Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 676: You have to prove that you are alive

The girl returned to the office to make the manager curious. He thought it would take more time for the suspect to stay here, but did not expect the girl to keep the other person in just one minute. Just now he had contacted the city's investigation bureau through hands-free mode, and to the direction he promised to see them outside the bank in five minutes.

People from the Bureau of Investigation will not enter the bank to arrest people. This is also the result of the compromise between the Imperial Bank and the Cabinet. If the police or the agents of the Bureau of Investigation are allowed to arrest the people, it will cause the bank to lose a large amount of money in those anonymous accounts If there is no one to access the stored money for a long time, it will basically be in the pocket of a bank. Every year, at least tens of millions of illegal funds are swallowed by the bank. A large part of the account owners may be jailed, a small number of the owners absconded, and the owners of about 5 percent of the anonymous accounts are finished. Already.

The imperial central bank is very welcome to those customers who are in jail, although it is far less popular than those account owners who go to see God. It may be more than ten or twenty years after these people go to jail, and they have not even expected them in this life. They The money stored in the bank is equal to the money in the bank's own pocket. As for those customers who can be released in a few months or two or three years, they probably don't have much money in the bank account, which is not the type that banks like.

In an age where inflation is already visible to the naked eye, one million now in banks and one million ten, twenty or fifty years later is definitely not a concept. There are several buildings that can be bought for one million now, but even one household in one building cannot be bought in fifty years. When these people come out a long time later to use the money, the bank is also very happy to give them, after all, we must take care of the bank's credibility.

"How did you tell him?" The manager pressed his hand on the back of the chair, leaned his legs sideways, and looked very impatient. "How long will he stay?"

The girl looked very aggrieved, with a smile in her tone. "He gave me a little money, so I must think of a way to get things done, so you see, I'll come and discuss it with you again, see See if there is any way to help him get it done. "She said, asking her nervously," I will keep the money myself, or will I hand it over to the investigating bureau when he is arrested? " ? "

The manager touched his chin. The monitored account involved 2.15 million illegal funds, and the other party requested that all funds be transferred immediately. This guy must have committed a relatively serious economic crime or had been wanted. These people care absolutely not to be able to put small change into their pockets that have not yet been discovered. What they care about is when they can leave the empire and when they can enjoy their wealth from crime outside the empire.

So these people have never been so stingy about things that can be done with a little money, and the manager is very experienced in this.

It seems that the bank manager has a lot of ideas. In fact, there is only such a moment. He lowered his voice and said, "Give me 20%, and I will talk to the investigation bureau."

The girl rubbed her forefinger with the nail of her thumb, and the pain couldn't stop her from laughing excitedly. She nodded again and again, keeping the posture facing the ground to prevent the manager and the person outside the office from seeing her face. On the face, "No problem!"

The manager couldn't help but ask, "What's 20%?"

"Forty dollars!"

The two acted again for a while. The security guard outside the bank told the manager by radio that his "guest" had arrived, and the manager reluctantly signed his name on the remittance slip. Thrown to the ground, and stood up and walked a few steps, with a severe expression on his face, as if scolding the girl. The girl bent down and picked up the remittance slip, bowed her head and left the office. When she walked back, she felt wronged, her eyes were red, and she did not know when she would shed tears.

In fact, happiness is about to shed tears, but at this time it looks like grievance.

"Sir, you tell me that it is done, but if you go to the Federation, you need to wait until the 25th of this month to be able to withdraw the money, do you think it is OK?" The girl returned to Roel Let me explain that on the 25th of each month, the settlement day of the Imperial Bank and the three major federal banks, these unplanned remittances will not be remitted to the federal bank account until the settlement date.

Roel nodded and stood up. He reached out and held the girl's hand tightly, and shook it hard. "Thank you very much, I don't know what words I should use to express my gratitude. I hope we can meet again if there is a chance! "He released his hand and lifted the hat slightly." Then I leave, goodbye, madam! "

The girl smiled and watched Mr. Roel leave the bank, then quickly walked into the bathroom. She locked herself in the toilet cubicle, and couldn't restrain the laughter.

