Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 660: I don't understand

If there is another person who stands up at this time and is willing to double compensation for the money they took from Du Lin, then the remaining one may agree with his teeth. In the world of human thinking, there is a magical subconscious that constantly affects the logical judgments of normal humans, that is, not to be the last one, not to be the only one. This is actually a kind of subconscious protection that human beings place in society, and they will never let themselves be the "outliers".

The amount of 3.8 million is divided between two people. One of them only needs to pay 1.5 million, but the other guy needs to pay 2.3 million. As for why he paid so much, because he sold two waste mines to Du Lin, at which time he happily organized a party to celebrate the high price of 1.15 million for worthless things. How excited he was at that time, now how remorseful he is.

Why do you have to put attention on Du Lin?

Maybe everyone is using this method to get money from Du Lin's silly beep, so I have to participate, which is also in line with the subconscious behavior of "do not be the last one".

Du Lin's silence made Du Lin understand their thoughts. He pursed his lips and nodded, "Okay, maybe there are two gentlemen who didn't think of it. It's okay, you can go back and think about it. Many! ", This sentence is like a customer order, the two looked at each other, took back their owes, and said goodbye to Du Lin and others, and left Du Lin's villa without looking back.

At this time, another thought came to their minds, maybe it wasn't Du Lin who was behind the assassination of the executive members and Henry and others. We need to know if there are any economic disputes between the executive committee member and Du Lin. Maybe it is someone else's job? And now that the west is so chaotic, it is best to be able to leave the west temporarily and go around somewhere else. It is said that the federal side is very good.

What did they say and did after they left? No one knows for the moment. Du Lin is facing the other two people in the room who are willing to pay. To be honest, he considers that someone is willing to pay the money, but he did not expect There are actually two people, one of whom is a whole two million. The money he lost from these people has been taken back a lot, and as for the others, he may soon return the money owed to him.

As for the Hendry guy, his family will apologize to Du Lin and give financial compensation. This is what civilized and orderly capitalists should do.

"I am very pleased that the two can make the most appropriate choice, because there are still some merchants in the west who are willing to follow the order, which is very good and very rare." Du Lin offered them a cigarette, which was three hundred. 400,000 income, and more importantly they chose to bow their heads, this money is more important.

The people in the west have already seen his wrists and strength, and have started to fear him, afraid of him. This is also the result of continuously strengthening his image after he killed Mr. Andorra. But this result is not the ultimate goal of Du Lin. He believes that there is nothing that the interests of various capitalists in this world cannot be solved. If there is, the bullet will tell them to be a person and a ghost. What's the difference.

Now that he has enough notoriety to make people fear him, it's time for him to start building his own positive image, just like that of Otis.

I'm against me, and I'll let you know whether it's a weight you can't bear, whether it's alive or dead.

I approve of me, and I will let you know that money can never be made, not only money, but also status, and everything in this world.

Kevin told Du Lin that if he wanted to strengthen his power, he should not be so exclusive. After thinking, he felt that he was indeed a bit too extreme. Yes, the Guarts are trustworthy, so aren't they not trustworthy?

Not necessarily, what keeps happening in this world told Du Lin, not necessarily.

There are many natural excellent hunters in nature, such as the natural predator black panther in the tropical jungles of the southern Federation. Every year, there are news that tourists or explorers are swallowed by black panthers. But if the panthers are provided with enough food every day to feed them, and they are wearing restraints and holding knife holders around their necks, I believe the panthers will not be interested in human taste. They can fill their stomachs without taking risks, so why take a greater risk to taste something that is not necessarily delicious?

Tatars, or capitalists, do the same, as long as the threat posed to them is greater than their desire to pursue higher interests, they are meek like lambs and howl.

This is also Du Lin's original plan to continue to strengthen his strength and strength.

