Cosma Empire

Chapter 5: Cigarette with chili noodles

工作 Working on the "wharf" is not an easy task. Every day a large amount of cargo needs to be unloaded or loaded, and it works from almost dawn until late at night.

工作 The salary of this job is very low and the intensity is very high, so it is difficult to recruit sufficient manpower. This is why there is a breach of contract that requires 50 yuan to be paid in less than half a year on the agreement. There are also reasons why it is half a year instead of one year, two years or even longer. This kind of high-intensity work may only bring people the feeling of exhaustion in the early stage, but as the working time increases, the physical aspect is no longer as simple as exhaustion.

Lack of nutritional supplements, no comfortable resting environment, and steam locomotives passing by at night. Over time, these porters will have some physical problems, such as "occupational diseases" such as bone deformities. . According to the capitalists, these sick workers are no longer able to take on the heavy porter work. It is a loss-making act to support them by feeding them money. The only way out for these workers is to be kicked. Go out.

But it just happens that things cannot go so smoothly because of the existence of unions. The union is a kind of thing that makes all capitalists feel nauseous and want to vomit. They hate the union and can't live without it. They can only pinch their noses to make themselves as comfortable as possible. In the dual of the imperial law and theocracy law Under the care, avoid certain rules.

For example, occupational illness is a work injury. Either the station pays a lot of money for the workers to leave, or they support them until they are forty-five.

God is above, let alone feed them, even if paying five cents more is a kind of meat-cutting behavior that can make them feel pain, so the agreement of the station is signed every six months. After the agreement expires, the station will issue a note to those workers who require renewal. After the physical examination confirms that they are not sick and have no bone deformity, they can continue to sign the agreement. As for the workers who have physical problems, they just get out of the way. Whether the workers are overworked or sick due to heavy physical work at the station after performing the contract has nothing to do with the station.

At that time, the union had no power to excuse each other with excuses and stations.

Of course, Doolin would not know this. In the eyes of Mr. Klein, this is a fool from the countryside. After six months, he throws it out and lets himself die! what? Learn? That's the school run by his daughter. Why not introduce workers to learn a little bit and increase their knowledge and education?

杜 Du Lin arrived at the station early the next morning, and there was already a hint of autumn coolness in the early morning of late summer and early autumn. He wiped his arms with both hands, bringing some warmth to his body. When standing on the platform with oil lamps, there were already many workers around, ready to welcome the first steam locomotive.

"New?", A thirty-something guy who looked like a bear was wearing only a vest. He had a cigarette in his mouth, took another, and handed it to Du. forest.

When they were in the countryside, sometimes their brothers sometimes stole Mr. Xima's cigarettes, and each of them took a sip. Faced with the cigarettes from a stranger, he hesitated to take it, still took it, and thanked him, "Thank you for the cigarette, I'm Du Lin."

The bear took out a match and wiped it on Du Lin's collar, and suddenly a strong white smoke rose. They tilted their heads to avoid the white smoke, which was said to be toxic, before they got to the side of the burning match and lit the cigarette.

The guy threw the match and threw it on the ground, stepped on it a few more times, crushed it, and took a deep breath while smoking a cigarette while saying, "Smoking is not allowed in the station. It is said that other places have happened in the station Smoking caused the goods to be burned. "He reached out and grinned with a grin." My name is Graff, I'm glad to be your co-worker. "

Dulin reached out and shook Graf, and immediately felt a lot closer. The charm of socializing lies in this. Simple conversations, and sharing that may not be gifts, can quickly close the relationship between two strangers.

"I am very honored, sir." Du Lin was very polite. He nodded and took a puff of cigarettes, and then coughed.

Graff laughed loudly. He patted Du Lin's back, and said with a smile: "Don't use the word Mr., it's only used by high-ranking people in the society, just call my name. Besides, is it not enough?", He took off the cigarette held in the corner of his mouth and squeezed **** in front of Du Lin.

