Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 646: Amon

"I feel shame for you!" Amon's face showed an indignation, and his breathing was very thick. "Mr. Du Lin gave us a chance to regain our freedom and gave us more worthwhile life values ​​to pursue, but you Now he wants to ... want to go against Mr. Durin? ", Amon's tone took an incredible tone, and he patted the small table vigorously." This is like I feel ashamed for friends like you Feeling ashamed, have you forgotten what we promised Mr. Durin? "

The two sectarians continued to persuade Amon not to be so angry, as if they were born to do this business. Amon came from the Tecolt Empire, an ancient empire on the western continent, also known as the continent. The shape of the western continent is like a eagle's beak, with a large head and a small head, and a little hook, with scattered islands scattered around the hook of the eagle's beak. The Turkolt Empire was once the only country in the Western Continent. Later, due to the brutal and **** of Pharaoh Turkolt XVII, many member states finally broke away from the Turkolt Empire and endlessly fought with each other.

The Turkolts are also natural fighters. They have unusual physical qualities, are very strong, and can use forty pounds of weapons to ride on the horse, but they have a defect, that is, they are relatively short.

The western continent, which lags behind other countries in technology, has become the favorite place for many slave traders. They seized slaves secretly by using their absolute advantages in weapons. The situation on the mainland is becoming peaceful, and a parliament has been set up to call for peace. Now it is more difficult to hunt slaves. The dwarves have learned to exchange gold for weapons from arms dealers.

However, although it is more difficult, it does not mean that there is no slavery. The slave hunting team can always find small villages with weak defenses to attack. The hard-working and powerful Tecolts have become the easiest goods in the labor slave market, although the price It is not very high, because these people do not have advanced technology and capabilities, and can only perform the simplest and most repetitive physical labor, but the sales are good.

In the Freedom Front, Turcourt people occupy about 15%, which is a relatively large group. As a member of the Ten Warriors, Amon represents the thinking of all Turcourt people. They are A group of sincere people.

Fenrir laughed very fakely. He lowered his head with a sharp dagger to pick up the dirt in the gap between the nails, raised his glance at Amon, and persuaded calmly, "Amon, it's not me who violates Mr. Du Lin ’s will. First of all, we did n’t come here by our own will. Secondly, I am grateful to Mr. Du Lin for saving me from the dark mine, but this does not mean that I was taken from the hands of a slave owner. Rescue must voluntarily become a slave of another slave master. "

"We are free and independent people. We should have independent will and independent thinking ability. Amon, I'm just doing what Mr. Durin wants us to do, and learning to live independently in this land. This is not Is that what Mr. Durin expects of us? Is there anything wrong with me? "

Fenrir is from Nanda Road. The long meridian of Nanda Road has a long span. The south is connected to the South Pole, and the north is almost to the tropical area. Fenrir came from the south side. He was born in a place called El Mundo. The climate in that place is very bad. There is almost no long-term crop that can be grown for more than a year. People mainly rely on fishing for their living— —Sometimes they also intercepted and ransacked passing ships at sea. The group of people born in the worst environment, almost three faces of the country facing the sea, were born sailors, or pirates.

Of course, they are also cunning enough, this is what the ransacked merchants and captains say.

"I feel shameful and ridiculous for you! This is betrayal!" Amon gasped and looked at the direction of the tent curtain. "Anyway, I will go to see Mr. Turin, all Turkel." The special people will also continue to keep the promise between us and Mr. Durin! "

Fenrir dropped the dagger in his hand and looked up at Amon, even though he was often called the Elmondo pirate, and was unwilling to bear the reputation of betrayal. With a serious expression, he said loudly, "This is not betrayal! This is my right, we have the right to choose, this is our choice! You are willing to continue to be a slave, I will not stop you, but you must not hinder me Keep doing what I want to do. "


This is bound to be an unhappy gathering. At first, they were infused with a lot of things by Du Lin because they just re-entered the embrace of light from a black desperate world, so this gave them light. People will get their unconditional trust as well as some worship. But when these extreme emotions recede, the individual's independent consciousness will once again occupy the commanding heights of the soul. Everyone is an independent person, with independent thoughts and plans for life.

