Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 638: Dead again

As soon as he got to work in the morning, Mennon called and met an executive member of the Western Mining Association.

The highest level of the organization structure of the Western Mining Association is the "Western Mining Development Committee Executive Committee", which is composed of seven executive members. These executive members are elected by the second-level structure of the Western Mining Association "Western Mining Association Committee." It is members and associate members. Strictly speaking, there are only three levels. The boundary between members and associate members has long been very blurred.

The seven executive members of the executive committee are responsible for the daily work arrangements and operations of the West Mining Association. They formulate relevant plan objectives and then hand them over to the West Mining Association committee to be responsible for implementation. It seems that the West Mining Association with sound structures and regulations actually exists. The serious problem is that the executive members have too much power. At the beginning of the establishment of the Western Mining Association, they adopted some institutions and regulations from the Federation, but these things may be useful and effective in the Federation, but they may not be useful and effective in the Empire.

In the simplest terms, according to the articles of association, the Western Mining Association will hold a general election every four years, but in fact, the executive committee members have not changed at all for 13 years, because they have too much power and resources in their hands. The simplest point is that almost all the important resource contacts of enterprises and mine owners who successfully trade with the West Mining Association are in the hands of the executive members. This is not to say that these people will not be able to continue trade if the executive members are replaced, but it will definitely be affected.

Coupled with the formation of the executive committee and the committee, everyone gradually acquiesced to the fact that they are no longer willing to easily change the current situation, which makes the West Mining Association treat the west as its own small kingdom.

The executive committee member Mennon met with was called Matthew. At the age of 47, he had five mines in his hands, and they were not ordinary metal mines. He has a copper mine, a bauxite mine, two silver mines and a gold mine. It is said that the gold mine and a silver mine in his hands were not discovered by his own exploration team, but the land photographed by auction. At least two mining areas may have been blood-stained in this case.

Matthew ranks fourth in the executive committee of the Western Mining Association. It seems that the very united Western Mining Association is also constantly struggling. After all, no matter how many mines in the Western Region, people must be discovered. The existing types of mineral deposits are not enough to supply the entire empire, and each year the major enterprises of the empire also import a large number of ore from other countries. So "mineral resources" is equal to money and power. Whoever can allocate more resources in his hand, the more straight the waist is when anyone speaks.

Originally, Mennon planned to meet with two or three executive members, but unfortunately, the person he wanted to meet found some casually and he knew that it was an excuse to refuse to come. Only Matthew came in the end.

Matthew wore a dark brown harness and a gray formal outfit with a black politeness. The line on his face is very stiff, even if he smiles, it will make people feel skeptical. Does this guy want to laugh from the bottom of his heart, or squeeze out a smile for the sake of perfunctory.

"Mr. Mennon, good morning!" Matthew took off his gloves and put them on the table. He reached out and shook Mennon, and then sat at Mennon's exchange. "I don't know if I need anything or the West Mining Association made?"

Mennon laughed happily, just like the West Mine Club never let him go off the stage. He also asked the secretary to make coffee for Matthew. "I went to see Mr. Du Lin while I was in the hospital yesterday, Du Mr. Lin expressed very strong indignation to me. He believed that the assassin who assassinated him was most likely from the West Mining Association, and also told me that he intends to get back the money he was defrauded by you through the lawsuit. More than a million! "

"I don't know who is right and who is wrong in this incident, and I don't care too much about what this incident will turn out to be, but I must say something unpleasant in the front, if something happens between the West Mining Association and Mr. Du Lin Very unfriendly friction, so whoever has the loudest voice, I'll catch them. "When the tough words were finished, Mennon's tone was eased a lot." Dulin proposed two solutions. One is that you pass the whole country. An apology was made, and Mr. Du Lin was paid for the loss, and the matter ended. "(No typo, the apology was published in a national publication in the form of a manuscript, so the manuscript is not a notice)

Matthew snorted softly. "So what else is there?"

