Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 648: Miss

In fact, Dufo did not know that the intelligence of these two people was not available to the children. The ability of the children was not enough to infiltrate the two professionally trained intelligence personnel, so that they truly exposed their whereabouts. The owner of the house.

In order to avoid alarming others, they made a deal with the owner of this dwelling with the best view, a middle-aged widower with a red nose and a blood drip. The days were not so pleasant. Two members of the Security Council gave the middle-aged man twenty yuan and told him that he would only occupy his house for three days. He could also come back to live at night, but only on the first floor. At the same time, they also told the man not to disclose their information. They wanted to surprise their friends who were passing by the town.

In fact, they didn't think about tying up this middle-aged man for a while, but this is a small town. There are more than 20,000 people in the town. It seems that there are a lot of them. In fact, there are so many. With less than 5,000 families, almost everyone is very familiar with each other. Once this middle-aged man disappears for two or three days, there will definitely be a local sheriff to see what's happening here. Those who like to gossip are not only in the Da region, but also here.

Instead, spend money to shut him up and continue to let him hang around the town as if nothing had happened.

Their ideas are very good. Middle-aged men are also willing to keep their mouths shut, but all three of them ignore one thing. What kind of activities would a man who has lost his wife and children in middle age usually have?

If this middle-aged man has a good job and income, and lives in the city of Da, he may have some healthier social activities, such as helping young girls who are facing difficulties, or let those who are skilled Women study diligently and continue to study their skills. It is impossible to find some "doctors" who can cure their swelling problems.

But here is a small town, a remote town in the west, where there are no skilled women, no girls who desperately need money to save their lives, and no one who is good at making those who are inflated uninflated. Doctor, there is only alcohol and jokes here.

The man who received the twenty yuan immediately did what he loved to do and drank. In the past, his income was entirely dependent on casual labor to earn pocket money. He had his own farmland and was able to sustain his life. Now that he is rich, then he should have a good drink, so he went to his favorite bar and asked for two bottles of high-end wine that add up to a piece of five, and the world that he drank with his friends was spinning.

Someone was curious to see if he had dug gold from the ground, or where he did an unsuccessful vote, but he laughed and told his friends that there were two beeps from the city Rented the second floor of his house for three days and twenty yuan.

In normal times, this may be just an enviable good fortune, but under Du Lin ’s orders, this is an especially important message in the eyes of the caring person. Note that they chose to let the child tell Du Lin and his friends about this.

At this time, the boss sitting at the counter pointed the door behind him without turning his head. His attention was completely attracted by those hilarious plots on TV. He laughed for a while from time to time. People have a scalp.

Dufo nodded, put one hand in his pocket and walked out from the back door. Outside the back door was a simple alley. A wooden fence separated the building from the mud and garbage on the other side. After passing through four buildings, he detoured to the road, and then slowly walked behind the houses opposite the hotel.

There is also a back door here. Both Buddhas looked at the left and right sides, and their wrists shook slightly. A blade with a length of more than two inches slid from the back of the wrist and was sandwiched between his fingers. He held the doorknob while pushing the blade along the gap of the door, and gently moved it. When he felt some resistance and slowly increased strength, it didn't take long for him to feel that the door was open. He gently opened the door, took off his leather shoes, and turned into the house.

The pistol inserted in the holster was already in his hands. He opened the insurance and carefully examined the first floor of the room, but nothing happened. Before picking up the second floor, he picked up a dirty furry toy on the ground, frowned slightly, and put it back on the floor.

This half-height toy has a nasty smell that makes him feel sick. There is no doubt that it is a breath that men can create, combined with his guess that his face has changed color.

This **** homeowner is definitely a pervert!

He turned his gaze to a worn-out sand. Fortunately, there was a pillow here. He picked up the pillow and raised his gun to the second floor. As soon as he was on the second floor, he heard the sound from the door of the second room.

"Do you know where there is a phone in the town?"

