Cosma Empire

Chapter 71: sacrifice

When he returned to his temporarily hidden residence, Dufo immediately greeted him. He knew that Du Lin went out today to solve the threat to Godol from them, and he was also very nervous, because the current hometown association was far worse than Godol in terms of size and strength.

Godol is not the same as Wood. Wood has been whitewashed. The so-called whitewashing is not only to completely wipe out some things that could not be known to most people in the past. He said he had many thugs, weapons, and illegal businesses. He was like a tiger with his claws and fangs removed, and was introduced into the cage by grown-ups, and then put a label on the outside of the cage with the content "tycoon".

I look really powerful, everyone knows Tycoon Wood, but in fact, only he knows the truth. Whether to maintain his decent status or status, he cannot do things that would undermine his status. He can't keep a lot of thugs, he can't do some business that violates the rules of the game, and he can't do anything directly like he did before. No matter what he encounters, he must follow the rules and the rules of the game.

So Dooling didn't hesitate to treat Wood.

What he is going to deal with is a tiger who has forgotten how to use his claws and fangs to smash his prey and smiles in the jungle. What he has to deal with is just a gentleman who has been restricted by the big men with rules and has difficulty in resisting.

Gordor, he has not been constrained by the rules of the game. Although he has been obeying this rule, he is not a tycoon in the high society now, he is just a dirty gang leader. What he did before crossing that hurdle was acceptable to people. See, wasn't he a gang leader, and wasn't he doing exactly what he was doing?

So I faced Gordor, Doolin, and Dufo all thought that this was a very troublesome thing. An unintentionally formed fellowship would leave Tener, and start again in other cities, struggling to survive. . If not, who is willing to be driven away in this way and leave the country? If you can, who doesn't want to leave the scenery and go to the next bigger stage to pursue self?

怎么 样 "How is it, is there any way?" Du Foshun passed a bottle of freshly opened fruit wine. Du Lin waved his hand. He didn't drink, or he rarely drank without the need.

The windbreaker was hung on a hanger. The room with yellow walls was slightly dim. There were still some water stains left on the walls and ceiling. This was a temporarily rented room, which was handled by others. .

He sat on the sofa that had lost his elasticity, buttocks and the wooden board under the cushion had an intimate contact. His buttocks almost blossomed. He rested his arms on the armrests and looked like he was lying in a bathtub. He stood up again, kicked him fiercely on the sofa, and walked back and forth a few times before he looked at the Buddha.

"Now there is a way to approach the mayor's wife, Mrs. Vivian. According to my understanding, the mayor has fostered a mistress outside, but he still respects Mrs. Vivian's opinion, which is an opportunity. As long as Vivi Mrs. Ann said a few words, more useful than doing anything outside. It is not easy to get Mrs. Vivian, it may require you to sacrifice ... "

Before Du Lin's words were finished, Du Fu raised his hand to stop Du Lin from continuing. He lifted the bottle and sipped it, tore the collar, took a deep sip of only half of the cigarette, and his eyes were slightly Looking at Du Lin in red, "My father didn't know where he was going. He may have died on the battlefield or pretended to run away. My mother raised our brothers and sisters. She has lived very well these years. Not easy. My brother and sister are still young and need someone to take care of me. After I leave, remember what you said before, I don't ask you to really treat my family as yours, but you must take care of them ... ... "

记得 "Remember to tell them, I love them!"

说 "Say, what do you want me to do, assassinate someone, or do something else?"

Staring at the slightly agitated Buddha, Du Lin took a moment, then laughed directly, and he felt a little pain in his stomach when he laughed. Dufo was almost stupid. He stared straight at Du Lin, wondering if he had said something wrong.

After a while, Du Lin stopped laughing, but when he saw the silly expression on Dufo's face, he couldn't help laughing.

"Actually ... it's not what you think!" In the common language, there is essentially no difference between the word sacrifice and the word death. If you add a little modification to the word, it will change from ordinary death. Make a meaningful dedication, which is what everyone calls "sacrifice ~ ~ Du Lin said a little faster, ignore the modifier, make Dufo think that this time may need to pay for life as a price to be able to move Mrs. Vivienne.

After Du Lin explained, the Buddha also laughed. He rolled his eyes for a while and drank a sip of wine. "Frightened me, I thought I had to go to God. Trouble you talk next time." It ’s better to use words more accurately, can I? I remember you went to a cram school with me! "

Dulin shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry, I admit my mistake, but you still have to sacrifice."

"I think it's better now!", Dufo rubbed his face, "At least‘ death ’is not needed”

Immediately after Du Lin told the plan to Dufo, Dufo's face was all green, and his feelings were really sacrificed. He actually asked him to cater to an old woman in his forties. The muscles on his face became stiff. Can you ... change someone? "

Du Lin asked, "Do you think any of us are more handsome and handsome than you?" He spread his hand and asked himself, "No, so I can only take this difficult The task is entrusted to you. And you are not a loser. There is almost no consequence of playing with a noble lady in a high society. Do n’t you find it exciting? " A very ... tone said: "You think about it, you and the mayor will become cousins. How much face is this to say?"

"If you think I can feel better in saying this, then your plan has failed!" Du Fu lit another cigarette and lowered his head for a while, and Su Lin didn't disturb his thinking. After a moment, he raised his head violently and bounced the cigarette **** on the ground. "I agree, **** it, I hate you and your plan, but I agree with the horse!"

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