It took a while for Du Lin to walk through. He never dared to smoke this cigarette. He coughed, his face paled, "What's in it?"

Graf seemed very happy and proud, "In addition to a small part of the tobacco leaves, there are straw, vines, dried and cut into shreds, yes, there are some blood orange peels and a bit of flour ground into a flour Chili peel. "

"You can let go of that boy, Graff, who can bear your thing?", Someone had noticed the situation here, and immediately the workers smiled and started to choke.

Graff didn't care. He put his cigarettes in his mouth again and gave them a sideways glance. "This guy can bear it!" On the ground, "Do you mean it, do you want to smoke?"

In fact, most of the cigarettes smoked by workers are such cigarettes that they add something to themselves, because they do not make enough money to qualify them for expensive items such as cigarettes. They usually pick up some cigarette ends with about one centimeter left in the station, pour out the tobacco leaves and collect them. If these tobacco leaves are simply rolled into cigarettes, they may only be able to roll out two or three cigarettes a day. But if you add a little bit of material, you can roll out a bag more or less.

High society has the luxury of high society, while the bottom society also has the survival wisdom of the bottom society. After trying many things, most people agree with dried vines and dried blood orange peel. As for Graf's added straw and paprika ... that's his personal hobby.

Du Lin looked at Graf's sincere eyes and the expectations of his eyes. The kind and simple country boy could only bite his head and took another sip. His face was almost white. A few sounds made Graff laugh.

Dulin can see that Graff is not laughing at him, he is really happy.

At this time, the steam locomotive in the distance began to whistle, and the workers began to pack their tools and stood on the platform waiting for unloading.

After the steam locomotive arrived at the station, Du Lin discovered that the so-called "standard cargo" was not a package, a sack or a box, but a lot. According to what he has learned in his dream, there are almost four cubes. In fact, it's right to think about it. If you only need to run back and forth once to get two cents, I am afraid that the station does not need to recruit workers at all, and it has already been crowded by workers.

Graf handed the two ropes tied together to Durin, and then helped him cross his arms over his shoulders, forming an X shape behind him. "If you only use brute force, you can run up to five or six times and you have no strength. Then, using this rope to hold the two corners of the box, you can use the strength of the whole body, and it is relatively easy to not hurt the body. "He said he hit a hammer on Du Lin's shoulder." What you want to learn There are more, brothers! "

The work in the morning is relatively easy. There are not many steam locomotives on the night road. UU reads www. didn't let Du Lin experience real exhaustion until the afternoon. As steam locomotives kept coming into the station, Mr. Klien also stepped out of the office, scolding the workers and arranging dispatches. He was almost busy from one o'clock to seven o'clock in the evening to have a breath.

Du Lin, whose arms had begun to tremble, could not even punch with his hands, sat at the dining table, held a piece of bread with his trembling hands, and drank the broth on the table.

一天 Today, according to the workers, he earned twelve points. If this progress is maintained, he can earn five yuan a month this month, which is already a good result for novices.

Graff also came over holding a bowl full of broth with a few loaves of bread. He sat beside Durin, biting the bread with a big mouth, and couldn't even speak clearly. "Don't take a shower at night, take off your clothes and go to bed, don't do anything else, or you won't be able to do anything tomorrow."

Dulin always believes what experienced people say, and Graf doesn't say things that make him feel ridiculous, just keeps him from taking a bath. It didn't take too long to consider, and Dulin was determined to believe Graf's suggestion, and he also raised a question.

"Mr. Klein told me that the union people would come to me in a few days and ask me not to join the union. Should I join?"

Graf's scornful look immediately appeared on his face. He glanced back at the lighted window on the second floor. Hehe sneered, "Don't listen to that liar. If you don't join the union, who can guarantee us the bottom workers? Rights? He just wants to get cheap from you. Besides, is the 50% membership fee expensive? "

Du Lin nodded, drank the broth in the bowl, and ate a piece of meat as big as a small fingernail.

"I understand!"

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