"When we came in there was a grocery store at the gate of the town, and there seemed to be a telephone there."

"Really? I'll check it out, and I have to report it to the head ..."

Then came the sound of the door lock being twisted, and it was clear that one of the two would leave here.

He may not be very good at asking Dufo to think about something that is too complicated, but if he is to let him choose the most suitable plan in the battle as quickly as possible, then he is definitely very good. When the reed of the door lock was twisted to the end to make some jerky metal friction, the Buddha made a decision. Two people, one is enough.

The guy who walked out of the door still had a smile on his face. His eyes were completely focused on the room, and he didn't notice the Buddha standing beside the corridor. Dufo didn't give him any chance, and he blocked the pillow directly in front of the muzzle and pulled the trigger. The damp pillows that the four bullets tore instantly teared out the yellow fluffy down inside. The soldier standing in the corridor shook his body a few times and fell to the ground with a plop.

One of the four bullets hit his neck, and the other three hit him on the chest. The lethality was so great that he couldn't even speak and waited for death to come. Many people say that they need to aim at the head when shooting. In fact, this is a wrong statement that cannot be considered wrong. Compared with the head, the torso has a larger area and is more likely to be hit. The purpose of shooting the human body is no more than two, one is to restrict movement, and the other is to kill the other party, but these are not enough to make the target's head hit.

Hitting the heart or major organs or intestines, as long as it is not treated in a short time, there is no need for rescue in about two to three minutes. As for restricting movement, legs are a very good target.

The sound of his falling down and the sound of the gun shocked another person in the room. The guy immediately pulled out his gun and squatted down on the bed and aimed at the door. His forehead began to sweat, except for a pair of legs that twitched from time to time. Can't see anything, can't hear anything.

The sound of gunfire was weakened a lot after passing through the pillow. In addition, the doors and windows in this room were closed and did not reach the outside of the room. Pedestrians walking on the road did not even know that they were less than ten meters in diameter. There was just one homicide.

The quiet space can relax some people and make some people nervous. The people in the room are facing the air for three minutes. After the jerking legs are no longer moving, the pressure in the heart increases sharply and cannot bear. Shouted, "Who, we are agents of the Imperial Security Council and are performing tasks. Your behavior has seriously violated the laws of the Empire ..."

At this time, he heard a crisp metal vibration coming from the door, a sound made by a famous brand lighter when the lid was opened. About five seconds later, a lighted pillow was thrown in from the door.

The location was awkward. The pillow fell on the other side of the bed ~ ~ and soon ignited the quilt on the bed. The flames were getting bigger and bigger, but the people in the room did not dare to extinguish the flames. Because he knew that as long as he made any noise, a gun might appear outside the door.

Douda's sweat beads hung down his crotch. He wiped the sweat from his face, slowed down and got up slowly. Now there are two ways to go.

Rush out and fight the gunman, or break through the window and jump out of the window.

This is the second floor. It is not high. It will not be fatally injured outside the jump. As long as he jumps out, he will definitely alarm the local sheriff. At that time he will be able to get help from the locals, and the gunman will never run away.

But he wasn't sure if that guy suddenly shot at him when he broke the window. People's fear of the unknown was much higher than that of the known. It was this uncertainty that kept him struggling. Difficult to make a decision.

At this point he had moved to the window, and the whole bed started to burn, but there was still no sound at the door. He knew he couldn't wait any longer. He didn't want to be burned alive, and he didn't want to be killed when he went out like his companion. . He picked up the telescope on the table and hit the window. The sound of broken glass was like a signal to the gun. He sat on the table with his legs kicked, and fell out of the window as soon as he rolled over.

When breathing the fresh air, he thanked God for not giving up.

But waiting for him, but it was a familiar face-Dufo, and a stick.

The time from falling to the ground from the second floor was not enough for him to adjust his body shape and aim and shoot. He watched a dark shadow cover his eyes, and his head buzzed before losing all the images in front of him.

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