Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 612: piece

A word from Magus made Doolin realize that although he had left the vortex of the empire's hinterland, the old man's attention was always on himself. He is aware of some of the responsibilities he currently bears, but such attention from Magus obviously exceeds his due attention. When a person pays attention to you all the time, there are only two possibilities.

The first possibility, he values ​​you very much, and hopes to see you grow every day, know what you have done recently, what gains you have made, whether you have made mistakes, and whether you have learned any lessons. This is an elder's affection for the juniors he likes.

The second possibility is that he is guarding you. He does not want you to stab him from behind when he is snoring, so he must keep himself awake at all times and lock all your actions with his eyes. , Beware of any behavior that may harm him, he doesn't trust you.

Dulin doesn't innocently think that he does something, promises some good prospects, and Magus will pay attention to him as his true successor. The things that Du Lin did are really great things at his level, and even some things have risen to the large level of national strategy. But Du Lin also knew very well that the old man who was sitting opposite him took the royal family loyal to his ancestors down from the throne of power. During the two decades he had held the empire's military, political, cultural and all aspects Can be described as power over the world.

I can't find anyone more powerful than him in the empire, neither Doolin, nor those aristocratic capitalists outside, the resources they have is a joke for Magus. While people were still satisfied with tens of millions of billions of dollars in wealth, the national finances that Magus could have at his disposal had long been calculated in billions of dollars. The resources and connections he has can cover every corner of the empire, and all the material they possess will not be taken into account by Magus.

So what other achievements can Dulin make?

的 These things he did, these ideas that came up, his brain!

He has a dangerous brain, and he knows this well, so he can clearly realize that Magus's attention to himself is definitely not a care, but a kind of surveillance and a precaution.

He smiled without changing the color on his face, as if he hadn't thought of so many things at this moment, and then followed the words of Magus very naturally, "I made some mines and some land. I was used to being a mayor, and I felt a little bit lonely after a while. I just heard what green home development plan is being developed in the west. In order to show my lofty patriotism, I found something there. do."

Magus was confused, what green development plan, he did not know about it, and no one in the cabinet could dare to hide him. But he quickly responded, this must be the writing of Mennonite. The **** horse dealer is really very annoying. If it wasn't for Magus who had his own ideas and plans, he would have let Mennon disappear completely in this world. Who would talk to him so much? Thing?

的 The Scarlet Dawn Remains led by him has been making chaos in the vast and sparsely populated place in the west. He has also previously launched an armed uprising to segregate the entire west and fled abroad after being suppressed. Later, he changed and formed the Kadima Party, taking over the sphere of influence in the west. According to the average person's thoughts, he may be killed before Mennon does these things, but Magus is not an average person. Even if they kill Menong, as well as window farmers and chimney farmers, these endless figures will continuously challenge the nerves of the ruling party of the Empire.

Rather than let them continue to evolve in the face of being defeated again and again, master more advanced and excellent methods, it is better to let the clowns climb to the table, let them stand in the spotlight, and then let the world naturally eliminate these deformities. Twisted bug.

In the policies that came out of Memnon, Magus has foreseen his end. He will not have a good end. Collusion with the capitalist seems to be very outstanding in the early stages of development, but he lacks consolidation. The basics. Once the troubled capitalists will immediately abandon this loser, after losing the capitalist support and the local soil for survival, it is the best time to operate on this group of people.

This time may have to wait for a few years or longer. Magus may not even see the day, but Du Lin suddenly went to the west to allow Magus to see the dawn. If the scourge of Doolin reaches the west, can it catalyze the speed of the advancing party's downfall, and let this day come earlier?

This is very likely because Du Lin's ambitions are very big. He didn't just want to go to the west at all, but went to the west in search of "opportunities".

Smart people will always like it, but they are also afraid to stay with smart people, because smart people can understand the ideas of smart people. It seems that the word "smart" is common and common. In fact, the word can 99.99% of the people were completely screened out, leaving less than 1 in 10,000 people!

Dulin was going to the west. At the time, Magus' first thought was that Dulin was going to jump out, because the situation in the empire is only the west, which is best suited to "start from scratch." Although Magus didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that in the eyes of the honest cowboys in the west, Empire was just a very general word. Many people have never left the west in their lifetimes, and they rarely enjoy the support and support of various policies of the empire. Therefore, these people cannot keep the concept of empire in mind at all times.

Whoever gives them the benefit, they will smile to whom.

Whoever keeps them from eating, they will let the other party see their "suggestions"!

Du Lin knew that he could not achieve the position he wanted in the New Party, so he jumped out. After realizing this, Magus had already responded accordingly. He would not allow such an ambitious and dangerous person to grow day by day in the empire, unless he was willing to accept a rope tied to his neck. But he would never agree, just as Magus would not agree.

He nodded with a smile, "The west is the next place in the empire that needs urgent development. There are large tracts of land and rich resources, but economic construction has always been the last place where the empire fell. Is there any interest in finding a place in the west? Mayor, is this compensation? "

Magus' thinking has been active all the time, he can think while talking, and can even constantly change his mind. He quickly rejected the previous idea. If he can pull Du Lin back to the New Party camp, even if it is only superficial. Then, if he wants to realize his ambitions and desires, he must do one thing-let the economy of the western region develop rapidly and vigorously.

The west is not Otis. There is no longer a miracle in Otis. It will take at least twenty years to transform the whole west. Twenty years later, Du Lin, in his forties, would want to start from scratch at that time, fearing that the day he would die would be impossible. Of course, it is necessary to be alert, and the backhand who is to remain should be left. As a last resort, Magus is really reluctant to give up Du Lin and his magical brain.

Du Lin and Magus looked at each other for such a few seconds, then Du Lin shook his head and said, "No, my status is a bit special, and it is not convenient to re-enter politics in a short time. Wait for the next election year. talk later."

Magus's pupil narrowed slightly, he nodded with a smile, as to whether he agreed with Dulin's statement, that was another matter.

The two quickly pulled the topic back from Du Lin's personal affairs to the issues they had previously discussed. Magus put the chess pieces on the board neatly, and his meticulous attitude and focused look seemed to be like what he did. It ’s important, "Soon the Cape family will be in a hurry. At that time, the pressure on your side will be a bit heavier. He can pry a lot of contacts, and it will bring you a lot of pressure and threats in all aspects. You What you have to do is to protect yourself and show their persecution against you. "

"These people form a net and are entangled with each other. As long as the problems of the Cape family become social problems, we can start to attack him." Magus picked up a chess piece representing the soldier ~ www ~ put it where it should be, "Cape family ...", and then picked up a few others, one by one neatly arranged, "Song of the Consort ...", then those war horses and attack City Equipment, "The relationship chain of the northern nobility ..."

他 When he finally picked up the "king" and put it back to the last position, he looked up at Du Lin, "Noble Capitalist!"

"I still have a request, I hope you can help me complete it. I know you have paid a lot, and I did not give you anything, but I think our goals and ideals are consistent."

When Doolin returned home from Magus's villa, Flenna had curled up on the sofa and looked at the new tape. There was no equipment such as a television in the Royal College to let students pass the time, and it has always been famous for its strictness. School ca n’t wait to tear up the students in half, half study, half rest, wait for time to change the two halves, and study forever.

She glanced at Du Lin, then she retracted her gaze, and continued to look at the dull pictures on the TV screen, laughing from time to time.

Dulin took off his coat and went to the sofa to sit down and asked, "How do you think of coming over today?" He gave Freina the key, but I heard she had never been alone.

"The imperial capital is so big, everyone is discussing Mr. Du Lin and his enemies, and of course I will come and see." ...

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