Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 729: Forum

"I have noticed that we have been in our west for a while, and it is in us that we have a very good gentleman who has saved tens of thousands of lives, opened up countless farms and brought more unemployed unemployed back to work. In the post, even the church awarded him a medal. I knew him before I came, and I almost never saw such an outstanding young man ... "Julio looked at Doolin," Du Mr. Lin, if you don't mind, I hope we can sit down and talk. "

Sit down and talk about it, not in the future, nor in a more private chat, it is actually today, now, here, next to Julio.

This is not a meeting, but a "symposium" similar to salon or conversation. Prior to his arrival, Julio's personal team made several plans for his next job at Verrier. One of them was based on the habits of the south, showing an accessible, talkative attitude. Several influential celebrities in the west cooperated and slowly recovered the power of the city of Verlier into their own hands.

His personal team thinks that Julio, who has no foundation in the west, is better not to show a tough side, because the simple western people are people who are soft and not hard. If you are tough, others will be stronger than you. In the end, one party will always admit defeat and pay for the consequences of their previous toughness. Julio can succeed ninety-nine times, but as long as he fails once, all his efforts and efforts will become a bubble that can be broken in one click. So the advice that those people gave him was to use gentle means to fully control Verrier in no more than half a year, and to associate with the big men in the west, maintaining a fairly good personal relationship.

Du Lin, a person selected by Julio himself, maybe because he feels that he has been met by Magus. Du Lin who has been treated as the mayor of Otis in the same way as himself may have better contact with him, and Du Lin's power in the west is definitely not small. Pulling Doolin into his own circle has helped Julio gain control of his power.

He has read Du Lin's resume and knows what happened recently. He is confident that he can become a good friend with Du Lin. As long as he can reach an agreement with Du Lin on some issues, then the radical leader led by Du Lin will Come closer.

Yes, Doolin was evaluated as a representative of Western radicals in Julio's personal team, and the turbulence in the West began to gradually occur after Doulin arrived in the West. First of all, Du Lin has promoted the comprehensive development of agriculture in the west. Perhaps agriculture and animal husbandry cannot be compared with mining in terms of economic benefits, but from the perspective of providing local stability and maintaining local law and order, agriculture and animal husbandry is more suitable for the western region. Development trend requirements.

There are too many simple people here, including local cowboys, miners, and **** teams, as well as foreign gold prospectors and robbers and bandits around the wilderness. The biggest problem facing the western region is not in economic construction, but in public security. Only a stable social environment and good law and order can attract more businessmen to the west, and the benefits of cheap worker labor far exceed the benefits brought by mining to the west.

Julio, who has been in politics in the south, views the development of the west differently from the locals including the farmers. When the farmers were leading the west, the big capitalists and miners were the main beneficiaries. From the annual financial report, It is true that the economic development of the western region has not dragged the empire. Although it is still in the last place, it has not fallen too much. But in fact, the benefits brought by this kind of economic construction are not real construction, but rather a kind of destruction.

Many economists at home and abroad have a common point of view. If wealth is only in the hands of a few people, then wealth is not wealth, but poison. Only when everyone has a certain amount of wealth can they be considered truly prosperous. It is precisely the west that forms a strong contrast with this mainstream view. Almost all wealth is in the hands of a few people. Citizens in the west are not rich, even poor.

If this status quo is not changed, the government's right to speak will fall into the hands of those big capitalists. Because they have money, every action they make can have a huge social effect, forcing the government to make concessions for them. Secondly, except for a few people who have stable jobs, most people rely on "opportunity" to make a living. This kind of uncertainty has a huge risk of return, which will bring too many uncertain factors to the society, and may be good One side, but more of a bad side.

Although Julio did not like the big capitalists in the south to control the government by controlling the people, it must be said that these big capitalists have fully demonstrated the amazing results achieved by the unique means of capitalists. A large number of job opportunities and positions have brought unparalleled stability to the society. People have jobs to do. No need to consider the issue of unemployment, the social environment and public order will naturally stabilize.

