Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 604: The goal is ... Marshal!

The officer who came to ask Du Lin not only had a lieutenant, but also a captain.

Du Lin is not "cheaper" than Mennon. Where the Western Military Region has sought the advice of the Ministry of National Defense, not only has he treated Mennon in terms of receiving personnel, but he has also taken considerable care of Du Lin's emotions. But unfortunately, Du Lin did not plan to do as they planned.

He called Thomas a week ago. In addition to congratulating him on being the youngest major general in the Imperial Navy, he also had to come over and discuss business issues on the East Coast in the New Year.

This is a big problem, at least on the shoulders of Major General Thomas. At present, with the economic recovery, wages in various places continue to increase, people have more and more money in their pockets, and their ability to consume alcohol has become stronger and stronger. People used to spend 25 cents to buy a glass of fruit wine in the past may feel a bit extravagant. Now to spend 35 cents to buy a glass of fruit wine is not too expensive.

In particular, in order to compete for more markets and sales, the authorized parties of the Dulin Distillation method actively cleared out the "illegal" workshops within their sphere of influence, which further expanded the production volume and output of major wineries. Volume. Starting from the end of last year, Irian ’s "Scent of Fragrance" has shipped more than 800,000 bottles per month, and this year it has once again sharply increased to one million bottles.

At the time, the transportation agreement signed between Doolin and the Navy did not use space to calculate the transportation cost, but used a document method. Each time a naval ship pulled a bottle of wine from the small island of Irian, Doolin would pay them 50 percent of the shipping cost. One million bottles per month requires 500,000 yuan in transportation costs, and one year is six million. This stable credit makes Thomas a popular figure in high-ranking navies. No naval base is not only self-sufficient. It is also able to support military expenses to the Naval Headquarters, in addition to the Ilion Naval Base.

In addition, Dulin and Thomas talked about the new business on the phone, which was enough for Thomas to immediately put down everything in his hands to see Dulin. He knew that he could become a major general and he would need help from Dulin. Contradictions and broken relations of cooperation, he is still a major general, but it is definitely not a valuable major general, maybe assigned to a navy base that does not **** for the rest of his life.

"If you have any questions, you can ask here. My friend is seriously injured and should not go elsewhere. If your superior has any blame, you can ask him to come to me." Major General Thomas glanced at Du Lin, " I'll stay here these days and don't go anywhere! "

The two officers standing at the door glanced at each other and left immediately. They had to report the situation here to the command, and the situation was beyond their capabilities.

After the door was closed, Thomas asked curiously, "Who did you provoke? How dare you assassinate you? Do you need me to help you?" At this time, Thomas had the style of major general in his eyes and tone. He now controls the Ilian Naval Base and is a true general. Even if it is not long enough, it will be enough to cultivate his character.

The first time he saw Du Lin, he almost went to call and transferred from the West Coast. No matter who the other party was, he would surely make that person regret that he was born in this world. Du Lin is the Navy's most reliable, trusted, and friendly partner. He almost died, and it may affect his future. How can Thomas bear it? Fortunately, Du Lin fiddled with him, otherwise there might be something big.

Du Lin picked up the polygonal apple on the plate, as if he had seen such an apple in his memory. It is said that that apple could sell tens of millions or billions. But he did n’t show any interest in this apple, so he put it back and asked Thomas to set the plate aside. "Those things are trivial, am I still alive, aren't I? I didn't expect the Ministry of Defense to look so close to the west, so I was a little bit raw. After a few things, I entered a state of military control. So I need someone to help me. You happen to be the most suitable person, and I have another business to talk to you. "

"Let's talk about our new business first ..." Du Lin made an action. Du Fu gave a signal to the people in the corridor, then locked the door. Du Lin touched his lips. "You know, I I bought a copper mine. I plan to pull the ore back to Ilian for forging, so I need a stable transportation route. In fact, it is more reliable and safer to take the 6-ship than the sea, but we are friends, are n’t I? For a little money, leave it to my friend, Thomas! "

Thomas's words touched Thomas because he could hear what he said was true. Yes, in the western part of the country, if you want to transport a lot of things to Ilian, the fastest and safest way is to ship 6 goods. Buying a special train to pull goods will cost about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan at a time. But Du Lin really left this opportunity to him, so each time Du Lin shipped the same goods, he might have to pay an extra 10,000 to 30,000 yuan!