"Actually, I know that all the problems are at the West Mining Association." Du Lin himself took a cigarette, and the bald man immediately bent over, leaned on his butt, and took out a lighter to light up Du Lin. Du Lin He patted the back of his hand and let him sit back. Breathing a spit of smoke, his face has a smile like a spring breeze, "You may not understand me very well, I mean that West Mine will make many things a little more complicated in the west, but also some complicated ones. Things have become too simple. "

"I can see from this transaction with you ... No, you don't need to feel guilty, because it's not your fault, it's the fault of Hendry and the West Mining Association. Hendry's greed and West The arrogance of the mining association made them go in awe and lost justice. If there is no profit, if there is no western mining association, I would like to ask two of you. Will you come to sign such an agreement with me? "

This is a question with only one standard answer. Both of them shook their heads. If there is no Henry tells them that they can get more money from Du Lin in this way, if there is no West Mind, they will acquiesce in their fraud. Even support, they will never do such a thing. It may be because the information exchange is not sufficient and they do not know it, but more likely it is because they are afraid.

What makes them dare to do such a thing?

A little annoyance appeared on their faces, it was Henry, it was the West Mining Association. If it were not for these abominable people, they would not have lost such a large sum of money.

Du Lin tilted his legs and let these people brew for a while. No matter whether they understood what they were saying, they were given a process of understanding or pretending to understand. After waiting for about a minute, Du Lin continued to say, "I heard that the West Mine will have a great impact on the mining industry in the West. Offending them, even many things can't be sold, right?"

Bald middle-aged man ... At this time he can have a name. His name is Federer. Federer nodded. The sweat on his forehead reflected the crystalline luster in the sun, which continued with the movement of his nod. Refracting the optical fiber, making him look a bit bulingbuling, "It is true, Mr. Du Lin. West Mining will control the largest and most extensive channels for western ore and metal ingots. Under the role of capital cooperation, the external demand side is the first It will also find the West Mining Association to put forward their own needs, rather than directly find the mine owner, which makes us want to sell our products, we must first maintain a good cooperative relationship with the West Mining Association. "

The miner who was sitting next to him but could n’t have a name went on to say: "The most unbearable thing is that the Western Mining Association will provide us with a 'reference price' every quarter, let us refer to ...", he He shook his head with a bitter smile, "Actually this is the designated price that West Mine will give us. If we want to sell our stuff, we can only sell it at the price set by them. West Mine will control many of them to a certain extent. The price of ore, they control the pricing power of the industry. "

What he said is actually where the West Mine will be criticized by some mine owners. How much can I sell for the ore that I dug out? I ca n’t count it. It ’s hard to accept it. . The mine is not mined from your home, nor is it paid by the West Mining Association. Why can't this price be freely carried out in accordance with market fluctuations ~ ~ It must be decided by the West Mining Association? Of course, this capital cooperation is one of the reasons. In fact, there are other reasons that cause the current mining problems in the west, but many people are unwilling to say.

That is the need to stabilize the market!

The existence of the Western Mining Association has great disadvantages, but it has become a good umbrella for small mine owners. Just as the George family and the three special agency trusts controlled the entire newspaper period, there were indeed disadvantages, but they The lack of competitiveness of small and medium-sized newspapers is a great guarantee. The same is true of the West Mining Association, but people are unwilling to admit that they have been helped by the West Mining Association, at least not verbally.

Miners with high output want to have their own pricing power, because they have more resources in their hands and subconsciously think that their will is more important. Those who have a relatively small output are willing to rely on the industry rule of the Western Mining Association and steal their lives, and the accumulation of less is more than forming a force that is not weaker than the rich mines, so everyone simply gathers together, making the original should be more fair. The West China Mining Association has become a "tumor", and a variety of complex issues have been concentrated into a contradiction. This contradiction is the West Mining Association.

Of course, Du Lin hopes that people will recognize the irrationality of the West Mine Association. As for whether the West Mine Association has a positive side for poor mines, that is not his consideration. Since he came to the west, it is natural to break the old pattern in the west. Otherwise, why should he speak here? ...

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