Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 561: Conference [1]

The Survivors of Miracles

We Have Hope

"The Night Will Come to the Sun"

The Gift of God


Newspapers are reporting the appearance of this "survivor" and more "survivors". This is definitely exciting news. These people have not completely died. They are still struggling for help in the ruins. The severely injured survivors were interviewed by reporters.

He lay on a clean, tidy and warm bed in the hospital, and told reporters in the room and outside the window about his psychological history after the death. He first thanked the empire for his positive response and search and rescue work, and God for his mercy. Thanks to his wife and children, to all of them and everything that made him through the most desperate and fearful period of his life.

When the tunnel collapsed, he fell to the ground, and all the light around him disappeared at that moment. He struggled hard, but the falling steel bars and some stones broke his hands and feet, and he Can't break free under the pressure. There is always no hope to be seen everywhere. He thought he would die there. He began to fear and start to go crazy, but his family awakened him to survive.

He ate some dirt in the process and tasted bad, but he could endure the hunger. When he is thirsty, he will lick those cold "ice stones" that have been covered with ice. During this period of persistence, the thing that most scared him was the constant drop in body temperature. He felt that it was getting colder and colder. Fortunately, there was no wind in the ruins, and he was wearing thick clothes.

He slept twice on the way. Fortunately, he woke up again every time. His emotional memories and two crying sounds made him cry for all the reporters and medical staff present.

He is a strong person, a person fighting for himself and his family!

The city of Otis not only waived all his medical expenses, but also allowed the joint construction worker to compensate him for 2,000 yuan according to the standard of third-level disability. And United Construction Workers promised that after his fracture was healed, he would continue to hire him to serve the company and give management staff a salary. The worker also expressed recognition of this compensation and appreciated the attitude of the joint construction workers.

Of course, in the search and rescue work, it is not necessarily all such encouraging news, and the dead are constantly being found, but soon the newspapers no longer pay attention to these news clues. Compared to those sad news, those injuries that keep appearing and are rescued This is the news that should be reported everywhere. This is in line with all the points of support for ethics. People like news and pay for it.

Two days later, at the press conference of the City Hall of Otis, Scott, wearing a brand new dress, stood on the podium, his face was heavy, and a white flower was worn on his chest. He looked around the reporter at the venue and held his hands together. "Let's mourn for all the victims for a minute, thank you!" He closed his eyes and said that the reporters stood up and started to stand up after they were slightly stunned. Mourning for those who died in the disaster.

In fact, both journalists and people with a sense of justice and responsibility know that the so-called mourning is the "opening ceremony" of this press conference, but everyone is very cooperative and pretended that they may use it for a minute. Time to think about what to eat at noon, or which girlfriend to roll the sheets with at night, or some journalists thinking about how to write a press release that can drive newspaper sales.

In short, everyone is like that.

Scott stood on the stage with a bit of emotion. Two days ago, Du Lin called him and invited him to become the secretary of the mayor of Otis City Hall. He also worked as a press officer. He decided to quit without further consideration. Irian's work came to Otis resolutely in the earnest retention of Horston.

Du Lin didn't give him a glorious future of HTC, but just told him that if he did something satisfactory, he could continue to work in Otis after serving as the spokesperson of his own interests.

This "interest spokesman" doesn't seem to be a terrific title. He doesn't even have a formal job, but Scott knows how much Du Lin has built this poor and dilapidated place into something like this. "Fortune". He needs a "dragon dragon" to help him be optimistic about the things here. He may have a candidate he approved before, but from now on, he is that person.

He will become the "shadow mayor" of the city, and this feeling of power is far beyond all the sweet lies that seem to be so good that the real benefits did not take him long.

One minute was short, and it could be long, and Scott's expression on his face became more painful as he opened his eyes. In fact, he is very grateful to Horston now. He is grateful for the six years of working life he has given him, and he has accumulated a wealth of social experience and acting skills.