"Another way is to decide how to resolve this dispute through litigation. But I don't think this is the best way. Doolin has never lost a lawsuit. By then, you will not only lose decent, but even Lose your underpants. "

Matthew could not help but interjected: "Please forgive my rudeness. I also sympathize with what happened to Mr. Du Lin, but these things have nothing to do with the West Mine Association. This is his and those mine owners. The transaction has nothing to do with us. The mine was not sold to him. As before, we were only responsible for matchmaking and provided a place for signing contracts, and nothing more! "

"Moreover, what I need to state is that this matter was not approved by the Executive Committee, it was an independent act of a few people, had nothing to do with the West Mining Association, and they were already dead."

"I have reason to suspect that their death was related to Mr. Durin!"

Mennon was not angry at all after being offended. He said with a smile: "But Mr. Du Lin still thinks their death is related to the killing of the West Mine!", Watching what Matthew wanted to say, Mennon put it Wave your hand, "Okay, okay, I'm just responsible for spreading a word. After all, this happened in my city, I need to inform you and the West Mining Association. As for how to do it is your thing, but one thing, no Allowing armed conflicts is the bottom line! "

Mennonite has also been fooling around on the political stage for several years, and it is impossible to understand nothing. Du Lin said that he wanted him to deal with the Western Mining Association and then try to do something from it. Mennon had seen through Dulin, that is a mean and shameless villain, who always secretly seeks his own interests after involving many parties to compete. But this time, he will be disappointed, because Mennon did not plan to do as Du Lin thought.

He wants to be a person who burns fire, not burned firewood, and stirs up the nerves of the Western Mining Association to let them fight with Du Lin. No matter who loses or wins, it is only good for the farmers and not bad.

If the West Mining Association loses, he will pick out a step on behalf of justice and fairness, so that the West Mining Association can never stand up.

Du Lin lost, and he used the image of the Western Mining Association to be "rude and impolite" to continue to suppress the Western Mining Association, to gather their sphere of influence, and then kick Du Lin out of the west.

He just needs to watch quietly, and then occasionally fill a firewood and throw it into the fire, so why go down and kill these people in person? That's what a rude person would do. He is a civilized man, and he has always told himself so.

Matthew was furious after he left the city hall. He did have some dissatisfaction with the other executive members, thinking that everyone obviously puts himself in a lower position in the distribution of rights and interests. However, he also knows that the threat of internal struggles is far less threatening than external attacks. Internal struggles can be turned into a positive and orderly competition. Everyone who fights fiercely has a limit, which is nothing more than the next distribution. Take a bite of your own when you are entitled.

But there is no floor for threats from the outside. They will kill the West Mine Association, they will break up the West Mine Association and then throw them all into the trash to become garbage of the times.

In the face of external threats such as Du Lin and Mennon, the West Mining Association will be very united.

Matthew went back to the Western Mining Association in the morning, and told Mennon to tell the remaining four executive committee members that there was no particularly good way to deal with this situation for the time being, because they did lose money this time. At the same time, he also analyzed Du Lin's character incorrectly. In their opinion, even if a person like Du Lin suffered a loss, he would clenched his teeth and stiffened it ~ ~ Plus the post he was just fired because of the accident, Being in the low tide of life, it belongs to the kind of bully.

I just didn't expect that he even shouted out after losing money, which was a bit of a surprise.

Why don't many group companies dare to shout out after suffering losses? Because they cannot afford to lose image, this intangible asset is equivalent to money for all capitalists, and even more valuable than money. A good stockbroker will only tell his clients how much money he has made for them, and he will definitely not take the initiative to say, "I made my client bankrupt again". The same is true for big companies and big capitalists. They need to ensure that their image in front of people is perfect and plump. Only in this way will people continue to believe that this is an excellent company with a group of outstanding leaders.

A few people discussed and did not discuss any results in the morning. The only result that can be called is to let those miners return the money to Du Lin, and an apology is absolutely impossible. And all these things must be done in private and cannot be exposed.

Of course, they also analyzed the enthusiastic minds of the peasants through analysis and swearing. They would not let the peasants' minds succeed.

At noon, Matthew and another executive member ate a light meal in the restaurant of the Western Mining Association. During the meal, he cursed the farmer several times. After dinner, he went to the city hall to communicate with the farmer. Can't follow their ideas and find a way that everyone can accept to end this matter as soon as possible.

But Mennon did not intend to be the middleman and rejected Matthew's request, which made Matthew scold when he left the city hall.

At 9 o'clock that night, Mennon received a call.

Matthew is dead.

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