This also brought a very positive side to the government's management and construction of the city.

The farming industry that Du Lin admires is very good. He provides a lot of job opportunities to each city. After these jobs are filled, the number of miners and gold prospectors will be reduced. It also provides a stable foundation. Although Julio is just a mayor now, he thinks he can never stop at the level of mayor. He is willing to come to the west just to run for governor here. To do this, someone must help.

Du Lin is the one that Julio sees. Of course, Du Lin also has certain threats. He was originally the mayor of Otis, and Otis has developed by leaps and bounds. But Durin was not a threat because he was fired from all positions, and even if he wanted to start again, it only started at the level of the mayor. When he can threaten himself, it may be the next eight years. . Furthermore, there are three states in the west. If Du Lin did not want to make concessions, he would just give in.

Du Lin didn't think much about finishing his personal dress and walked to Julio's side. The two shook hands and sat down. "I'm with Mr Du Lin. I believe everyone knows him. After all, I have Every day when I open the first page of the newspaper, there is always this guy ... ", Julio showed a very annoying look, but smiled at the corner of his mouth," I often complain to my secretary, damn, why every issue It ’s all this guy. When will my photos make headlines? Is your job not done well, or am I not spending enough money? "

There was a moment of laughter at the scene, and humorous people can always get people's favor. Julio's statement is really interesting, and he talks about money bluntly. It is well known that many officials have no longer dared to say the word "money" since the proposal of "employment crimes" passed by the Imperial Parliament. This can easily make people think of corruption and a series of problems, and quickly generate negative news.

Some people think that the existence of the so-called anti-offence crime bill is to facilitate the cabinet to dump the gangster to local officials. Something went wrong in the local area. Investigate the officials and the officials have committed crimes. Then all things are not the fault of the cabinet. The official's fault is also recognized. Many officials have complained that the cabinet does not consider the actual situation at the grassroots level, although it is meaningless to do so.

Now he can say that Julio, who did not spend enough money and did not get news, is bold, but westerners eat this set, and he has got a better view in people's initial impressions.

When people laughed enough, he pouted and waved, "Did I say something wrong? Well, just when I said something wrong ...", the laughter again was strange. It feels as if Julio is not an official, he is a star or an actor, he is too easy to make people laugh, "But when I learned what Mr. Du Lin did, I found that I was really wrong, Mr. Du Lin A good man, even the bishop of the church said so. "

"I want to thank Mr. Du Lin for providing a lot of jobs in the West, and it also saves me the trouble of those guys who may often appear outside the city hall to parade for meals. I just came to the West and only a few I have a longing for life here, but I lack understanding. Today is a good opportunity for us to understand each other. "He said that he paused here and turned to look at Du Lin," Mr Du Lin , What do you think of the west now ... let's narrow it down, what do you need now, what do I need to do for everyone? "

This question is not well answered because there is a problem with the position of the question itself. If he answers according to Du Lin's own ideas, others may think he is hypocritical, but if he answers according to his needs, others will think he is too strong and selfish. He thought about it, and then seemed to answer very seriously ~ ~ My personal opinion may not represent the views of everyone in this room. I choose some that I think are appropriate, if they are wrong, also I hope everyone can understand. "

"First of all ...", everyone's eyes stayed on Du Lin. There were expectations, others waiting to see the joke, and some less friendly eyes. Du Lin did not give up in the slightest in the face of these eyes. He Said, "The first thing to solve is education ..."

This is definitely a good forum. At least many forces in the west have learned about the position and attitude of the newly-appointed Verrier, but it cannot be said to be an absolute success, because a little problem came to Du Lin.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the question he was talking about, and this sentence seemed a little taciturn, but it was the case. In front of so many people with ulterior motives, he directly talked about a series of social issues such as education, medical care, employment, welfare, and treatment. He did not even focus on the needs of capitalists and the policies that the government can provide. He's not stupid. Julio wants him to be a bridge but he doesn't do that.

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