Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 595: Housework

Donald, who hung up, immediately walked behind Polly and was about to remind him of a problem. Before the two had time to communicate, a reporter stood up.

"Mr. Polly, Mayor Donald, what do you think of the former Mayor of Otis City, Dulin, suing two conspiracy to assassinate and usurp his power in the capital?"

The reporter's speech made the whole press conference room silent, all the hustle and bustle fell into a dead silence at this moment, and even made those reporters forget to take photos instead of standing there looking at the reporter stupidly.

Donald's face was terrible, and Polly's face was not good. It should have been a day full of excitement and joy. I did not expect that the trend of the whole thing went to an abyss because of one's speech. There is no doubt that this reporter must have been invited by Du Lin, at least it has a certain relationship with Du Lin. His words finally played an amazing role in half a minute, and those journalists who had stopped thinking had stood up excitedly and raised their questions aloud.

The news was so hot that Du Lin actually broke his face with the two people and brought the matter to court.

At the beginning, those photos and reports that favored Dulin's position brought haze to the city of Otis, but many people who have a certain understanding of politics understand that this matter can only cause confusion and will not affect Donald had too severe a governing influence. Because the high-level empire, that is, the Imperial Cabinet and the ruling party, did not send an internal investigation team to investigate Donald. In other words, the high-level empire may think that this is ordinary dirty water. Without precise evidence, they will not start the investigation process without authorization. .

Only during this time, the march of Otis was a headache for Donald, and the appearance of the Hymn Consort saved him almost down.

What was unexpected was that Du Lin actually brought Donald and the Cape family to court at this time, and the nature changed instantly. Du Lin must have key evidence, otherwise he would not be able to take this one. It went to court. Once he can't produce substantive evidence that can accuse Donald and the Cape family of conspiracy to murder him to obtain the actual power of the city of Otis, Durin will be defeated and Donald's siege will be resolved.

This news is far more popular than the second phase of development of Otis City, and even more popular than the general election-anyway, everyone knows what the general election is all about.

"Mr. Polly, what do you think of the allegations made by former mayor Mr. Du Lin against you and the current mayor, do you think the allegations made by former mayor Mr. Du Lin can be substantiated?"

"Mayor Donald, I heard that there was a gap between you and Dulin. Mr. Dulin did not give you any power when he was in office, so did you decide to avenge him with resentment?"

"Mayor Donald, can you talk about the relationship between you and the killer and Mr. Solo?"

"Mr. Polly, is the photo that Mr. Du Lin showed last time directly related to your premeditated assassination? Can it be direct evidence?"


The reporters hoarsely carried the recorder towards the signing stage. Polly's complexion immediately turned back and walked outside, and Donald followed him. Bodyguards from the Kape family and police from the Otis City Police Department blocked these crazy reporters, but they couldn't stop the front page of the entire empire tomorrow.

Such a big news has touched many people's hearts, and these reporters have devised no less than a dozen press releases to discuss this matter.

"Damn, what's wrong with that crazy dog? It was my uncle who offended him. He also avenged him. Why should he bit us?" Polly cursed as he walked. There is no news in the family. There was no news for more than two months, no one was born or dead, and many family members had speculated that something had happened to Solo. There may be no controllable objects other than Du Lin who has a life and death interest in Solo.

Mr. Cape did not seek revenge from Du Lin, but instead focused on continuing his family business. This is the most critical moment for the Cape family. If they can win the import and export zone, a large amount of money will be thawed, and the strength of the family will increase significantly.

Du Lin was there, as long as he didn't leave the empire for a day and wanted to trouble him, he could do it anytime, anywhere. But chances are not always there, so it is more important to seize them than revenge.

Polly and his cousins ​​have already received a request from the old Cape, whoever succeeds in becoming the next owner of the family, the first thing is to make the Dolin who shame the family disappear.

Polly felt that it was a special gift to him not to go to Doolin. Why did this crazy dog ​​take the initiative to bite? Once there is a huge problem in the investment of Otis, it is very likely that he will lose in the final of the final homeowner's battle and completely miss the homeowner's throne. This was the thing he couldn't stand the most. It was more important than killing him!

