Cosma Empire

: Eternal life in fire-red rock soul that burns forever!

I just saw the bookmate ’s message. Thank you very much for the reminder of “Gentleman's Counterattack”.

I may be a few years older than everyone. I received more patriotic education when I was young. I remember very deeply that there was an event organized by our school called Hongyan Soul. At my age I didn't know what Hongyan soul was and what Hongyan was. But after I participated in that event, I was deeply shocked. I was shocked by the patriotic sentiments of countless revolutionary martyrs.

I can still clearly find that moment in my memory. A deep-seated drama actor stood in a dark room with shackles. He recited a poem with deep and angry voice. The moment he opened and closed, I burst into tears.

It is precisely because of the innumerable Communists who are willing to give their lives for New China and to devote their lives to the establishment of a socialist country without class oppression, we have a stable and peaceful life today.

How can we, born in peacetime, think that today's good life is exchanged for the lives of countless revolutionary martyrs. They burned their bodies, burned their souls, sang the dawn of dawn, and sang the movement of the founding of New China!

Bring this prisoner song, with countless revolutionary martyrs who will live forever in the fire!

"Prisoner Song"-

The door for people entering and leaving is locked,

The hole for the dog is open,

A voice shouted:-Climb out and give you freedom!

I long for freedom

But I know deeply-how can a human body crawl out of a dog hole!

I hope one day the fire is underground,

Burn me with this living coffin,

I deserve eternal life in fire and blood!


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