Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 630: contact

"It's me, Henry." Henry stood by the window of the study. He had just returned from the outside, and honestly he liked the west. There were no people he hated, such as his elder brother, nor his wife who made him feel depressed. He has a bad relationship with his elder brothers, and maybe the relationship between all the children and siblings born in the noble family will not be good.

In the aristocratic family, everyone is competing for a place.

In a big capitalist family like a steel tycoon, all the children are frantically fighting for equity, even if it is one in 10,000 or one in 100,000, they will not let go.

Not to mention that in the steel tycoon's house, there are two children who are very good in all aspects. They have been comparing in secret to determine who is the most suitable successor in the family in the end. So Henry doesn't like brothers who show their strength everywhere, even in grades and heads.

But in the west, no one fights with him.

Not just his nasty brother, but also his wife, who looks boring. He loved his wife very much, and more than once determined that the woman was the woman he most wanted to accompany his life, but these things did not prevent him from feeling the boringness of his wife. It's like an old-fashioned cult, even using the priesthood and refusing to change for the sake of continuing the family. Perhaps it was the greatest mistake that Mr. John had made her go to a girl's school founded by the church, but it did not prevent him from determining that he loved her.

Of course, love will become water after sweetness, from addictive sweetness to something necessary for human life, he occasionally adjusts his needs and drinks some sweet things. In the west, these things are not only sweet, they are as strong as spirits!

Henry, under the name of a steel tycoon, ran the most important part of the family business in the west-buying metal ore and turning it into metal ingots. This is the foundation of all industries of the steel tycoon. Without these metal ingots, the brother who claims to be the most important part of running a family business, the sales brother, has nothing to sell. Nothing to sell means no profit. Even if he can erode those markets that belong to others, he must have enough goods.

Both brothers think that they are the most important part of the family business. Their reasons are very similar, the products or sales, and the analysis is very reasonable.

The West is the Empire's largest mining area, but it's not easy to get a foothold here. The mines owned by the United Steel Group could not provide enough iron ore, so Henry wanted his products to keep up with his brother's sales, so he had to buy raw ore from other mines, and there was a problem. Both Kindes and Orvili's shipment rates for metal ore are constantly floating. These large industry category monopolies do not operate their businesses for the purpose of sales volume.

They operate with pricing power, rules, and monopolies, so they do not ship indefinitely. They are not sold to you if you want to buy them. They involve a lot of things that have nothing to do with the west, such as Politics, for example, is the "commodity" that removes the pure relationship between money and goods.

This made Henry very angry, coupled with the resistance of Western Mining to big capitalists, it was much more difficult to get a mining area than an ordinary person. The West Mine will fight with him, Quintis will fight with him, and Orvili will fight with him. Coupled with some mining groups, Henry's days in the West were not as happy as people thought.

He has been trapped here for many years and has never found a breakthrough, but now he has found that breakthrough is Du Lin.

He and Du Lin had met in private, and more than once, the two quickly found what they needed from each other, and that was the way to open the situation in the west as soon as possible. They all belong to the small group of people who are excluded. They both need to expand their careers to prove their worth. As for Doolin, he lifted the axe to the famous George family and cut the first axe. It will not become Obstacles to cooperation between him and Dulin.

The George family is the George family and the Ender family is the Ender family. They may be married to each other, but they must not be confused.

Du Lin just called him and needed some help. In order to prove that he was eligible to compete with Du Lin and divide up the fat in the west, Henry called his father. This was after the New Year. He made the first call to Mr. End.

Mr. Ander, as the largest equity owner of United Steel Group, has far-reaching social status and influence. Even when Henry called him, he could only be connected after the housekeeper.

"Henry? I heard that the West has been very interesting recently. Do you want to come back?" Mr. Ander's voice is very strong. He is now studying singing opera, and elegant people always have a little hobby. Playing piano and other gadgets has missed the age of learning, but it is not too late to sing.

