Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 627: Runaway

"Is there no other way? You must know that we have worked together for so many years. Do you want to see for yourself and the Kadima that they have fallen into the abyss because of some differences in our ideas?" Saving, he was unwilling to turn everything into something like this, "We both take a step back, three years, three years later, if I can't do what I said, if I can't bring some changes to the west, I will resign."

"That night of thirteen years and nine months and twenty-two days ago, you were so sure that you assured everyone that we would succeed and that we would make this world our ideal. But you failed, Mennonite. You left more than 7,000 brave fighters and led people away. I actually left the battlefield shamefully. Now I think I should really die there. So don't deceive me with rhetoric, I won't Trust you again "

Thirteen years ago, Mennon brought a group of young people with ideals and blood to launch an armed change in the west. They successfully defeated seven cities in three days, and then Mennon demanded to concentrate on the superior forces to attack and station in the west. The Imperial 6th Army at the Western 6th Army Base, and vowed to pledge that the other party may not know they have left the city to their old nest. As long as he can lay down the 6th army base, Mennonite dares to say that he can absolutely stabilize the west, and the countless supply of weapons and resources is sufficient to support them to divide the west and create a confrontation with the empire.

The ideal is very full, and Mennon has found countless reasons to support his argument. In addition, the sudden attack of the armed uprising has won seven cities, which has brought Menon a high degree of personal prestige. He pushed the consensus and decided the next war pace, and finally left more than 7,000 brave soldiers on the Gobi Desert outside the 6th Army base forever.

At that time, the idea of ​​Mennon was that the seven cities in the west were lost, and the Imperial 6 Army base in the west would definitely send several troops to seven places to suppress the armed uprising. This was also the time when the 6 Army base was the most empty. They would never have thought that the insurgents would give up staying in the city and concentrate their superior forces to fight a time difference. As long as the six military bases can be laid down, all of Mennon's plans can basically be said to be stable.

But what really didn't think of it was Mennonite. They never expected that the Sixth Army of the Western Empire did not dispatch immediately when they knew the news. They stopped to relay the things born in the West to the Emperor by telegram. The news of the imperial capital has not yet returned. The group of guys who were later referred to as the "red tide" took the initiative to concentrate outside the base, and they appeared to come to a decisive battle with the 6th Army of the Empire. Then an unfair war broke out. With the help of a large amount of military equipment, the 6th Imperial Army easily defeated the main force of the Red Tide and let another group disappear into the wild.

Mennon came back to me, and he said in a deep voice: "I think I know, I will think about it and call you when I think about it."

After hanging up the phone, the anxiety on Mennon's face was gradually replaced by a vicious expression. He sat alone in the office for a long time, and then attracted a real confidant, a former humble guy, "Shapk There is no longer any possibility between us and me. Now I will give you two tasks. "The person standing in the office didn't say a word, and quietly listened to Mennon's orders.

This man belongs to the internal party of the Marching Party and only obeys the orders of the party leaders. Mennon asked them to arrest all of Shapk ’s family members first, but not to kill them. They were then asked to force Shapuk to admit that he had bought a gunman and attacked Mennonite.

Anyway, now the west has become a mess of porridge, Mennon is not afraid that this ghost place will be a little more messy.

After arranging these things, he waited until work in the evening and left the town hall building in a body armor. When he was down to the last step, a gunman suddenly ran out in the dark, and he was "randomly shot" towards Mennon. The gunfire alarmed Mennon's guards. They had dutifully protected Mennon behind him, but still could not stop the bullet from penetrating Mennon's shoulders and thighs. He fell into a pool of blood like Du Lin.

The only difference was a play he directed and performed during the assassination.

Subsequently, the city hall sounded a city alert, and the entire city entered a state of control, and the reason was announced. Someone bought a gunman to assassinate Mayor Mennon. Mayor Mennon has been sent to a hospital for rescue. The mayor of Mennon was seriously injured in the assassination and the situation is unknown. Three of his guards died, and two others were injured, one of whom was seriously injured. The assassin who assassinated Mennon was killed on the spot, but left no useful clues.

The whole west is getting messier!

