Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 663: Puddle


"Yes!", The girl lowered her head. By observing her expression, Du Lin could see that she was now relaxed.

He heard people say something about the earth gods. The way this church devours people is very simple, there are only three.

Women, money, and being able to help you find a way to help you when you need it most.

It is with such three simple and extreme methods that the Tushenism has captured a large number of so-called high-level characters in the west and beyond. To be honest, if you change people to face the current situation, even if they are also not willing to cooperate with Tushenism, I am afraid that she will not really be thrown aside in the face of such a girl. This is also where the local gods are powerful. They do not engage in any conspiracy at all. They use the simplest and simplest desire of mankind, the desire of reproduction.

It is conceivable that after living with such a girl for a long time, some things can erode a person's thinking in the quietness of the moisturizing. The subtle influence is the most terrible. In addition, they have used people's desire for wealth, their desire for their own pursuits, an organization that looks very ordinary and actually terrible.

Du Lin returned to the villa and looked at Angela, who was a little helpless standing in front of him. When he tilted his head, Du Fu pulled the curtains up, and Dove stood aside. Some things were done by women, rather than men. Be a lot easier.

He played with a lighter in his hand, a gold alloy lighter, except for about 10% of other metals. The gold purity of this lighter is more than 85%, which is suitable for a small gift from Henry as a memorial. A token for the cooperation between the two. Dooling looked at Angela. Angela's eyes were a little messy, but not very nervous. She was a kind of eyes who didn't know what she would encounter next, but she had absolutely no fear.

"Mr. Charles, what did you ask me to do, what kind of task did he arrange for you?", Watching Angela prepare to speak, Du Lin made a silent movement, "don't try to deceive me, I believe What you believe is different from what you believe in. My belief tells me that in the face of scammers and people who try to hurt me, I should give them double damage until they are killed. "

"Three questions. If your answer satisfies me, you can still enjoy the sunshine of tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the future. If your answer dissatisfied me, don't you believe in any Mother Goddess? You can return tonight. Her arms! "

"First question, why send you to me."

"Second question, what is Charles's identity in Divinity."

"The third question, where is your church headquarters."

"Now you can answer the question."

Angela looked at Du Lin a little blankly, which was completely different from the training she received in the church. She is not the granddaughter of Charles. The two have no blood relationship, but she is the granddaughter of Charles, because according to the teachings of the native gods, she and more boys and girls like her are great clergymen. The family are their children and grandchildren.

Angela was an orphan. She had always thought so before she was sixteen years old. In the sixteen years from when she was a sensible to sixteen years old, the ecclesiastical school in the church taught them that all children Are orphans. Some were abandoned by the parents in the orphanage, some were directly thrown out of the place where the Tujiao was stationed, and some were picked up from the outside. Many children firmly believe in what these adults say. In the brainwashing step by step, they sincerely consider the church as their own home and regard themselves as the possession of the Mother Earth.

Until the age of sixteen, some people will undergo some changes, some will receive a more complicated education, and some will give everything for the church.

In the education that Angela received, she never encountered such a situation, and her mentor told her that girls like her often face three situations. The first case is that her new owner will like her very much, the second case is the opposite of the first case, the new owner will hate him very much, and the third case: she may be hostile, beware of, Not trusted, but not harmed.

But it was the first time that Du Lin had threatened to kill her without telling the truth. For a while, she was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

In the short time she was thinking, she subconsciously covered her thigh, and then a torn pain spread down her thigh. She glanced down and put a knife just over an inch long on her round thigh.

Pain does not weaken or increase because of individual will. Even if it has received professional training, it is useless, and pain is pain, not to mention she has not been exposed to such professional training. Tears began to accumulate in the eye sockets all at once, as if they could flow out anytime and anywhere.

Du Lin has been staring at her, and he stretched out two fingers, "You have two more chances. After you run out, you can choose a place you like, and we will bury you in the soil, of course too far No way. "

He wasn't kidding, Charles kept Angela in a very tough way, which made Turin very disgusted with the gods. He can accept his own decisions, but he will never accept the decisions imposed on him by others, and some things cannot be compromised. Therefore, he decided to "understand" the Church of the Divinity according to Charles's request, and to "friend" him if necessary.

Angela chose silence in the face of the threat of Doolin. She bit her lip lightly, and there was a faint red bloodshot where her teeth touched her pink lips. Dufo shook his arm without hesitation, and inserted a second blade into her shoulder. She sulked, stood still and bowed her head silently, her body trembling slightly, perhaps because of pain, or because of fear.

Dulin frowned, and he patted the armrest with both hands, stood up, walked to Angela's body, stretched out his palm to hold each other's neck, and the tiger's mouth began to force gradually.

The training that Luan Angela received were theoretical things, and they and they were very valuable "items" of the Protestantism, which must not be easily damaged. Over the years, the native gods have secretly searched for excellent one or two-year-old children in the west and around the world. They have a set of their own screening criteria. Once such a good seed is found, they will be arranged to **** or steal it from the children's parents, and then train them to grow up and use it as a sharp weapon.

Such methods as Tushenism are very useful, but there have also been some problems. For example, "things" that have grown up in a closed environment for a long time have contacted the outside world, and have been exposed to richer feelings. Betrayal.

The word love is elegant and cheap. Everyone can have love. Sometimes, "something" will fall in love with their master, and then the opportunity of the gods will fail. So after the valuables reached sixteen, the children were divided into two parts. Part of it will be the loyal fighters of the church, who can give everything to the church, including life. They will be arranged to perform some very extreme tasks. Of course, there are not many such tasks, and most of the time they will stay quiet inside the church.

Another part, like Angela, was born with a boy and girl with outstanding appearance and temperament. The church told them information about their lives and their families. They will regularly take pictures of their families to show these children. Once suppressed for 16 years, the emotions will be like a landslide and tsunami, and they will not be able to stop them. These children will be extremely eager to return to their families. Make some children's parents show pictures of despair and pain when they just lost their children, and continue to stimulate the children's strong desire.

But the Church of the Earth God told them that if they were unable to complete their only task, their families would be executed secretly and sacrificed to the Mother Earth.

Divinity takes advantage of these children's desire to go home and put in their parents' arms, allowing them to complete many seemingly difficult tasks, while ensuring that they will not fail the task due to personal reasons ~ ~ In fact, they are all disposable consumables, because whether they do or fail to do so, the Taoism will clean up these people. They will not allow the existence of people who may expose some dark sides, these people will seriously threaten the survival of the indigenous gods.

As for how to clean them up, the indigenous gods have their own methods.

So it's not that Angela doesn't want to say it, it's because she fears that after speaking for 16 years, her parents and brother and sister will be brutally slaughtered.

Du Lin's eyebrows were tightened and chaotic. He pushed Angela step by step to press her against the wall, and his arm kept lifting the girl up against the wall. His tiger's mouth can already feel the hard things under the skin, that is the spine and throat. However, he took a little effort and did not completely close the girl's trachea, but his patience was limited.

Some people want to survive, some people want to die, and one is always satisfied, isn't it?

Angela, who is getting harder and harder to breathe, slaps Du Lin's arm under her survival instinct, and kicks her feet for a while. This kind of attack can't ease her current situation. Feeling that Angela, who did not know when she might die, faced the choice between life and death, the desire to survive defeated reason, and vomited two syllables from her teeth.

I said! ...

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