Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 651: taste

Eric looked at the burning banknote, then lit the cigarette with the flame generated by the ignition of the banknote. Du Lin loosened his hands, and half of the banknote that had been burned fell to the ground with ashes, rolled slowly, and burned slowly. Slowly extinguished into two pieces of black ashes.

"Are two hundred cigarettes ordered once more mellow?", Doolin waited for Eric to answer the question, and he smiled, "Eric, can we be friends?"

Eric took a deep breath and spit it out slowly, which made him more relaxed. He was ashamed of his fear of death, but this ease of living defeated his guilt. He raised an eyebrow and thoughtfully said, "You want to buy me!"

"Buy?" Du Lin couldn't help laughing, he shook his finger, "No, no, the word buy sounds insulting you and insults me. I never buy anything with it Anyone, I only make friends, friends, understand? "

"You said your child is about to be born ... this is good. A family with children is a complete family, but have you considered your family to be happy in this society? When you walk with your family on the road When I watched people like me driving luxury cars, wearing expensive luxury goods, going in and out of high-end places, and meeting those powerful people, maybe just because we chatted and said something irresponsible. , But it's starting to change things. "

"Then you and your family, will there be some helplessness?" Du Lin's tone became deeper. "You sold your life to the Security Council in exchange for some insignificant money, but you were only able to Make your family live like an ordinary person. Maybe you have some deposits, but those deposits are not even one-tenth, or one-tenth, that my friends and I spend a night. "

"Eric, life is so precious. Your God has given you all the luck to come to this world, but you have sold your luck to something that is almost the same as mine, just wearing different clothes. Man, is this really your pursuit? "

"Is it all worth it?"

There was a struggle in Eric's eyes. He closed his lips and listened to Du Lin's words and thought for a long time before answering: "I didn't give anyone a life, I just gave loyalty to the empire! "

At the moment when his voice fell, Du Lin waved his hand with a very firm answer to deny him, "Empire, empire is a concept, it should not be specific people. You know the chairman and deputy chairman of the Security Council, The highest officials of the Ministry of Defense, even Magus, are all specific people. They can't represent this empire, and they can't be above the empire. You say that you are loyal to the empire, and I want to praise your love for the empire, But have you considered it? "

"If the new party stepped down in the general election and the old party came to power, do you still have what you call loyalty?" This question is actually very acute, because the new party has been in power since Magus overthrew the rule of the old era. The government Everyone in the community sees Magus and the New Party as the embodiment of the "country", but as Durin said, in case the Old Party defeats the New Party in power, then they have to continue Allegiance to yourself?

Their leadership is likely to be replaced by those of the old party. Some people have very different values ​​and world views from those of the new party. These people's governance ideas and even their political ambitions may be contrary to the new party. So in this case, do they still have to do the same as today, so that they can die for the old party in power?

Actually, this is not the first person who feels this way and speaks out. After the mid-term election, many middle and senior levels of the imperial government have such bewilderment.

What is more, the New Party has brought many changes to the empire, making this society more friendly, people have freedom, and justice has brought justice. But this does not mean that the new party is able to defeat the old party and continue to suppress the old party in the general election.

Six years ago in the general election, the new party successfully defended the scepter of power with 67% of the vote. But today, whether the support rate of both parties has been reduced, we must know that in the second general election The New Party ’s approval rate in the general election was 93%!

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, such as the old party's social elite theory, for example, their design of the "sticky" framework, for example, they gave people a visible ladder, so that everyone has a possibility to step on Climbing up someone else's head. Many factors have caused the New Party's governance philosophy to be recognized by many social middle classes. These middle classes, who can't wait to cross the threshold to enter the upper levels of society, are more inclined to the old party's decaying upgrade system than the new party's survival of the fittest.

Some people are willing to support and maintain the rotten things. This only shows that some things are still very tempting. If it really comes to the general election two years later, the new party will step down and the old party will take office. Now these have served the empire for ten or twenty years What should someone do who has been growing in the soil of the New Party?

Is it against the old party, or is it obedient to the old party?

I'm afraid that choice is a problem no matter what!

"If you choose to resign or relocate to another place, then it proves that your allegiance empire here in front of me is nothing but an excuse for you to deceive yourself and others. If you choose to stay with the Security Council, it is old Party service, you can follow the instructions of the old party to do things right and wrong, and everything you do conflicts with today. Do you think others will say what you say? "

Eric fell into silence. He didn't know how to answer Du Lin's question. At the same time, Du Lin's question made him feel very embarrassed and even shaken his faith!

The two of them were silent for a while, and Du Lin said in a relaxed tone: "Actually, it is easy to solve these problems!" Eric immediately looked up at him to see what he would say next.

"I say this thing is simple, it is really simple. When you climb high enough not to be shaken by some changes, you are really qualified to do something for this country, not like nothing on the sea Reliable boats can only drift along the waves. "

"It all depends on your choice."

"You said, will we be friends?"

When Du Lin came out of the room, the outside was sunny. Dufo immediately came over and said something in his ears. Just when Du Lin and Eric were chatting just now, the Buddha had already investigated Eric. Say things. It is not difficult to find out the information of an "ordinary person" by Du Lin's means and contacts. Eric didn't lie, he said everything he could say, which made Du Lin very satisfied.

Death is the thing that human beings are most afraid of. Even he is afraid of death, but he is afraid of death in ordinary and peaceful. If his death can change the whole world one day, then he will happily leave this world— —In fact, it doesn't. It ’s better to live than to die. As long as you live, you will definitely have a chance to find a breakthrough.

"How are those people?" Du Lin asked suddenly.

These people refer to the gold diggers who came to the town not long ago, and now someone is staring at them.

人 These people entered the town in three batches. They thought they were hiding well, but ignored an extra important thing. They didn't ride a horse. Horses are second only to their lives for the gold digger. Without horses, there is no way to travel in the wild west. With Duling's previous orders, they were discovered as soon as they entered.

At this time, Brest didn't know that his camouflage had been spotted. This is not to blame him. He was just a gold digger without much culture. He believed that the gun in his hand was better than the head full of knowledge. He was sitting at a round table with a glass of wine and listening to the chat around him.

The life on the town is relatively monotonous, and everyone's fun is often only ridiculed by women, mocked and gambled with each other.

"We have to find a way to ask someone where Amon went just now, **** it, I said that I can't drink, if it's not late, it won't be as passive as it is now!", Brest seemed to forget the first It was him who fell down ~ ~ and he drank too much, and no one forced him to drink. As a result, it was about twenty minutes before Amon's carriage left in the morning. These people remember that there is still work to do today. Fortunately, some people in the camp saw the whereabouts of Amon's carriage, and the wheel marks in the wild have not They disappeared and they found this place.

His companions looked away when they saw him complaining. At this moment, the guy sitting next to Brest pounded his arm with his elbow, and slid his lips to the side. "You think we can be in the toilet Ask something? "

Brest looked in the direction the man was pointing, a drunk guy staggered towards the toilet, and he immediately stood up, "Why not? I think I can!"

The guy beside him also stood up and followed Brest towards the toilet.

The toilet in the tavern is not large. There are only two single rooms. The drunk alcoholic opened a door and walked in to open the zipper. He pulled out his fellow and aimed at the urinal. Small song. Suddenly he felt a gust of wind behind him, and his unresponsive head realized that someone had come in after he stiffened, and he impatiently reprimanded: "Get out, there are people here!"

However, the guy who squeezed a potty with him didn't get out, not only didn't leave, but he lit his baby out. ...

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