods!

There was no answer outside the door. Mr. Kesma opened the insurance and was ready to shoot at the cat's eyes. At the same time, Mrs. Kesma's hand was pressed under the table, and a template that could slide away was opened. There was a shape inside. Very exaggerated pistol.

It seems that the weapons of the entire Scarlet Dawn members were not made by themselves, but all came from the aristocracy. From Rayton to Mr. Kesma and Mrs. Kesma, their usual weapons were once the most precious collection or favorite weapon of a certain aristocracy.

"I!", When Mr. Kesma was about to pull the trigger, the sound outside the door sounded, he was familiar with it, he inserted the gun back into the clothes mezzanine, opened the door, and watched the door stand in the wind Walter shivering in the snow, frowning, "It's another new year, I'm enjoying this moment, but you bother me!" He said, letting Walter come in.

They are all old folks for several decades. Except that some things happened in the middle of them, there was some gap between them. In fact, the relationship was good.

Walter shook the snowflakes on his body, walked in, and looked pale, like the vampire who had just climbed out of the coffin in Knight's novel. He hung his coat on the clothes rack at the door, and followed Mr. Kesma to the restaurant. The fire in the fireplace was crackling. The heavy snow made some firewood damp, so there was a sound when it burned.

Mr. Kesma gave up his youngest daughter to a place, pointed to the chair, "Will you have something to eat together?"

Walter shook his head, and he squatted in front of the fireplace, his body shaking constantly. Seems to be seeing something unusual, Mr. Kesma asked, "You didn't drink today?"

"No drink ...", Walter's voice trembled as he spoke, "It's been two days since I drank!"

This answer surprised Mr. Kesma very much. Walter "hurts" his brain. The doctor said that he was over-stimulated and he often had hallucinations and accompanied by severe headaches. Poor Walter cannot afford narcotics, nor can he treat himself as a real medicine, so he can only paralyze himself by ingesting a large amount of alcohol, make himself better, and allow his life to be in trouble. Come to an end.

But he has not been drinking for two days, which is a serious problem. Mr. Kesma got up from the dining table, he went to the fireplace and found a foot to sit down. "Old man, what's wrong with you? Are you afraid?"

Walter tilted his head to look at Mr. Kesma. His expression was as if he had just been wronged by a few rough dogs. The last time I saw him, it was at the funeral of Mr. Walter's family on.

"She's back, she's back from hell!" The huge fear hidden in the trembling voice allowed Mr. Kesma to clearly feel his inner collapse at this moment.

"You said she was back? Who is it?"

Walter sucked his nose and lowered his voice slightly, just like the little girl hiding under the bed afraid of the devil to find herself. There was a voice in my tone that I had a horrible secret and only told you how I feel. I saw her and she came back! "

The first reaction of Mr. Kesma was that it was impossible, "Are you trying to make me happy or want to scare me? I remember very clearly that I took off Anna's face with a single shot, and she died then. You are Did n’t he drink again and have hallucinations? ”He waved at Mason.“ Go get the strongest bottle of wine. This poor worm needs to be replenished. ”

Suddenly Walter sprang up, holding Mr. Kesma's neckline with both hands, and the faces of the two were almost together. "Listen to me, I really saw her and she came back. What should we do? We Do you want to transfer? "

Mr. Kisma frowned, and patted his hand around his neckline. "Calm down, did you really see him?"

Walter felt a cold object on his temple against his scalp ~ ~ so he let go of his hands with interest, and backed up a little distance, watching Mr. Kesma retract his gun. After that, he nodded strongly. "Last time a child noticed that a stranger appeared outside the town, didn't you ask me to look?"

"I saw her. She was wearing a fake mask, and there were a few young people around, looking a bit like soldiers. They turned around and left, I thought I drank too much, so I did n’t drink for the past two days. , I can still remember all her memories until now, which proves not to be hallucinations! "Walter swallowed," What shall we do? "

Mr. Kesma chose to believe in Walter's words. There was only one thing in the world that could stop him from drinking, and that was Anna.

"Don't you always want to say to kill her yourself? Now is a good opportunity, maybe you can realize your dream ...", Mr. Kesma's answer put Huat into extreme pain again.

Who can think that the woman who gave birth to a child is actually a spy sent by the aristocracy to break into the organization, and who can think that this woman actually set a trap in order to catch Mr. Kesma, and killed him in front of his own face Got his own child with Walt's parents. It was a fierce woman, and to this day Walter couldn't forget the woman, fear her, and hate her.

He often had some hallucinations after waking up in the middle of the night, as if she was back, but this time it was definitely not hallucinations, she really came back.

As soon as the woman who brought him great fear broke his heart, he just wanted to run away, far away.

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