Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 621: From the day of birth, man has explored the curiosity of the unknown ...

Dooling looked at Stan Ein and other researchers. They looked proud and didn't notice the screams of the tortured women on the screen, with this lab, with this cross The products of the era seem a bit out of place.

Except for a young guy, Du Lin knew this guy. Every researcher Du Lin in the institute knew him and investigated them. The young man's name is Robert, a very common name, just like he has only a normal life experience. Robert graduated from the Royal College of Physics in Physics and joined two large companies, but was soon fired because of the lack of teamwork and undermining team building. Du Lin asked him in private, and he told Du Lin that he could not stand his talents being wasted in endless basic experimental analysis.

In the labs of those large companies, the graduates of the Royal College of Physics are not outstanding at all. Large companies represent a powerful capital force. They do not lack the money to hire long-established scientists to serve them. Reflecting the value of these scientists and their status in the laboratory, it is obviously very appropriate to hire outstanding graduates from some outstanding institutions to provide them with basic services.

So Robert was fired. It wasn't until he found his mentor that he wanted to continue his studies, and then his mentor voluntarily left the Royal Academy. The reason is similar to him, but he changed it. His mentor was dissatisfied with his project, his research funding was withheld, he argued with the college council, and pointed out that some projects that had invested a lot of scientific research funds were simply rubbish.

So Robert's mentor took Robert, and under the recommendation of a good friend, plunged into the research island of Doolin, and made it his own home.

Any whimsical project here will be approved, and sufficient research funding will be allocated. The owner of the laboratory, Mr. Du Lin, is more like a deep hidden science, and the ideas and auras proposed from time to time promote it. More than a dozen projects are flying, including the project that everyone now shows to Mr. Du Lin.

The most difficult part in this project is how to give more complicated content to simple electric pulse signals, which involves some problems such as encoding, encryption, decryption, and decoding. Similarly, during the research, Du Lin put forward a key idea, why not set a good data matrix as a reference for decoding, so that there is no need to use a simple electrical pulse to express too much information, only step by step activation The data matrices are then combined in order to form a brand new matrix that is directly projected onto the display.

God is above. This is definitely a genius's idea. After knowing all this, I think there is nothing strange in this idea, but everyone knows that without Doulin's idea, it takes at least a few more to make a suitable decoder. Time of year.

So these people are waiting for Du Lin's praise like good students, this is the glory of good students!

After watching the two sides panting and lying on the ground, they can no longer fight the poor female warriors, Du Lin nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, change to another channel." But waiting for him was a long silence, He raised his eyebrows slightly. "Don't tell me that you haven't set up more channels, or that a set of decoders can only play content from one source?"

Stan Ein explained stubbornly, "Of course not, Mr. Doolin. But we encountered some small troubles, this trouble is not on the terminal, but on the signal source." Then Stan Ein demonstrated Another cable was inserted into the decoder, and sure enough, another set of images appeared on the TV's screen, which was slightly different from what Du Lin asked. He needs to be able to propagate pulse signals of multiple frequency bands on one wire so that the TV terminal can play different programs according to the user's choice.

This problem has not been solved well, because no one can ensure that the content that each terminal needs to play is consistent. In other words, when multiple terminals need to play multiple signal sources, Requires multiple signal access. If there are twenty channels, then there must be twenty lines for signal access, and the signals can be changed by jumpers before they can be decoded.

Du Lin was speechless after listening, but he couldn't blame this group of scientists. In this world, in this era, what they are showing now can be called the technology of the past era. It seems that there are some embarrassments in pursuing more sophisticated technology. The only thing that is fortunate is that this trouble can be solved. You only need to increase the number of connected decoders to the same number of signal sources. For example, there are twenty independent wires hidden in the wires. Although stupid, stupid has the benefit of being stupid.

After listening to the explanation, Du Lin just asked these scientists to continue the research on this project, find the multi-band method of the signal source, and also invested 1.5 million research funds and 1 million public research funds. The former is a special fund and can only be used for research in this area. As for the latter part of public funds, as long as someone proposes a project and this project has 75% of the people in the laboratory nodding consent, you can apply. To this part of the funding.

"When can these things be produced on a large scale?" Before leaving, Du Lin asked a question, which related to the next plan to send TV signals to millions of households.

Stan Ein and some scientists got together and murmured for a while before giving a reply, "We have designed a new circuit system. At present, there should be no manufacturers that can directly produce it, so we need special Machine to produce these things. It is probably in the second half of the year to the end of this year that the decoder can enter mass production. "

Du Lin nodded. Although this time was a little longer than he thought, it didn't matter. He could wait for more months. Just as Doering encouraged the researchers to leave, Stan Ein told Doering something he hadn't expected.

"You mean that Bondika Military Group wants to buy our patent?" Du Lin was a bit surprised. It was said that there was a royal shadow behind Bondika Military Group. It is not clear if it is true. Many of the senior members of this group are big capitalists of aristocratic origin, and their social relations are very complicated. In addition, Bondika has been identified as an arms purchase company by the Ministry of Defense, and the strength of this group of companies is very strong.

There is no shortage of money or top talent in various fields.

Stan Ein nodded affirmatively, "It was the last time I told you that I almost missed the lab. They wanted a formula in our hands that could produce hot high temperature in an instant, and also sent a special patent. Lawyers came to talk to us about these things. You know, the patents are yours, so you do n’t nod, and I have n’t touched the other party. "

This is why Du Lin likes this group of "failed scientists". Their EQ is not high enough, otherwise they will not be disappointed when they meet him, and they will not be swept out by famous companies. , Can only rely on mixed projects in some schools to cheat research funding. In the agreement signed by Du Lin and them, all of their research projects belonged to the research laboratory and commissioned them to carry out the research, and sufficient funds were given.

Once the project has achieved results, all registered patents belong to His Majesty's wholly-owned research laboratory, which means that this patent belongs to Du Lin. If a group of successful scientists are to be found in trouble with Du Lin, these people are very satisfied with the environment and Du Lin's attitude.

Some time ago, an "industry pioneer" scientist now eats meals that are cold every time. He complained to the kitchen several times without any effect. The other party even said that the meals they provided were hot. Finally, the "industry pioneer" applied for a project that can automatically heat meals. This project has been unanimously affirmed by scientists in the laboratory, because they also eat cold food every time they eat ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ So Stan Ein allocated 100,000 yuan. It is said that the results have been achieved and it is undergoing repeated verification.

As for the reason of "repeated" verification, it is because some scientists have raised a question. They used that little thing to heat the food according to the instructions, but the food was still cold when they ate.

The unrestricted and free research environment and almost endless research funding have made all scientists think of it as heaven. Some scientists have not left this island for more than a year, but it seems to them that only one day has passed. . No one here will reject their application for no reason, no one will say that their laboratory is worthless, let alone worry that someone will withhold their funds or terminate the project halfway.

Coupled with Mr. Du Lin who can always give key opinions, but stupidly pursued the desire to give up and continued to swim in the ocean of science, is there anything else that is not satisfying?


If they want to turn knowledge into wealth, they will not be here. They are here to pursue supreme truth. Please do not humiliate these explorers with the divine and noble heart to the door of truth with money full of merchant odor and copper odor!

Good boy!

"I know, I will contact them. In the future, if someone wants to buy a patent, let them come to me directly." "Buy some white anti-static clothes next time you buy. Your color is not very good."

"This is white," Stan Ein vowed.


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