No politician who can shout his voice on the political stage is so easily overthrown. When Memnon was "stabbed" as the best way to elute his suspicions, he was thinking about how to use this. Means to find the right opportunity to take yourself out. There is no doubt that Shapuk will become a scapegoat. As long as he admits that he bought a fierce assassination to kill Mennon, the momentum created by Shapuk will be extinguished.

People will not trust the ruthless people like Shapuk who can handle their friends. They will look at maintaining the image of the farmer in the face of the Three Guarantees Policy. Coupled with the fact that the farmer paid the compensation for the victims of the mine disaster in full, and also paid an additional compensation fee to the families of those who were injured and died in the attack, they have restored their image. People are so complicated. When they fail to achieve their wishes, they will apply all the worst situations to each other.

But once they have achieved their wishes, these people will begin to explain to each other in a state of contentment. After all, this is a huge sum of more than 2.5 million. Mayor Mennon always needs a period of time to raise funds and investigate the truth of the mine disaster. See, he didn't settle the bill. He paid all the money he should pay. This is the best proof.

The turmoil in the west has produced a series of effects. Many people have chosen to leave the west temporarily. Miners who often haunt the bustling cities have also shrunk in their own mining areas and no longer come out randomly. So far, five members of the Western Mining Association have been assassinated on the street, including two executive members and three mine owners.

The cabinet was also extremely angry with the turmoil in the west. On the second day of the assassination of Mennon, the western military region declared that all cities entered military control. A large number of soldiers appeared on the streets in armored vehicles and investigated all the past personnel they considered suspicious. And even arrest. The Western Military Region also formally announced to the outside world that a group of extremely vicious terrorists are currently hiding in the west, hoping that all tourists who plan to travel to the west can temporarily suspend their plans and call this armed terrorist group, which claims to be the "Freedom Front" Wanted.

In such a suffocating atmosphere, Du Lin woke up.

"How do you feel?", The apple in the hands of the Buddha is like the magician's hand, the thin skin disappears quickly. The moment he put the cut apple on the plate, the apple suddenly split from the middle. , Into eight petals, "The doctor said that you are lucky, but you may have to change a little type in the future."

A bullet shot almost above Du Lin's scalp from above his ear. Although this bullet did not hit Du Lin's head, it left a scar above his left ear. The injury was not serious. The doctor said that there will not be any scars after healed, but there may be a little regret that that trace will always exist, the hair follicles on the skin are damaged, and it will be difficult to grow in the future. Somewhere.

Du Lin nodded, licked his dry and cracked lips, watching Dufo throw the apple petals into his mouth piece by piece, couldn't help but want to stand up and give him a look. This guy is like this every time. You always think that he is just mad at you when he is peeling apples for you and is a little touched. He rolled his eyes. "If you don't mind, you may need to drink some water for me ~ ~ Bullets can't kill me, but thirst is fine."

Dufo ate all the apples cleanly and then clapped his hands. He made a cup from the side and fed Doolin with a wooden spoon and drank some water. "The doctor said that you ca n’t eat for the time being and you ca n’t drink too much water. You can only eat when you start venting. "In addition to a shot on his arm and a shot on his thigh, Du Lin also had a shot on his waist. He had a small intestine penetrated, and it was the second most dangerous shot after the shot that flew against his scalp.

After drinking a little water, Doolin felt much better. He licked his lips, and the chapped dead skin on his lips had become soft. He bit it with his teeth and tore it off. "What's going on outside?"

"It was all messed up. The most surprising thing was that Mennon was also assassinated. He was not seriously injured and was next door." Du Fo pointed to the wall on the right of Du Lin. "Now Almost all the cities in the west have entered a state of military control. The soldiers have taken over the city's security. The entire west is in a breathless atmosphere. What are you going to do next? "

Du Lin breathed a sigh of relief, then closed his eyes. "Soldiers shouldn't show up in the city. To be honest, the situation is slightly out of my control, but it doesn't matter. We pull their eyes out of the city. That's it. Tell our ten warriors that they can act again! "

The Ten Warriors was the code that Du Lin gave to the ten slaves. They also liked the code very much and were proud of it.

Many things can't be done after the military took over the city, so they can only be removed from the city. The simplest way is to make a bigger news.

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