Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 552: Buy island 【一】

"I had a dream when I was a kid ..." In the face of many guests and reporters, Du Lin didn't have the slightest timidity. After greeting everyone, he smiled and started speaking, "I dreamed I would ride on the White Pearl on the ocean Chi hired, I dreamed that one day I would fly to the clouds with a huge strange bird, and I dreamed that one day I would be an amazing person. "He shrugged his shoulders," This dream will come true soon! "

People laughed kindly, even if Mr. 350,000 left Ilian for a year, he is still a legend and still one of the typical figures of Ilian. Whenever a foreign tourist comes here, a guide will introduce them to the manor on the cliff, the owner of the manor and what he has done. There is no doubt that he is definitely a successful man.

The good laughter made the atmosphere very harmonious, even if it was the cold winter at this time, I felt inexplicably warm around.

"Everyone has many dreams. Some dreams can be achieved through our own efforts, but there are also some dreams that may always be our vision of the fantasy world. But in the world of movies, through outstanding actors and directors The efforts of screenwriters, screenwriters, and more practitioners, maybe we once had some illusory dreams that will take a different form and appear on the screen. "

"Some scholars think that film is a vulgar performance to please the public. I think they have a different opinion. I think film is also an art ..." Suddenly, applause was heard from all around, and this applause quickly gathered into a stream Amazing power, people who continuously raised their hands to applaud Du Lin's statement very much, those film work practitioners even regarded Du Lin as a confidant.

With Du Lin's reputation and identity, what he said today will definitely appear in some newspapers tomorrow. This may not change some people's inherent perceptions of them, but this is also a change, a process of pursuing dreams. In addition to money and fame, persevering efforts have changed the way people think about movies, actors, and everyone.

Du Lin raised his hand and pressed the button with a smile, nodding his greetings from time to time, and the applause stopped for a while. He continued: "Movie is an art, a kind of performing art. Impossible things are presented to us in a more intuitive way and let us know that it is not a dream, maybe somewhere, maybe some other time and space, what we dream about is what is happening . "

"When His Excellency told me to establish the eighth district, I was very encouraged. This is a good thing for all film lovers and all staff. It can even be used to promote the film culture. Art is steadily moving forward. History is born at this moment, gentlemen, history will be remembered today, and at this time, everything we do for the film industry! "

"Welcome to District 8!"

After Du Linquan finished the last sentence, he smiled and waved, and walked off a small temporary stage. People gave warm applause to Du Lin's short words. Some film workers left the small stage in Du Lin. The time came around, these people desperately wanted to talk to Du Lin about the art of movies. It is not unusual for one of these great men to be able to understand film work and to deeply analyze film culture. Perhaps from Du Lin, they can find more valuable things.

Horstton's eyes were a bit strange. Du Lin's words were actually very simple, but at this time and place, he had a considerable appeal. He is a very smart young man who knows when and what to say to win people's attention and recognition. This is not a simple matter.

Everyone speaks, but many people speak badly and don't know if they should speak at some point.

When Horston felt the appeal and talent that Durin had not shown in the past, he suddenly tightened his heart, and was regarded as Durin by the Olympic support in the future. Could it be his enemy? This is not impossible. If Dulin's ability is to compete for the post of governor of the state of Cosnas, I am afraid it is not too difficult. He has management and development experience in building the city of Otis. He also has considerable connections. The key is that he has money.

People always think that elections are about talent and ability. These are all wrong ideas. The election is about money. In a society where capital is king, no matter how good your political ideas are, and how outstanding your framework theory is for a region, but no one knows these, how can people choose you? To let people know, this requires continuous printing of various posters and brochures, lectures everywhere and constantly appearing in people's sight.

It costs money, and it costs money!

When Harry was running for governor, he did a lot of work. One of them can be said to have laid a strong foundation for him to become governor, and this thing is to treat guests to dinner.

He invited three meals of 3.71 million workers in the entire state of Cosnas to eat three meals. If a worker needs thirty-five points to calculate a meal, he would spend almost four million on this activity.

This trick was very effective. He let all ordinary class people who have the right to vote know him. Under the influence of these three meals, he voted for the "friend of the workers", so he won with a great advantage and became Got the governor.

What about Horsten himself?

Four million ... He didn't, one million was about the same. The main motivation and reason for him to imagine the governorship of the state of Cosnas was with Harry. With Harry's nomination, he would have inherited Cosna Most of the influence left by Harry in Texas. But what if Du Lin jumps out? Can you stop him?

The smile on the face of Lord Mayor Horston, who was still very happy, became a little stiff, and he had to talk to Du Lin.

The unveiling ceremony of the eighth district is very lively. People will soon know that this will also be a great achievement when he is in charge of Ilian.

After the unveiling ceremony, Horston asked Doolin to go to Alexandra's hotel for dinner alone. The two chose a restaurant on the third floor. There were only one such table in a restaurant of hundreds of square meters, and two people.

The third floor of the winter break hotel will be completely empty, and it also becomes an important place to talk about things.

"It was a wonderful speech. After listening to it, I felt full of energy!", Horstun sat before Du Lin and gave him a cigarette before the dishes came up. Get up, "I know you're doing very well at Otis, and Harry will be leaving in three years. Have you considered his place?"

Du Lin shook his head while smoking a cigarette, "You said running for governor? Maybe I'm not suitable. The governor nomination is a very important signal. There has been some small friction between me and Harry. He will not nominate me. And I If you want to run for governor age, do you think the mainstream middle class now recognizes me? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Horston's heart was frank. Without Harry's nomination, the mainstream middle class in Cosenas-about 30 to 50 members. It is difficult for families to recognize Doolin. This point is that Horsten in politics knows these people better than Durin. When some people in the old party proposed to separate the middle class and the bottom of society and form a new class, those who supported them most were those middle classes.

This society is definitely not as simple and kind as people see with their eyes. After more than ten years of hard work, young people who are full of energy and energy have freed themselves from hundreds or more of their peers and climbed to a new level. What they want at this time is definitely not change, what they need is stability. Use stability to solidify the class that has been formed but will not speak clearly to consolidate the results and benefits of past efforts.

These people are more inclined to older politicians. At least these older politicians will not come up with a measure today, and have a concept tomorrow ~ ~ will not let the stable social structure change.

It can be said that the middle class is the largest interest group of the empire. What they need is a fortress that cannot be broken, not a cannonball that can destroy the wall!

Horston nodded. "Are you going to be in Otis all the time? Or do you have any other ideas?"

Du Lin glanced at him with a smile, "You seem to want me to move around?"

Horstton, who was seen by Doulin, was not embarrassed at all. He waved his hands again and again, "No, no, you misunderstood. I just think you are still young, and you should have the desire and motivation to challenge everything, unlike us. Half the old man lost his motivation. "

"I remember telling me when you sent me to Otis. Do you plan to run for governor over there?", Du Lin played the ashes, "Do you think I'm getting in the way?"

This sentence made Horston a bit waxy. "How can it? In fact, if we two can help each other, it makes more sense than me or you to fight alone. If you don't leave Otis, don't leave Corson Nas, for me, is a good thing, at least I already have someone there. "

"Myself?" Du Lin nodded at all, extinguishing the cigarette in the ashtray, "let us wait and see!"

During the meal, Horston talked about Doolin's winery, and then extended the topic to the fact that he bought most of the islands in the Empire's Inland Sea. Some merchants also wanted to buy these islands of different sizes some time ago, but they soon discovered that the islands within the range of Irian were already private islands of Doolin, and other places were similar. So some people hope that Dulin can be contacted through Horston, and whether they can transfer some to them.

The cause of this incident is also related to another international incident.

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