Henry wrapped his mouthpiece. He put down the curtains and returned to his chair. "I heard that you have a good relationship with the Ministry of Defense. The West has now entered a state of military control, which has caused a lot of business. A big shock. Our workers are unwilling to go home and are unwilling to come to work when they return home. They are afraid of being treated savagely or even killed. Not long ago, the Brewer Bay mining area was attacked by the Freedom Front and now it is almost All mining areas have ceased external transactions, and the people of the Free Front have not been eliminated one day, and they may not sell us ore for a day. "

At the other end of the phone, Mr. Ander finally took it seriously. As Henry said, he knew people from the Department of Defense. In addition to having good contacts in the Department of Defense, he also had some friendship with His Excellency Magus. As the largest iron and steel group shipped by the Empire, there are huge consumer groups in both the civilian and military fields. In particular, the rapid economic recovery and infrastructure construction in various places has created a huge steel consumer market. In addition, this year's 6-arms armament is still undergoing renewal, and the military industry group also has a large number of orders.

So he has contacts with all levels of the country, he needs to sell goods, and those people need to buy goods.

If, just if, if some orders cannot be fulfilled because of no steel, the blow to United Steel Group will be unprecedented. The Cabinet would be disappointed with him, the military would be disappointed with him, and governments everywhere and those small companies would also be disappointed with him. This is something Mr. Ander does not allow. His expression was very serious, and he changed to a sitting position. "What do you want me to do for you?"

Henry was relieved. He tilted his legs and shoved a piece of land into his mouth and nodded. The whole person was in a state of high relaxation. "I hope you can express your views to the Ministry of Defense, such as Focusing first on annihilating the Freedom Front, an armed extreme terrorist organization, will at least allow me to get from what mines we need. "

"Is the situation really so serious?" Mr. Ander still couldn't believe it. He had never heard of anyone who dared to sell a mine and never had to buy it.

In fact, the facts are more severe than expected. The details of the Freedom Front's killing of Brewer Bay have been inexplicably disclosed. At this time, it turned out that those people bought them by means of kidnapping and threats more than a month ago. Trade companies with which to do business with Brewer Bay. It took them so long to figure out the defense measures and the number of mine guards in Brewer Bay, where the slaves provided some of the most valuable information.

Then, inside and outside, Brewer Bay, a mining area that has never been challenged, was completely destroyed when it was first challenged.

This made many mining areas frightened. Ghosts knew whether the other party who provided supplies or had frequent trade with themselves was a person from the Freedom Front. Would they have already deployed the same means in their mining areas and waited for themselves? The moment the door is opened.

So now all mines are tightening their nerves, even if it is resupply ~ ~ They also ask the trade bank to leave the resupply outside the mine. After the trade bank's people evacuate, they will organize the mine protection team and formally Of local employees opened small doors to pull in supplies.

As for unloading into the mining area?

Sorry, that's impossible!

As for the businessmen who buy ore, such as United Steel Group, it should be reasonable to put them in. After all, United Steel Group is not a small trading company. But who can guarantee that the people who come to purchase ore must be the people of United Steel Group, not the Freedom Front?

It is a good idea to open a small door and send out the ore, but there are also great risks. Let the slaves send, the slaves will definitely run, but if the employees and the **** team send them, what if the slaves in the camp suddenly riot and the outside starts to attack? You should know that the slaves in the Brewer Bay mining area rushed out of the mines with pistols and single rifles. They did not have enough firepower to suppress them. Once similar things happened in their camps, the mine guards simply did not suppress them. Resistance and riots of the slaves.

So, just stop selling it!

When Mr. Ander learned that the situation in the west was so serious, he called the phone of the Empire Minister of Defense immediately after hanging up Henry's phone, and then expressed his views and concerns about the situation in the west, and mentioned The danger of the Freedom Front to the Empire. After the Minister of Defense understood this, after a cabinet conference call, he finally decided to change his strategy a little, stabilizing the situation outside the western cities, and then clearing up the chaotic forces.

In the middle of the night, some cities not involved in the assassinations began to withdraw their troops. Only three state capitals and four important hub cities retained military control, and other troops were scattered in the western wilderness.

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