Some people are more focused on self and reality, while others are emotional and idealized. This requires a process to guide everything out, and finally you can see the essence.

Three perfect attacks speeded up the process and made some people discover their essence, such as Shu Amon. For this young man who has his own belief and grew up in a social environment different from other empires, he is more convinced of his own judgment and the so-called mission. He believed that he had become a slave not because of his misfortune. This was the revelation given to him by Kulupis and pointed out the way he would take in the future, that is, to liberate all the Turkites who were suffering.

It's the same with Fenrir. His beliefs and the cultural education he taught tell him that things are best in his own pocket. After the three attacks, he found that he could make himself happy by doing these things, but obey others and Will not make himself happy, so why should he obey others? The man named Du Lin did save him. He didn't return nothing. He had risked his life and attacked three mining areas to complete the task Du Lin entrusted to him. He paid enough to reward Du Lin to pardon his slaves. The gift of identity, they evened out.

Belief, culture, these things quietly affect people's judgment and cognition. This is not a question of who is right and who is wrong, because everyone is right, and everyone is most religiously loyal to their own choices. It does not matter. Right or wrong.

But Fenrir also knew that when Amon returned, the Freedom Front might split into two organizations. Although he regretted it, he did not regret it. More pure talents have more pure fighting power!

This is the place he dreams of, gold is everywhere, money is everywhere, as long as he can bend down to pick it up, he will be able to make a fortune!

Du Lin was waiting for his ten warriors in an inn in Waxiu Town. Waxu Town is located in the Midwestern part of the west. The most prosperous place in the whole west is only the easternmost front-line cities. After the middle of the city, the cities become more scarce. Instead, There are many towns. Only after reaching the West Coast did this situation ease. This is because this place in the middle of the west is mostly Gobi, mountains, and a small number of desertified areas. The cost of building a city in this geology and space is too high, but it is a town. More.

The town of Waxiu has a population of more than 27,000 and is considered a medium-sized town. There are two trains that pass here every three and four days. Du Lin comes by train. He will take it after three days. The train left and returned east of the west.

The town still retains the appearance of more than ten or twenty years ago, of course, it also has a more modern side. For example, the high-end hotel he lives in now has a TV set. If you want to watch the program, you need to pay a piece of tape to rent it once. For a fee, you can watch beautiful programs. And there is heating, of course, heating also needs to pay ~ ~ twenty-four hours and fifty minutes, a penny less.

When two horse-drawn carriages came in from the town entrance, someone passed the news to Doolin. If it wasn't for the Freedom Front camp in a nearby valley, he wouldn't have come to this ghost place.

Only Amon came here this time. He sent here to meet Du Lin on behalf of the mission. When he entered the room on the second floor, Amon's face was a bit guilty. He lowered his head and felt that he could not face Du Lin.

"Only you?" Du Lin pointed to the chair beside him. "Sit, this is not unexpected to me."

Amon looked up at Du Lin with a surprised look, then thanked him and sat in the chair beside Du Lin. "Why do you say that?"

Du Lin laughed. "When I heard you accepted those scum, I knew that day had come."

"People are complex creatures, and they are very dirty, including me. Living in this world is breathing the air full of desires, and human beings cannot get rid of the entanglement of desires. Some people can overcome these desires, but some It's obvious that people can't do it, right? "

Amon tasted the words carefully and scratched his head. "Sorry, I let you down."

"No!" Du Lin took out a cigarette and handed it to him. "You haven't disappointed anyone. On the contrary, you have made me very happy, because at least you showed up here and proved that we are all that. Very few people have overcome their desires, knowing what they want to pursue and what is their true self. We cannot expect everyone to be like us, as long as we can maintain what we are now, this is the best result. Amon , You don't need to apologize to others for their mistakes, time will prove right and wrong! "

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