This is not a small sum of money, and it is precisely because this is not a small sum of money that Thomas was very moved. "Actually ... you don't have to do this. I am sitting in a stable position now, everyone is convinced by me, and it is facing me It ’s also very good. ”He looked at Du Lin sincerely.“ You have helped me so much, I do n’t know how to repay you. Now you have to give me this again, I really do n’t know what to do. it is good!"

"Of course this is the case." Du Lin sat on his back with his hands on the bed and sat back. Thomas immediately took the pillow and folded it on Du Lin's waist. Du Lin thanked him and said, "Thomas, I Friends, do you think that Major General is your end point? "Looking at His Excellency Major General Thomas, Du Lin continued:" If you say to me, absolutely not. There are also Lieutenant General and Lieutenant General above. There are also generals, and marshals on top of them. Thomas, you have just entered this class, you are still at the bottom of this class, and far from the end! "

"Like I said to you last time, we are friends, so as long as what I'm doing can benefit my friends, I will think of my friends!", Thomas has gradually revealed the look of listening Du Lin pointed at the apple. Dufo picked up a quick cut and he was a little thirsty. "This time I will take the goods from the west to Irian. I definitely won't use a train. I want to use shipping. You are in the east. There may already be enough fame on the coast. Many naval bases are familiar with you, but the empire ’s navy is very large. What about the west coast? "

"This is an opportunity, Thomas. You go and tell people here on the West Coast. I will ship from the West in the future. No matter what happens, it will be shipped by you and then through the Navy on the West Coast. Ill. I will give them the price. It ’s the same price as you. Anyway, I have to spend money anyway, so why not spend money where it makes sense? Major general is just your beginning, admiral, and even marshal is your goal! "

After Thomas heard it, although he did n’t want to admit it, pengpeng ’s heart had betrayed himself. Du Lin was right, he was just getting started. If he can maintain a very good relationship with these navies on the west coast, he will be in the process of promotion. Will definitely have an absolute impact.

In peacetime when there is no war, the change of the army is very slow. In other words, there is a radish and a pit, and senior naval generals have retired. The vacated positions will be nominated by him. Able to decide who will take his place. In this process, the high-level navy will consider a variety of factors, the most important of which are three points.

The first point is management ability, the second point is management ability, and the third point is relationship.

In fact, even if there is a war, the navy needs to participate in the battle. The commanders at the front line will not be the generals at or above the general level. Most of them will be responsible for guarding their naval base. The captains, captains, and staff assigned by them will go there. Responsible for the actual war ~ ~ So management ability is very important. How to find those officers with real skills from the base and make them willing to stay in the navy is very important. This is related to the naval base combat capability.

The second point is the ability to find money. Without the military funding of the Ministry of National Defense, except for the Navy ’s own change, it is impossible for anyone to allocate funds to support the Navy ’s change. , Their own money may not be enough to change bases in their own jurisdictions, but also expect them to support others? Do not make jokes!

The third point is easy to understand. Some people can only have money and can do things. This is especially important for the navy that has changed its taste. Thomas belonged to the latter two key points to successfully overcome the difficulties and became a typical example of the Rear Admiral.

If there is a lieutenant general who is going to retire, when the senior executive is looking for this new lieutenant general, the assessment score will be particularly important. In the past, there may be high-ranking navy officers who were promoted by nepotism or interest relations, but now they absolutely do not exist. They were kicked out of their ability long ago, leaving only capable people. At this time if Thomas was also supported by a group of admirals on the west coast, then he is likely to become a new admiral.

As long as he crosses this threshold, he will be able to form his own interest group in the naval group, and a naval interest group around Thomas and Dulin's money will be born!

Du Lin has heard the wind, and the Cabinet intends to re-negotiate with the high-level naval headquarters of the United Nations Department of Defense. This is a good opportunity and the only opportunity to break into the high-level military forces.

The thought of the possibility of tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of arms purchases in the future, Du Lin became more eager.

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