Yes, Mr. Roel was very generous and gave her another gift in addition to the money, just when they had contact for the second time.

The girl sat on the toilet and looked at the golden dolphin held by the palms of her hands, her breathing quickly. She could feel that the dolphin was at least fifty grams, or a little more, which was another generous income, and it was only her income.

Today is her lucky day. In less than half an hour, she actually made a thousand yuan!

On the other side, Mr. Roel put on sunglasses immediately after leaving the bank gate. He walked along the sidewalk to the nearby bus station. He did not buy a car in this city, and did not have so much cash to buy a car. Memnon has a lot of power, and he can easily find out where his account has been cashed, which is one of the reasons why he dare not apply for false certificates.

He has always heard that Mennonite is connected with many gang members. If he makes fake passports, or if he wants to sneak into the ears of Mennonite, he will likely be caught by these people and sent back to the west . He also appeared in the newspaper several times a while ago. He didn't dare to take the risk. The ghost knew whether Mennon had already let his friends start paying attention to himself.

The second reason ..., in fact, he didn't know where to make fake passports and documents. How can he be a high-class social elite who walks in the eyes of people all day long, how can he know the garbage hiding in the sewers and earning a little money by illegal means?

Just when he was about fifty meters away, suddenly someone shoved him heavily behind him, pushing him to lose his center of gravity and fall to the ground. Immediately afterwards, he felt that a very powerful sole was stepping on his back severely, and his hat and sunglasses were also blown away. A guy in a trench coat lowered his head and pinched his hair to take his His head was raised, "Mr. Roel, you have been arrested!"

At this moment, Mr. Roel was desperate, but there was also something to be thankful for, that the person who caught him was not a farmer, but an official. At least this will not let him die soon, maybe he will face a long prison term, but as long as his money is still there, nothing will be a problem.

Of course, he didn't see the bank manager talking to an investigative agent at the bank's door, and the bank staff who had served him. When the agent also left, the manager looked at the girl and whispered, "Fifty dollars, you saw it. I gave him a pack of cigarettes, and the money was also counted in."

The girl wanted to justify the pack of cigarettes as long as thirty-five points, but nodded in the end, after all, she is an excellent employee, and the kind of salary increase.

Roel returned to Verrier shortly after his arrest. He needs to be investigated by the Security Council, because it is the Security Council that issued the wanted order. They executed and succeeded according to the plan left by An Pu. Then Mr. Roel, who was taken for granted, was in their hands.

Facing the spotlight, Mr. Roel seemed calm. His money would soon be transferred to the federal account. As long as the money was still there, he wouldn't be afraid.

"Why did you catch me?" In the face of several Security Council agents wearing military uniforms, Mr. Roel apparently did not recognize the current situation. He thought that these people would be as gentle as the agents of the investigation bureau ~ ~ It is not the voice that answers him, but a fist!

A captain rearranged his cuffs, took a document from the table, and patted it on Mr. Roel's face fiercely, and later moved a little distance to let Mr. Roel see this clearly. What is written on one document.

This is a death certificate. Mr. Roel felt afraid that his underlined name was filled with his name, and the picture of himself was also shown in a bareheaded photo next to it. The content of this document is not complicated, but it only illustrates one thing. A gentleman named Roel accidentally fell into the tributary of the Agate because of his mistake. It was late at night, and no one found Roe. Mr. Er, he drowned ...

Finally, there is a joint seal of the local procuratorate, local court, and local police station, which is sufficient to prove the reliability and authenticity of this document.

After reading all this, Mr. Roel was sweating all over his head. He extruded a ugly smile, swallowed his dry throat, and asked with a helpless and hoarse voice, "You want to let what did I say?"


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