Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 713: bibibibibi


When Carter opened the box, two thick books and two bottles of wine first came into view. It can be seen that these two bottles of wine will not be a bargain. The stamped label can already give a very luxurious feeling. The bottle cap, which looks like gold, has made the bottle's net worth soar. rise. Even the bottle is so luxurious, the wine inside must have a special taste.

Yes, special flavor.

Since Du Lin obtained a patent for the distillation method and licensed it, many alcoholics, especially those rich, have begun to complain. They think that Doolin has ruined an industry, and it may not be difficult to say that the wine made by distillation is difficult to drink. After adding various flavors, the color and taste of the wine have begun to change. The bartending industry, which was not very prosperous, has ushered in a huge development. A bar without one or two bartenders who have advanced qualifications and has its own unique formula cannot be regarded as a bar at all.

That kind of multi-colored cocktail is very popular with girls, coupled with the sweet taste and the aroma of fruits and vegetables, some even shouted that the cocktail is not a slogan of wine.

But for those wealthy alcoholics, the wine they drink now is a little disappointing. The alcohol content of the blended drink is absolutely sufficient, and the color is very thorough, but it is a bit bad. Because dragon blood wood is not used as an auxiliary for purification and fermentation, these alcoholics think that the current wine lacks a kind of ... soul.

Yes, without the wine of the soul, the happiness of the drunken past can never be found. Drinking too much alcohol now is not only uncomfortable, but also the head hurts. This is far less than the wine with dracaena. This made a lot of rich people who had an alcoholism hobby started their own brewing career. They set up a small wine cellar and invited some master winemakers to brew dozens of barrels for their own use each year. But for those alcoholics who don't have much money, they think that Doolin has done a good thing, because they don't need to spend much money now to easily get drunk.

As for the headache after the hangover?

Compared to the joy of being drunk, it is not a big problem at all.

The guard took a look at the two bottles of wine and estimated the price. At least each bottle is forty or fifty yuan. He can afford this price. The gentleman in front of him must be a rich mine. the Lord. In particular, there is a wine glass with a gold edge inlaid on the side of the glass, which looks like an artwork.

There will always be a lot of weird states. For example, the mine owners who entered in front of Carter are not necessarily poor mine owners. There are also many very rich but low-key mine owners. For these people, the guards know that they are rich and have a lot of status, but if this is the case, it will not allow him to breed more awe. Because they haven't seen the "facts" with their own eyes, it's difficult to develop such a feeling that makes them inferior to others.

However, when he saw Carter's suitcase containing at least one or two hundred items, his intuitive visual impact made him realize the gap between each other, so he performed better than most of the previous miners. Be more humble. He looked at the two books, only the cover, and the book cover and tie tied the book tightly. He couldn't open it. One is "Social Economics" and the other is "World History". They are all very well-learned books. These books seem to have some years. At first glance, they look like antiques.

He checked the other places again and found no dangerous goods. Then he humbled and hugged the suitcase tightly. He held up his hands and returned it to Carter. "I have checked it. Thank you for your cooperation. You can go in. There is a number on your invitation card, and you can find the corresponding seat according to the number. If you don't know how to find it, some staff members will guide you. "

Carter's face seemed to be impatient. He took the suitcase and nodded his head, and walked directly into the venue. This made the little guard breathe out, so powerful, the big man was really amazing.

When Carter entered the venue, there were already more than 200 people seated in the entire venue, and some did not come. He glanced at his wrist watch, and there were still 17 minutes before the official start of the conference. He found his place under the guidance of the staff. From the photos, there is still a gap between actually sitting here. I don't know if it is the problem of the photos or what the reason is. He felt that the podium leaned to the right, which just blocked the half of the body of Mennon.

He looked at the guests on the left and right. The aisle was on his right, and there was no one on the chair next to him on the left, and it might take a while to come. This made Carter somewhat relieved that he was counterfeit. What a fake miner was most afraid of here was not being unable to leave after being assassinated, but fearing that someone had to chat with him or something. Once he opens his mouth, it will definitely cause others to doubt. Fortunately, this guy did not come. The guy across the first seat on the left does not seem to have the desire to chat with himself across a seat.