Donald, who kept his head silent, was shocked by Polly's whispering curse. If he hadn't heard anything wrong, Polly had said "revenge" just now. In fact, he also knew the inside story of the assassination case of Doolin. He knew that it was done by Solo's nephew, but it was definitely Soro's intention. The rules and regulations of the big family are very strict, and any violation of their duties will be severely punished. To say that the assassin didn't get Soro's nod, anyone with a noble background would not believe it.

So what Polly said was revenge ... Does it mean that Solo is dead?

The thought of Donald was chilling all over him, only then did he realize what kind of **** he had caused, and even the heirs of the nobles dare to kill? !!

It is also because he knew the news that he realized where he dared to “challenge” the Durin rule—he thinks that Durin in the face of the nobility's compromise.

The Cape family sent a killer to assassinate him. He also knew who the other party was, but after Magus was a middleman to resolve the matter, Du Lin, who had suffered a lot, was no longer upset. This makes Donald have a kind of disdain for Dulin in the subconscious. In fact, he is just like everyone else. He is as powerless as most people and can only choose to accept grievances and compromise. It is precisely because this "common sense" has been unknowingly implanted in Donald's subconscious, that he made a slight adjustment to the Doering's Law after taking office, and considered himself a reasonable thing.

But now it seems that things are not exactly what he imagined.

It wasn't Durin who was wronged and temporarily compromised, but the Cape family. They died. Heirs didn't say a word. He's just a lunatic, no, it's a mad dog, and he really killed Solo!

The thought of a cold sweat coming from behind Donald made him feel uncomfortable, and at the same time made him feel sensitive, as if someone around him was secretly watching himself, watching his head, neck, The heart ... wait for everything that matters.

Unconsciously, he followed Polly to the mayor's office. Polly sat directly in the seat where the mayor could sit. He patted the table angrily, stood up, picked up the phone, and dialed a string. Number, then stared at Donald with wide eyes.

Donald's mind was blank, but his gaze naturally met Polly's gaze.

The eyes of the two of them were anger and stunned. After looking at each other for a while, Polly raised the handset in his hand. "Can't see I'm calling? Get out!" He pointed at the handset. Outside, Donald hurriedly went out and closed the door.

The moment the door closed awakened him from his thoughts, he subconsciously glanced back at the office door, which belonged to his office door.

Now that he was kicked out, a shame was rising that the younger man who was younger than him had let him out of his office. Although Polly did not use the word "roll", his tone, his expression, his actions, all did not insult Donald as a subordinate.

This is normal. For these big aristocrats in the north, people from a small aristocrat like Donald are not much different from the lower class, and Donald also trusted in the Cape family!

Donald, who had recovered his eyes, walked to the window and looked at the continuous march on the square. For the first time, a fog appeared in his heart that he could not see through himself. The clear future became more and more severe from him, and the thick fog covered it. With the way forward, he is now particularly confused.

I just hope that the Cape family can be trusted!

The news that Doulin sued Donald and the Cape family for conspiracy to assassinate him spread quickly throughout the empire ~ ~ The emperor beside Otis also spread the news.

Magus had just entered the cabinet, and after receiving a call, he asked the secretary to call the head of the interior team.

At present, the empire does not have a clear department that manages investigating officials and high-level crimes. It depends on the party's internal affairs group to handle these matters. However, the relevant departments are in the process of being set up. . These things are still handled by the House Group.

The head of the house team is called Wallace, a mixed-race child. It is said that the ancestor migrated from other places to the northern continent. He has blue-gray hair, which is obviously a feature of people elsewhere. He looks forty-eight years old, has crow's feet in the corners of his eyes, his face is very white, and he is a little sick and unhealthy. His eyes were strange. At first glance, it was as blurry and chaotic as having no focal length, but if he stared at it carefully, he could make people feel heart-wrenching.

He is a very vicious man and a horrifying executioner within the party.

At this moment he stood by the door with his head bowed, "Lord, what do you command?"

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