Cosma Empire

Chapter 65: dispute

The flesh that has lost life has begun to stiffen, and black bloodstains are hanging from the stitched mouths. They may not believe that they will leave the world at the moment of death, no matter how the world hurts them. Yes, there is always something worthy of their attachment. However, they left because Graf broke the plan and because Wood was not killed in the first place, they died.

The worst guy was the boy who grabbed Robben from behind and stabbed him. Du Lin vaguely remembered what he seemed to be called De, the temple on the right was smashed, and the bones around it were broken and trapped. Go in. That was the result of Robben's vitality wrench. In fact, he didn't need death in exchange for such a terrible result, as long as Graf was there.

All the assumptions are based on the perfect implementation of the plan, but there are always some people, or something that will constantly destroy the plan that has been prepared.

Graff hugged his head and squatted to the ground, he said nothing.

Well, his mother and younger brother were rescued, just as Dulin told him, and Woody won't hurt his mother and younger brother when they do something with his men. The lion may eat in a way to deter the walking dog that tries to provoke it, but if the walking dog made a provocative action before the male lion eats, no matter how hungry the male lion, it will first kill those who dare to be on its territory After walking the dog snarling at it, it will enjoy the food.

顺序 This order will not be easily reversed. The younger and stronger the lion, the more he will care about maintaining his majesty.

I saved two people and killed six. The most critical guy also ran away. This is the price.

So when facing Du Lin's accusation, Graf had no other way than to crouch and hold his head to bear the pain. He was wrong, that is, he was wrong. He would not use any excuses to elute his mistakes, which is why everyone is willing to trust Graff-he is a trustworthy guy.

This is true most of the time.

的 The atmosphere in the room was very dignified, Doolin's eyelids were drooping, and his eyes pierced Graf's body like sharp swords from the half-screwed eyes. For a long time, he sighed, walked back to his desk, and sat in a chair. He tilted his legs and clasped his raised knees with his hands. Although it was a very common movement, it felt very unique. It's like ... he can decide everything!

"Let ’s go and apologize to the families of each victim, send your pensions, caress their emotions, and fight for their forgiveness. If everyone is willing to forgive you, I will forgive you, but this is not Means more. If someone is unwilling to forgive you, I hope you can live a peaceful and rich life, this is also your original dream. I will not move your dividend rights, and there will still be sufficient cash in every month Your account with the Empire Central Bank is enough for you to enjoy the peace of life you want. "

Dulin shook his head gently, "You and me are different from us, Graff, there are some things you can't do, don't force yourself!"

Graff, who crouched on the ground, holding her head, loosened her hands, her red eyes stared directly at Dulin, giving Dulin a feeling he could not wait to swallow himself. In the face of Graf's gaze, Dooling didn't flinch, his eyes didn't even show the slightest fluctuation, and he faced Graf's gaze as calmly as before.

"You want to kick me out!", Graf slowly stood up, and had to say that a person with a bigger body stood in front of someone smaller than himself, and indeed had a great sense of oppression. But unfortunately, Du Lin never felt that he was weaker than Graf. Perhaps he was not very tall, but his heart was very high, very big, and strong!

Du Lin shrugged his shoulders and nodded unexpectedly, "This is not my problem, my brother, this is your problem, understand?" Du Lin raised one hand and clicked it with his fingers. Hitting the table, he said, "This is your problem!"

Graff's muscles jumped. "What's wrong with me?"

"Drinking alcohol!" Du Lin stretched out a finger, and then held out a second finger, "Night is not home, I know where you are, you put your energy on those cheap women , Not even returning at night. "In Graf's eyes, Du Linshu stretched out his third finger," You are too enthusiastic to everyone, but you forget what we do. "

"Of course, there is the fourth point, you have no obedience. It ruined our plan and exchanged six lives for two of your very safe relatives. If I didn't guess wrong, Graff, guard you There should be no more than three people from your mother and your brother. They may not even have a knife on them. Am I right? "

林 Durin's bold and daring guess made Graff stiffen the whole person. Durin didn't guess wrong. His mother and his brother were detained by Wood in a suburban villa. Except for not having enough food for a few days and being hungry and dizzy, Wood did not treat them cruelly. Because at that time, Wood was still a gentleman!


So Graf easily rescued his mother and younger brother. UU read the book with almost no trouble.

At this time, he was very emotional, because he left the plan without thinking that he was not the key, resulting in the tragic death of six teenagers. In fact, Graff's heart is not bad. Graff is already full of guilt. He has never hated himself like he does now. Then Du Lin planned to kick him out again, which made him a little hesitant and confused. The Association of Hometowns can be said to be established by himself, and then made Du Lin the chairman.

几乎 Almost everyone in the fellow villagers contacted him personally. The six corpses made him more painful than Du Lin, because these people joined the fellow villagers at his request.

现在 But now, Du Lin told him that he should enjoy a rich and happy life and leave everything here, and the reason is his mistake.

While he hated himself, he also hated Du Lin's relentlessness. Obviously it's just a sentence, why should it be like this?

He panted, and Du Lin sitting opposite him could even feel the air flowing from his nostrils flowing in the room. He glared at Du Lin and shook his head, "No, I won't leave. It belongs to you, and it belongs to me! I absolutely will never leave! "He almost roared and rushed to the table a few steps, two huge fists hit the table fiercely, leaning forward as much as possible, His face was less than twenty centimeters from Du Lin's face.

But these twenty centimeters may be a distance that Graff can never surpass.

Du Lin's body has not changed in the slightest. He is still sitting like that, and his eyes have not changed much.

Lidu Buddha stood indifferently to the side of the two men, with the pistol in his hand, against Graf's temple.

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