Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 680: I feel overwhelmed by the burden of social responsibility and feel good ...

"Can I go out and breathe?" Mennon knocked on the door and watched an officer complaining outside the door. "I haven't left this building for more than ten days. I want to go to Go outside to breathe fresh air, even if there is no problem at the door. "In order to guard the gatekeeper to prevent him from having too much contact with the outside world, the house he lives in now has no windows. The commander allows him to be inside the building Walk around, but don't leave, and don't get near the window.

He could hardly contact anyone, and even when he was on the phone once, he thought he had used code words in normal communication, and immediately hung up the phone, and warned him that he is still seriously suspected. Suspect, he cannot be outside the scope of his work until these messy things in the West are completely settled. These people even asked him to say only two simple words, yes and no, on the phone.

The officer closed the door blankly, facing the door panel, and the farmer sighed heavily.

He can only pin his hopes on those who can guess his mind at the moment and evaporate the executive members of the Western Mining Association. Only in this way can he be safe.

Just as Mennon considered how to contact the outside commanders, three other members of the Western Mining Association also made a decision. As their companion said yesterday, while the situation has not deteriorated yet, they have to find a way to leave the empire before they are brought under control. They have been in this position for more than ten years. Over the years, they have snatched enough benefits to allow them to include their families and future generations to squander the generations. There is no need to stay here for the power that has already collapsed. Waiting for death.

In order to avoid the surveillance they might encounter, they held a dance to celebrate the annihilation of the Freedom Front and the mining trade in the west could continue normally.

In the dressing room, the four executive members met again.

"I feel like someone is watching us. We have to speed up. In three hours, Federer's traitor will stand in the spotlight. I'm afraid we won't have time after he's finished talking about his shit." The guy who had a "deal" with Du Lin sat on the chair. He picked up a fader dedicated to cutting hair and pushed a line in the middle of his head. Large chunks of well-maintained hair fell to the ground, revealing some grey hair roots.

The other three knew at a glance what this guy was doing. Since someone was watching them, they had to leave without alarming anyone. There is nothing better than disguising yourself during a ball. So they started using the tools found in the dressing room to change their looks.

Soon the man turned himself into a bald head, and even his eyebrows were shaved off. He used cosmetics to darken his skin tone a bit, a bit like an elegant man. When he took off his coat under the inexplicable gaze of others and took out a mascot-like suit from the box beside him, one of them couldn't help asking, "Are you prepared?"

He nodded solemnly, "Whether you leave the empire or not, I will leave the empire. I have arranged for my family to leave yesterday night. They are not under surveillance at least, as far as I know. You better be able to Find a way to inform them, and meet in the Federation. "As he spoke, he put on that childish-looking suit.

It was a large plush toy coat in the image of a miner. The exaggerated image of the miner was full of cartoon visual effects, and he could not see him directly. He looked outside through a small fist hole in the miner's mouth. Even if he saw his eyes from the outside, he could not tell who this person was. Only by letting him take off this suit could he see his appearance clearly. But at such a dance party, who would embarrass a staff member wearing cartoon plush clothes?

The other three kept silent, but kept cursing. This old thing was really ruthless. Such a big family business said no to it, and they had already sent their families away. At the same time, they are considering how to tell their families to leave the empire as soon as possible.

The unhappiness and perseverance in their hearts can never be revealed by words or expressions. They have lived in this empire for decades, from the noble period to the new era today. They have feelings for everything here, and their Half of the family business is here and can't be taken away.

Those villas, manors, artworks, and various real estate and valuable luxury artworks will become other people's collections, and their favorite things will become darlings at the auction, which makes them all bleeding. Why can't I be relentless? Perhaps they felt their attachment to the empire when they made a choice.

All four quickly changed their clothes, and one of them asked sulkingly in his coat, "Why are you only a miner? Why are we all stones?"


