Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 608: Ticket

In fact, being a patrolman on a street that is easily congested such as a station is now a very errand, and even some old police officers are scrambling for such opportunities. On the one hand, it is relatively easy. There is only a small area to patrol. You can choose to walk, ride horses, or ride a bicycle. It is much more comfortable than a patrol that is a half-day lap. When no one is staring, they can still be lazy, find a place to sit for a while, have afternoon tea, eat pancakes or something.

On the other hand, it is related to the issue of income.

Sometimes some drivers will be more than a few minutes, which will face dozens of penalties. You must know that the core imperial capital of this empire, the wages of the working class have just risen to the early forty yuan, and the punishment of dozens of yuan may sound a terrible and heavy punishment, but it is not. The rich who can spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to buy a car don't care whether the ticket issued to them by the regional police station is ten or one hundred.

Only car owners can afford such heavy fines. It is also for these people to keep in mind that parking time in these places should not be too long.

Of course, there are also a handful of people who may not be able to afford such huge fines. They will choose to pay a five-ten-ten-dollar "fine" on the spot as a patrol officer to let them go. Most patrolmen open their eyes and close one eye for this.

Now the salary is higher than the previous salary, but the price is also increasing rapidly. It can not make any impact if you can make a little extra money. In fact, it is also a benefit to the patrol officers. Including the director of the regional police station and some people in the Ministry of Justice know that such things happen every moment, but they never say anything on their own initiative.

The police itself is a heavy and dangerous occupation. The welfare is really not good, because there are always some people staring at the police. If the police are treated well, these people will clamor for wasting taxpayers' money. Only by controlling the welfare of the police within the range acceptable to these people will they be satisfied with the government's work and be able to sleep at night. Be aware.

So ... it's not easy for everyone.

The lawyer at the side of the car didn't immediately pull the door to get on the car. He was waiting, waiting for his opportunity to appear. As one of the lawyers hired by Du Lin, his job is to solve all the problems that can be solved by legal means for the employer. It is not unreasonable for some people to call lawyers as legal hooligans. These people regard the law as their own rogue capital, but they are still the best in the industry.

Once the patrol officer and Du Lin have a dispute, or if the bill is too large, he will come forward to resolve this little trouble.

However, he waited less than ten seconds before deciding to get in the car and leave because Du Lin couldn't use it.

"This is your car?" The patrol officer is a woman wearing the uniform of the Imperial Police. There is nothing like the peculiar beauty with a hint of uniform in people's imagination, completely turning into a bit bloated aunt. Patrol officers also have the power of "unannounced inspections". They can be said to be front-line policemen. They often encounter some difficult problems, so bulletproof vests are standard. If you can see something "amazing" on the layer of pottery body armor wrapped in police uniforms, it can only be said that there are too many associations.

The branch president here directly opened the car door, and Du Lin ignored the police officer and sat in directly. Her reasoning tells her that it is best to leave now or not see what she is doing, but her sense of responsibility also tells her that she should check whether these people have broken the law.

The agent walked over to the timer and took a look. After more than half an hour, they came early. Not that they remembered the time wrong, but that the steam locomotive arrived too early or too many times. They didn't dare to let Du Lin wait for them here, so they took a step first.

The agent walked back to the door of the car and pulled out a round of money from his pocket, all of which were small bills of five yuan. He randomly clicked ten cards and waved them in the direction of the policewoman. The money was spinning in the air. He sat in the co-pilot position and said a word to the driver.

The driver directly opened the mechanical lever to let 舱 Jing refill the power compartment. The catalyst was also filled at the same time, and the body immediately shook. He stepped on the pedal of the power compartment, and the car flew out against the body of the female patrol officer. It was almost possible that he would touch the body of the female patrol officer.

The maidservant looked at the distant car, and looked at the fifty yuan that was swaying slightly on the ground, and finally silently tore a page from the notebook in her hand, tore it, and then threw it into the sewer. When she bent down to pick up the fifty dollars from the ground, she felt a sense of shame, but she also understood that this is the world, and this is what she must bear. This world is so unfair. In her eyes, a lot of money is nothing in the eyes of others. She even dares to say that these people directly give money to her not to save another two hundred dollars. It is purely Don't bother to go to the police to pay a fine.