Carter was sitting quietly in a chair, waiting for the start of the conference. In fact, he didn't know. The guy on his left had a car accident half an hour ago. It was not serious or even injured, but it was very troublesome. The guy's driver accidentally collided with a luxury car. For a mine owner, the money was small. When he gave the other two hundred yuan to leave, the other side held him back and told He doesn't have enough money.

Because the car is rubbed, the shell is pure gold ..., God treads pure gold!

If ... if it's not too late, he will let the liar know what "pure gold" is!

Seeing that Mennon went to the stage, the light in the hall changed from very bright to some dim and warm, and some were embarrassed. The guy who was holding a briefcase and said sorry, ran into the venue.

Mennon took a look at him and then looked away. He didn't care about those who came or were late. He cared about those who didn't. He wanted to see how many people planned to do it right. This view made him somewhat satisfied. More than 80% of the mine owners gathered here. As long as no one jumped out with his stubborn determination to oppose his dominant opinion, then the matter of the trading market was done!

"Mad, there was a neurosis on the road. He had to say that his broken car sprayed with gold paint was pure gold, and it took a lot of time." The guy said to himself, as if giving People around explain why they are late. He looked at the guy on his left, met one or two times, had no friendship or talk, and looked at Carter on the right. He hadn't even seen him at all. He reached out a little curiously, "You're pretty straight, I don't seem to have seen you."

Carter glanced at the guy's stretched hand, hesitated and held it together. "I just invested in some mines in the west, and we haven't seen each other."

"Really? It's really not a good time to invest in the West at this time, you know ...", the guy closed his mouth talking, because he found that the farmer was watching him. He quickly nodded his head and apologized and closed his mouth. When the farmer's eyes shifted away, he muttered in a low voice, "Do you know why I said now is not a good time to invest? Because Xikuang will be gone, so I do n’t know that either. What the stupid plan is to toss us this time! "

Carter smiled and didn't speak, but this guy seemed to be a taciturn, couldn't stop for a moment, "My name is Raul, happy to work, do you know? That's ... that, Raul. What about you? what?"

Carter closed his mouth tightly, the **** chattering nonstop, he didn't want to answer any questions, pretending not to hear. As a result, Raul didn't care if he answered him, as long as someone was near him.

"You are indifferent, this is not good. You know that it is not easy for us to make money, and it is good for us to make more friends. If we can't unite together, like the stupid on the stage will hit us. But if we Closely united, when he wants to do something to us, he must consider whether it will bring bad consequences. "

"Do you eat sugar? This is the sugar I brought back when I went to the federal tour last time. It is not sold at home. It is very delicious. Would you like one?"

"Is that your suitcase? Wow, it looks good. What brand is it?"

Raul Rory didn't stop for a few minutes ~ ~ Mennonite has already started talking about the possible damage to everyone's interests caused by the "chaotic" market. Carter had to remind Raul that Pay attention to the theme of the conference.

Raul did shut his mouth, but he just closed his mouth to him. He reached out to the guy on his left. "We saw it last time, Raul, happy toil, that's that, Raul. Nice to meet you.

"Do you know? The guy on my right is so arrogant that it makes me feel uncomfortable. We are all people who are living in the west. We should be united with each other."

"Why don't you speak? Was it shocked by my thoughts? I was shocked when I had such thoughts. I was going to run for the executive committee. Unfortunately, the West Mining Association was finished earlier, or maybe I You can also become an executive member, what do you say? "

Soon Raul turned sideways and turned his head and looked at the people sitting behind him. "My name is Raul, Le Lao Lao, that Raul, Raul, it's nice to meet you ..."

"We seem to have seen it at the last reception, and we will find a place to sit together when the party is over? I have a lot of great ideas to tell you ..."

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