Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 544: Brake 【1】

Seventeen or eighteen people entering a bar are not like several people entering the bar. The first time these people came in, they were already discovered by some people. A fellow member of the fellowship quickly bent over and took Du Lin's ear. He saw and told the fellow president of the fellowship that he was also called "Messiah" by Durant. He was a bit blindly worried that these people were coming towards Du Lin. After all, the only "big name" in this bar today is probably only Du Lin.

Du Lin waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's not for me." He also had his own ideas for this analysis. His original plan was to come to the Imperial Capital on the 3rd, but because of the telephone call from Magus, he made it ahead of time. After two days in the imperial capital, even if someone were to ambush him, it was impossible to know that Du Lin would come in advance. Unless Dulin was beside Inner Ghosts, or if Magus had someone to target him, these people had no time to arrange.

Secondly, he came to this bar as a random choice. They originally planned to entertain Durin at the Ducal House of Olmi at night-the first duke killed by the royal family and hanged his family on charges of rebellion. , Not even the dog was spared. After the death of Duke Olmi, his house was sold to merchants. At that time, the royal family did so in order to humiliate other Olmi interests and warn them not to mess around.

Secondly, there was a bad breath. At that time, the aristocracy led by the Duke of Olmi and Prince Saffron had been fighting with the royal family and wanted to establish a duchy in the eastern part of the empire, but the royal family never agreed. The two great nobles have deep roots and many followers. Once they have established the Principality, it is likely that a civil war will erupt in the near future. Their ambitions are definitely not as simple as the principality, they want the throne.

After a series of power struggles, the Duke of Olmi was hanged, and Prince Safulon served himself. The royal family believed that the dukes and the princes who had been locked down due to military achievements had a huge hidden danger to the empire. The knighthood will allow them to accumulate a large amount of strength with each generation. When these strengths are strong to a certain extent, they will eventually embark on the road of betrayal, whether they are willing or not.

Rather than letting these people become powerful enough to fight against the royal family in the future, it is better to kill them easily when they don't have these ideas, which is more powerful for the stability of the empire. As a result, the royal family quietly purged the noble class for 110 years. After two generations of emperors, all the princes and dukes of the empire were finally killed, except for the Fatima family. When the royal family wanted to take back some of the "stupid" practices in the past, the Civil War broke out.

To this day, there are still two ducal palaces in the hands of merchants, who have made these ducal palaces into a high-end social platform similar to a private clubhouse. They can also temporarily rent some rooms and equipment. Generally speaking, It is a very upscale place.

But Du Lin was troublesome, so he changed his plan and chose this bar.

If the other party is still aiming at him under the continuous change of the original plan, even if he leaves now, I am afraid it is too late. It's better to consider other things, such as ... to a gun.

He was not blindly arrogant. He took a pistol from the young man and shot it into the arms, and patted the other's shoulder, so that the young man about the same size as Durin suddenly felt flattered. Backed away.

Sure enough, these people did not come at them. These people went directly to the backstage, the show was still being performed, and the bar was still so lively.

On the second floor, Ms. Celine's affectionate singing made people a little intoxicated, and the atmosphere became happy again. Alcohol is indeed a good thing to cheer, and the atmosphere quickly became hot. One classmate took off his thick winter clothes, and in summer clothes twisted his body in the space between the two sets of sofas. Ramazan was sitting on the couch and holding a wine glass. He lost face tonight, which made him feel an excitement beyond him.

At first, Ramazan had the intention to pursue Flenna with the public expression of this limelight. In such an occasion and atmosphere, maybe Flena agreed. But he soon realized that all of these are just his own opinions. The well-known Freina belongs to the group of "good students" in school. She listens to the lectures and takes notes every day. She is also studying after school. Everyone needs to be more "mature" and psychologically mature.

So after Ramazan drank two glasses of wine, he suddenly became aware of it. He thought of another way to approach Freyna, which is more likely to succeed than the stupid plan before.

"Do you know Baohua Tobacco Company?", Ramazan nodded subconsciously when he asked this. People often said that there are three things that can never be left in a social situation, cigarettes, wine and land. . Several cigarettes produced by Baohua Tobacco Company are not bad. The price is a little cheaper than the cigarettes from the Federation, and the quality is not too bad, so there is no problem in sales.