She put all the money in her pocket, and her face became a little red when she stood up. I do n’t know if it was because of the money, or because it took a long time to bend down. When she looked elsewhere, she suddenly found a driver sitting in the car across the road grinning at her. Taking a look at the car, which was no more than 4,000 yuan, she walked past the police cap and said with a very pure imperial accent: "Sir, please show me your car purchase certificate, car registration certificate, this year Your car ’s tax payment voucher and your personal identification, I suspect your car is involved in a smuggling case ... ”

"Now the imperial city still needs to issue a ticket?" Du Lin asked casually, and then the agent said the parking rules again, and complained a few because he was also a car owner.

This reminds Du Lin of a joke that he found when he went to the west when he learned about local laws and regulations, because in addition to observing the Empire ’s basic laws, each state of the empire can choose to be included in the state legal system or not. It is also possible to expand or delete the state's bill through the state legislature, so the laws of each state are somewhat different.

杜 When Du Lin looked through the laws and regulations of the west, he found a "horse **** bill." This bill was enacted more than thirty years ago, when there were few cars in the west and almost everyone rode. The horse is a living thing, and the living animals definitely need to eat to supplement the body's consumption, and naturally have to shit. At that time, the streets of western towns were full of horse shit, and it was not easy to clean up.

Because the horse **** may be stepped on by another horse's hoof shortly after it falls on the ground. In the process of such constant reciprocation, these horse shit, horse urine and muddy land finally merge into one, even if all the **** is eliminated, The ground will also appear a weird dark green, and still smell bad. It's even better if it's rainy, people are like living in feces. Therefore, the western part of the country introduced a restrictive bill for riding horses on urban roads, commonly known as the "horse **** bill", which has the same effect as the emperor's docking rules.

All cowboys who ride into the city must pay fifteen cents of **** cleaning fees, or they will be arrested and detained for three days. From the first day of execution, this is doomed to be not an easy task. But to this day, it seems that people have incorporated this bill into their own blood. Everyone knows that when they ride a horse into the city, they need to pay a police officer fifteen cents and ask for a proof that they have done it for themselves. Vouchers for urinating and defecation.

With the continuous development of technology, people will soon realize that projects that may be punished are no longer as simple as parking a car.

Due to Du Lin's need to spend more time in Didu, he chose to live in the Oak Bay Villa area. The villa area has a person responsible for cleaning. All he needs to do is sign an agreement and save valuables, and the community can provide it. Housekeeping services and ensuring safety. So despite not returning to the Imperial City for a long time, the house in Oak Bay is still very clean and tidy.

Du Lin asked the two to leave the car and leave. They returned to the room and lay directly on the bed. There were some sounds in their bones. The distance from the west to the imperial capital is really a bit long ~ ~ Even if you buy a first-class ticket, you can't stop the long-distance fatigue from invading his body. After all, the cabin is so big, and the larger movements may affect others, and there will always be a sense of restraint brought by the inability of the body to stretch. Now that we can finally sleep for a while.

When he got up, it was already more than eight in the evening. He made a call to Kevin. The answer was Kevin's girlfriend, and his girlfriend told Doolin Kevin that he was now having dinner at the Kailermen Hotel. Du Lin put on a piece of clothing and got into the car. He thought he was going to drive by himself. He didn't expect that the driver didn't leave with the agent. Instead, he stayed and was taking a nap in the car.

Du Lin knocked on the window, lost another cigarette to him, and told him where he was going.

About ten minutes or so, the car stopped outside Kaile.

Kailemen was the first project invested by a federal businessman in the empire after the Civil War. At that time, the federal businessman could be said to have arrived with the determination to die, and bought the land with his teeth and his head scratched. And built this hotel. The speculative behavior full of huge risks brought him crazy profits. Whether it was to meet the needs of the political level or the needs of the ordinary people, the hotel not only failed, but instead became one of the most famous and high-end consumer places of Emperor One.

的 What this hotel brings to two countries is called ... peace! ...

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