"Sit down ... Thank you all for taking the time to take part in this press conference during your busy work. All journalist friends present can receive a gift when they leave, some local specialties."

"Then we officially started this press conference. First of all, I will give you an explanation. According to the unanimous responses given by the three well-known architectural design companies in the empire, and the accident report submitted by the joint construction company, we can clearly find that The main responsibility for the accident came from data errors in the joint construction. The engineer responsible for designing the frame tunnel ignored the weight brought by the blizzard, and the timely falling of the falling rocks of the ceiling by the construction machinery, combined with other reasons, Led to this accident ... "

"Otis is a transparent city. We don't conceal problems like other cities do. We put everything in the sun and everyone can look at it."

"According to the feedback from the search and rescue team to the current search and rescue situation, we found a total of 221 dead bodies at the scene of the accident and sent 466 injured workers to local and foreign hospitals for rescue treatment. The payslips we received, and about 300 workers were trapped in the rubble. Our time is running out, but I believe that miracles will come again on this land. God loves the world and will Bless us! "

"In terms of compensation, compensation for all injured or dead workers is in accordance with the five-tier compensation system currently implemented by the empire. Mr. Du Lin, the mayor of Otis, has clearly stated that he will urge the joint construction workers to take all the victims and the injured The compensation money is in place. If the co-construction workers can't provide enough money to compensate, the city hall of Otis will make advance advances to ensure that all the affected families will not have other changes due to this accident. "

"I know a lot of people are very concerned about whether such a big accident happened, and whether the railway will continue to be constructed in both directions. On behalf of Otis City Hall and Mayor Du Lin, I will tell you that yes, we will continue Construction. If the joint construction does not work, then change. We have the confidence and responsibility to overcome all difficulties and solve the biggest problems facing road traffic in Otis. Please also understand and understand the citizens and the citizens of the Empire And continue to support our work ... "

After a long series of speeches, Scott took the cup and took a sip of cold water. "It's time to ask questions. We have 30 minutes to ask questions. In principle, each reporter can only ask questions once. I have the right not to answer. Some radical questions. "

The reporters at the venue raised their hands one by one, and the photographers and photographers next to them began to point their eyes at the enthusiastic reporters. Scott casually ordered a blonde female reporter in the third row, not because he favored the female reporter's face, nor was her figure able to impress Scott. The key is that the female reporter was her own.

"Hello, Mr. Press Officer, I am a reporter from Central Empire United Press. From the data you said just now, we know that the death toll from this accident is very high ~ ~ Then you think this number Will it continue to increase? How to ensure that the party responsible for the accident will jointly pay all the compensation? ", The female reporter looked at Scott cheerfully after asking. This was prepared last night. "Taiben", it is time to test recitations and live performances.

Scott raised his hand to press the female reporter to sit down. He was slightly contemplative, and frowned slightly, as if he were really thinking, "You asked two questions ...", he smiled "I'll just take it as a problem."

"I don't know if the death toll will continue to rise, but I believe that God will have his arrangements. The only thing we can do is to speed up the search and rescue process and strive to clear all the ruins by tomorrow night. I hope it will There are more miracles again, and I believe that everyone's mood is the same. As for another issue, the city hall of Otis and the mayor Mr. Du Lin have contacted the chairman of United Construction Engineering. "

"The United Construction Company stated that they are a socially responsible company and strictly abide by the laws of the Empire. They will allocate no less than six million compensation to pay everyone's compensation. Half of this money has been credited. In the official account of the City Hall, the current account setting is currently visible, and you can go to the Imperial Bank to check related matters. "

"As a guarantee, the mayor Mr. Du Lin also hopes that I can tell you that if the joint construction company is even a penny, the mayor will also express his position and submit a bill to the Imperial Parliament, demanding that all people who have moral and integrity The federal people who owe it! "I want to talk about" Kixima Empire "with more like-minded people, and follow WeChat to" Hot Web or rdww444 "to talk with more book friends about favorite books

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