It is said that the total operating income of Baohua Tobacco Leaf Company reached 44 million last year. The chairman of the company claimed to further expand production lines and factories and launch high-end brands. They have used many places in the western circle as tobacco growing bases and signed strategic cooperation plans with the two western states. In short, this is a company that suddenly refreshes people's understanding of it, always appearing in newspapers or print ads.

Ramazan smiled slightly, thinking he was the most suitable. "We plan to expand our market share this year and win more customers to smoke our tobacco, so we need some celebrities with considerable popularity to come. Advertise for us. If you do n’t mind, why not try? ”He did n’t give Freina a chance to speak, and continued to say,“ We ​​’ve provided Ms. Celine with a three-year total of one hundred and two. 100,000 endorsement fees, if you want, it will not be lower than this! "

1.2 million is definitely a sky-high price, and the so-called endorsement is nothing more than shooting a group of print advertisements every quarter or at a certain time, and being a background board at a very important meeting. Work, this is definitely a very cost-effective contract. Many celebrities want to endorse who is not necessarily willing to use them. Now Ramazan sent an astronomical endorsement contract to Flenna, he did not believe Flena did not care!

This is 1.2 million. As far as he knows, Freina had previously been an executive president of Empire Star and did not own any shares. She was just a migrant worker. When he offered this price that clearly exceeded the price offered by his father, he was convinced that Freina would nod.

He didn't force her to do anything or ask her to promise anything, just a normal business endorsement contract. But once Freina was willing and signed the contract, she would definitely not run away.

This is 1.2 million, not 12,000 or 120,000. She should know how to do it in return.

"It's also three years?" 1.2 million is really not a small number, so it is only for the female singer who became popular and won the gold award that she can get front-line endorsement fees, and this is still the product of Baohua tobacco company And the company's popularity is a high price smashed with money, the normal front-line celebrity endorsement cost is about 800,000.

Honestly, Freina was a little bit turbulent.

Ramazan shook his head. "You have to know how popular Ms. Celine is now ..." He shrugged. "Your words, at least seven years!"

1.2 million in 7 years, and about 180,000 in a year, the price is actually compared, but not as shocking as I heard at first. When she hesitated, the manager of the bar knocked on the frosted glass door and left Come in. He was followed by two waiters, who had left two bottles in each arm for a long time, adding up to four bottles. The big guys looked at them, and some people also asked who asked for the wine ~ ~ They haven't finished it yet.

"I'm very sorry to bother you, may I ask Mr. Ramazan here?" The manager actually saw Ramazan at a glance, but sometimes he couldn't speak too directly.

Ramazan froze and stood up, "I'm here, is there anything wrong?"

The manager seemed grinning, but in fact he was suffering, but now both sides are in trouble and can only let them solve it by himself. As a messenger, he lost four bottles of wine to pay these young people first. He asked the waiter to put down the wine and walked to Ramazan softly and said, "Ms. Celine's agent has found some people. It doesn't look like a good thing, or I'll open a back door for you to take a step?"

The first half of the sentence also made Ramazan feel a little tremor, but the second half of the sentence made him feel that he was being looked down upon and went directly over the manager and went downstairs. The bar manager smiled, and young people are just fine ... cheating.

He brought up the wine and did not let Ramazan how to make him very "considerate" to let him slip through the back door. No matter what happened, there is no responsibility for him and the bar. If the bar has a loss, then someone must be Stand up for compensation.

On the other side, Celine's agent has already stood at the door of the bar, and seventeen or eight security guards surround them. Someone has broken the rules tonight, so we must deal with them in a way that breaks the rules.

Celine whispered, "I don't think so, just sing one more song. There is no need to make a noise for a few minutes."

The agent glared at her, "Someone spends money today to make you sing an extra song, and tomorrow someone will give you the same money to tell you to dance. Miss Celine, there are some things you ca n’t stop once you start, until the end There will be responsibilities that none of us can afford, so be sure to hit the brakes hard at the beginning! "

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