Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 624: Got **** again

"Okay! Stop this farce!", The vice chairman sighed angrily as he entered the room.

Du Lin glanced at him, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and An Pu's pupil behind the glass curtain wall suddenly contracted as much as the size of a pin eye. This **** would not really shoot? Does he not know the consequences of killing the soldiers in the Empire? At that time, even if Magus wants to keep him, he may still go to jail.

Since joining the MI, Amp has learned that this empire is not as simple as people see it.


Adam's body shuddered for a moment. Du Lin turned off the pistol insurance and threw it back to the table. He didn't shoot, but it didn't prevent him from scaring the 32-year-old Empire Colonel with an infinite future. He suddenly shouted after imitating the sound of the shot, and the scared Adam was about to pee.

When Adam realized that he had been fooled, he glared again, but Durin became very, very peaceful. He even helped Adam to clean the neckline and raised his hand to sweep the dust on his shoulders. " You have to live well, Colonel Adam! ", Du Lin smiled sincerely as he smiled at his friend," Yes, you have to live well! ", He patted Adam's shoulder and crossed him. , Came to the vice chairman of the door.

After nodding his head slightly, he showed the chaotic room sideways, "If you don't have any new questions for me to answer, then I should leave."

The Vice-Chairman looked at Du Lin, and Du Lin met his gaze without fear. The two looked at each other for about seven to eighty seconds. The Vice-Chairman gave way, and Du Lin nodded his greeting again and After saying goodbye, he left the room.

When he walked away, An Pu came over from another room. His face was extremely ugly. "Dulin has a heavy vengeance. I suggest that Adam be returned to the Ministry of Defense to cancel the mission, and then find a remote one. The military district sent them all. "

The Vice-Chairman did not answer this question, and said another sentence, "It was not the boy who did it, and he continued to stare at other clues." He put Amp's words in his heart, but did not implement them. If only two weeks have passed since the start of the mission, it will no doubt be a stain on the Security Council to have the highest-ranking colonel other than him return to the Ministry of Defense to end the mission. And he doesn't think that Amp's warning will really come out, knowing that Adam is an active soldier and a senior officer.

In this empire, no one dares to kill a senior officer of the 6th Army at will, no one!

When they went downstairs, everyone stood outside the car and saw Du Lin walk out intact and they were relieved. Although the gunfire just now is not loud, in the place where the state government keeps quiet at all times, it seems so abrupt. If Du Lin had an accident, Dufo would not immediately avenge him. He will lead all the fellows to bloodbath everything here, and then take those volunteers to find a place and give this empire a big trouble.

Fortunately, Du Lin came out without incident.

The moment he got in the car, the Buddha asked Du Lin what was going on with the gunshot.

Du Lin smiled and told him that a child had gone out with a gun.

At night, Adam's personal information was sent to Du Lin's desk by telegram. After reading the telegram, he shook his head and smiled a few times, and threw it into the trash.

The next day, Adam appeared in the state government with a splint on his arm, and his face was not very good, because just now the Gendarmerie Command of the Ministry of National Defense asked Colonel Adam to return to the imperial capital to report immediately. This is a very bad signal. Yesterday he and Du Linsheng clashed, and today the Gendarmerie Command asked him to go back. It would be abnormal to say that there is no relationship.

So Adam wanted to know, what was born, could the strength of Doolin already affect the high-level of the Ministry of Defense?

The vice chairman of the question did not give him the answer directly, but gave him a newspaper, a local daily newspaper. The front page with blackened fonts made Adam feel a little dizzy. "The senior active officer in the empire is suspected of shooting social celebrities." Du Lin, and he did not hesitate to use the firearms to intimidate Du Lin in the inquiry room of the state government security committee, forcing him to confess all the charges.

This is a very severe accusation. Adam resisted the tyrannical emotions and shook his patched hands and put the newspaper back on the table. He opened his mouth and prepared to say something, and the vice chairman blocked him. "Now there are three hundred different newspapers throughout the empire reporting this news this morning, including the Imperial Daily and the Empire Daily, and some even linked your reckless behavior yesterday with the assassination of the Capel family against Doolin. . "

"Now the response in the society is very fierce, and almost all cities have parades of Guarts ~ ~ and those provincial ya also jumped out. The gendarmerie headquarters met overnight and asked you Immediately return to the imperial capital to report on his work, explain all the true circumstances born yesterday, and will take the form of a hearing to openly question the public. "

"I ..." Adam opened his mouth to say something, but in the end said nothing. Yesterday it was indeed his wife's impulsiveness. Du Lin captured his mental activity very accurately. At the age of thirty-two, the Colonel of the Empire, no matter whether he had a battle or not, he would most likely become the youngest six major general in the Empire. His intelligence service is actually far easier to promote than military officers. In an era without war, it is no longer possible for those soldiers to be promoted quickly. It is very difficult for soldiers without military exploits to climb up.

However, as long as he solves a large case, he can definitely obtain individual or collective merit, so it is normal for him to be promoted quickly in a special department. Coupled with his great efforts, it is not a miracle to be a colonel at the age of thirty-two.

But now he is also in big trouble.

Pride will be crushed one day!

The military will always have some military conveniences. There is a long way to go from west to emperor and there are several transfers, but the military can use some military-specific railways. During the war against the Commonwealth, the Empire suffered a great loss on the supply line. If it were not for the advancement of the Federation too quickly, the military forces and aid of the Empire ’s major military regions would not be delivered to the front line, forcing the Empire ’s Ministry of Defense to decide a decisive battle south of Otis.

But then again, if there is a complete dedicated supply line, maybe the Federation will not be able to take into account the main force guidance because the supply line is too long.

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