Cosma Empire

Chapter 69: Art gallery

The director of the Delier Art Museum is Delier, a guy with obvious arrogance. Even if he has some artistic breath, he can't hide the scorn in his eyes when he looks at Doolin. It's like a gentleman wearing leather boots standing in a noble hall, looking down at the mud with bare feet, the country boy walking on the white floor leaving footprints of contempt.

Delier is a very "artistic" person. He wears a purple, neutralized, shiny suit. The edge of the white collar is outlined with silver silk threads. It should be sterling silver, at least in the light. That shiny color will not be any low-grade material. He is wearing a pair of white crocodile leather shoes, which is different from others. People prefer to wear leather boots over leather shoes, because in this society where road traffic is still a big problem, leather shoes are too easy for dirt to enter the upper. Or stained with socks.

His hair is very shiny, just like that of Wood's guy, but his hair doesn't look stiff, but it's soft. The seven-point hair curls in the opposite direction to the right, and the other three points backward. Bai Jing's skinny face even painted some light makeup. If it wasn't for the suffix on the business card, Mr. Du Lin would probably treat him as a masculine woman.

He took the business card from Du Lin and glanced at it. The business cards of artists with "artistic flavors" like him often have some artistic characteristics. For example, the name on his business card was hand-written, and Du Lin also asked someone to recognize it before he realized that the lines of the dragon and phoenix dance were actually letters. He then put his business card in his pocket, one hand across his chest and the other on his arm, a thin white smoke between his fingers.

"You and Kevin's bad guy are friends? Then you must not be a good guy either." Delier's voice was also very motherly, this time with a hint of disgust in his eyes, as if in front of him Is not a human, but a pile of rubbish. The "friendship" between him and Kevin is not harmonious. In fact, someone once commissioned Kevin to sue Delier Museum of Art. Only in that incident did Delier meet with Kevin. Under the persuasion of Kevin, It took a thousand dollars to private the case.

Indecent case.

It is said that the guy who sued him was a male owner of a middle-class family. This family has a certain financial ability, hoping that his child can be influenced by art, so he sent the child to Delier for training-sometimes Delier also Will teach some children about art. I don't know if the child is special, or for some other reason, in any case Delier molested the child and was known by the child's family.

Eventually he had to take out a thousand dollars to understand the matter in private, and once the case came out, he might be expelled from Tener by angry parents.

Dooling shrugged, and didn't care much about Delir's ridiculous language, "He is the devil, we are all friends of the devil!", He means that if Kevin is really a bad guy, follow his Thinking, everyone who is a friend of Kevin is not a good person, so he is certainly not a good person himself.

Delil smirked and twisted his head to the side, exhaled a smoke, and squinted at Du Lin, "My time is limited, please explain your intention!"

At this time Du Lin only found out that Delier even applied nail polish and purple nail polish. He seemed to like this color very much. Staggering this attention, Du Lin whispered, "I think we should go to your office to talk, and I will offer you a satisfactory price."

德 At this time Delil's eyes were a little brighter, and he nodded hesitantly. Obviously, money could move him more than he didn't like.

The two entered the Delir's office one after the other, very simple and indeed very artistic. Unlike the leather sofas of the big men, the sofas here are covered with cloth. The cloth sofas are just beginning to be popular in the Yaoxing Empire. Many big men think that this gadget is used by the poor, so it is not completely popular yet. stand up. If the thing of trend is lacking the approval of the mainstream social groups, it is not the trend, but the non-mainstream.

The furnishings in the room are very artistic, and the strange furniture should seem to cost a lot of money. This kind of non-standard furniture can only be customized by hand, and the price is expensive.

Delier Shi Ran walked to his swivel round chair, a chair like an egg shell with a window pulled out, and the whole person was trapped. He tilted his two legs, took the last cigarette, and threw his cigarette **** into a trash can with a big mouth on the side of his chair ...

"What do you want from me and what are you going to give?"

Directly, Du Lin was very satisfied. He walked to the table and sat on a crooked chair carved out of wooden roots. He stretched out three fingers. "Help me to get Vivian as soon as possible, I will give you three thousand Remuneration. UU 看书 "

Three thousand yuan, not a small number. Even if Delier Art Museum is the only art museum in Tener City, it is also a place for ladies to gather and consume. less. Three thousand yuan is enough for his half-year income. He was very moved, but he refused decisively.

"Sorry, I can't help you, you can leave." When he said this reluctantly, Delier felt his heart was bleeding. That's three thousand yuan. God is above, enough for him to spend a long time. Watching this money disappear in his own world, his heartache was almost unable to breathe.

Du Lin pursed his lips, "Five thousand yuan!"

Delil took a cool breath and closed his eyes. The slightly trembling eyelashes were enough to illustrate his fierce struggle at the moment, but soon he refused the deal again.

It is not that he does not like money and is unwilling to get money, but that Du Lin's trading goals are too tricky. That was the wife of the Lord Mayor. Ms. Vivienne had a certain energy in the whole lady circle of Cannes. She is not only the honorary president of the Cannes Women's Security Association, but also the daughter of the former governor. Without knowing Du Lin's purpose, he did not dare to reach out his hand.

If something goes wrong, then it will not be enough for Tener City. It will be the whole Kanles, and even the entire South will not have his foothold!

It is not worth destroying the business that you run for a sum of money that is really not small!

Du Lin sighed, "Sorry, we didn't reach a consensus.", Saying that he stood up, crossed the table in Delier's eyes, and Delier, who was sitting behind the table, consciously realized that he was wrong, he When I just wanted to say something, the words in my throat were stuck there, and I couldn't vomit at all.

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