A miner came out of the dressing room with three wobbly gold ore, and everyone who saw them reported a smile, and some children came up and touched them, but they made the children feel that the experience was bad. The cute cartoon image did not give them a positive response, but let them go away like their parents and elders.

The miner glanced back at the second gold ore behind him, "You can't say them that way. If you provoke their parents, we can't run away by then." After finishing this sentence, he continued to move forward, In his mind, Du Lin explained what he had done last night.

Honestly, he was a little confused as to why Du Lin was doing this. If he really wanted to make these people disappear, it would not be enough to find them with the other party ’s ability, why would it take a lot of help? They left the empire at this time and went to the Confederation, rather than to countries further afield. Although he also felt that the Federation was the best choice, at least the social environment there was good, and the rich dominated everything, but he didn't understand what it was for.

Last night he was still on the phone with his family, and at this time he knew that his family had boarded a passenger ship to the Federation, and would arrive in the Federation about three days later.

The stranger Du Lin's behavior and the more reflective he is, is this a trap? But Doolin did not have to deceive him, because Doolin arranged a naval train to send them to the West Coast to take the navy warship to the Federation.

There was a faint sensation in his mind that Du Lin was using himself. But at this time, what else can be done besides being used?

Just after the four of them came out of the back door, a car slowly approached them, a military vehicle.

Military vehicles are wider and longer than ordinary family cars. There are three rows of seats in the car, and there are two soldiers in the front and front passenger seats. The soldier in the front passenger's seat rolled down the window and gave a command, "Take off your clothes and get in the third row of seats for you."

The four did not hesitate. They took off their cartoon jackets and went into the car wearing underwear. They found four sets of military uniforms on the seats in the third row. After putting on these uniforms and wearing military caps, they made them look It really looks like a soldier, at least with a naked head. The only thing that may not look like it is their age.

Fortunately, in the city of Verrier, no one will block such military vehicles that are all soldiers. First of all, the military vehicle is not easy to handle. In case there is a gendarmerie inspection, the soldiers in the cab can also handle the past.

Just as they went to the station with the military vehicle, a car passed by them.

"I think I already know what to say." Federer in turn stuck three lecture notes on the armrest box between the two seats, listing some of the core things he needed to say this time, and what might appear How to answer some difficult questions. In order to write down these contents, he spent four days, almost every minute and every second recalling the content on it.

Ellis took those lecture notes in his hands, and he randomly asked some questions from it to ask Federer. The upcoming press conference is very important and determines whether Doolin's plan can be successfully concluded. Even a little bit can not be tolerated. Mistakes.

As long as the press conference ends successfully, the West will soon calm down.

Little by little, Federer woke up in the hotel room after being awake by Doolin, changed his clothes, followed behind Doolin, took the elevator to the third floor of the hotel, where there is a lobby. The moment they pushed open the door and walked into the hall together, they almost couldn't open their eyes when the flashing magnesium light struck. This time, not only reporters from the empire, but also reporters from other countries, after all, enslaving nationals to serve as slaves is a matter that stimulates the sensitive nerves of the country. They must come to understand what is going on in order to facilitate those. Big men make correct judgments in international affairs.

Du Lin sat on the left-hand side of Federer ~ ~ The right-hand side was empty. Federer didn't even think about why anyone was late. He squinted his eyes and waved to the full reporter in the hall. After waving his hand, he said, "Thank you very much for being able to come to this press conference. I will be here today to announce some shocking things you don't know. Maybe ..."

Before he finished speaking, a reporter suddenly asked in a loud voice, "Mr. Federer, why do you have to‘ another person ’stand up and expose these? Is it because you have been excluded?”

All eyes were on the reporter and then on Federer's face.

In the lecture provided to him by Du Lin, he had a similar question, and he answered without considering: "Because of responsibility, this is the social responsibility that I live as an imperial citizen in this country. My morality tells me that I cannot Keep silent! "

"Even if I don't stand up, I believe there will be others coming out. I just got up earlier, that's it!"


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