Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 731: Big

? In addition to the current problems, Julio also found some other problems. Compared with the closer cooperation between the city officials and capitalists in the southern cities, the capitalists in the west seem to have a bit of indifference to the official ...

Yes, it's cold. In yesterday's conversation, Julio more than once threw out these questions raised by Du Lin as a topic and asked the capitalists present how to solve them. If it is in a developed city in the south, many capitalists will surely stand up and express their willingness to take on these problems, and give solutions as soon as possible. The cooperation between the city hall and the capitalists is almost semi-open, and the capitalists are happy to help the city hall solve these problems.

From the perspective of the town hall, many problems can be solved without spending a single cent of public funds, especially medical problems and basic guarantees for citizens' lives. These are the two most profitable areas, but they are also the most expensive. Two areas. Just medical insurance may need to invest millions or even millions of dollars, and there will be subsequent uninterrupted investment. People say that medical groups don't recognize people, but they ignore inputs and costs and maintenance costs.

It takes about three years, and even longer, for a brand new hospital to start operating and become profitable.

From the point of view of the businessman, his upcoming project investment is endorsed by the city hall. In addition to ensuring the security of the project, the Imperial Bank is also willing to grant loans for such projects. Compared with the somewhat rigid businessmen in the northern and central empires, businessmen in the south are more inclined to invest by capital means. Popularly speaking, businessmen in the north will use real money to do things, and why they do it is actually caused by a variety of reasons.

For those businessmen with a noble background, anyway, the family has money, there is no need to find someone to borrow money to do business, and their self-esteem and pride do not allow them to speak to others with the word "borrow", which will hurt them. Self-esteem. The same is true of those officials. Their rigorous and careful attitude will never accept any risky investment. Even if a project cannot be completed, it will never let the project take risks.

However, the environment in the south is different. Businessmen are more inclined to play with capital. The examples of doing things well without spending money while motivating all businessmen to make a fortune, also provide a very complete template for these businessmen. With the endorsement of the government, businessmen can borrow a large amount of funds from the Imperial Bank or Southern Commercial Bank with an intent contract signed by the city hall, use these funds to develop the project, and finally repay the loan after making a profit. Favorite way for southern merchants.

Use the least capital to do the biggest project. This is the means of the capitalists in the south. This is why Henry told Du Lin that the merchants in the south are all liars. Because this group of Yankees is always thinking about how to do things without or with less money, it will inevitably make people like Henry feel that they have been deceived.

Julio is a little confused about the collective indifference of western businessmen. As long as someone proposes any solution that seems to work, he is willing to nod and let these people do it. The problem is that no one shows a positive desire, is they not interested in these things, or is someone keeping them silent? Julio thinks the biggest is probably the latter. He is an outsider. It has been less than a week since he arrived here, and no one knows where he can go. Naturally, he will not blindly place bets on himself. He also maintains the mentality of operating a city in the south, but ignores that the south and the west have very different economic ecology.

This takes a long, long process. Only after fully understanding the economic ecology of the western region can Julio understand how badly he is wrong now. Of course, before doing these things, he must settle another thing first.

Looking out of the blinds and looking at the cowboys and miners with shotguns outside the city hall, Julio felt a bit of sorrow and a little pain. The desolation in the west and the large number of predators in the wild have allowed people here to own shotguns in almost every household, which is also specifically permitted by the state government. Villages and towns outside small cities like Tener also allow the formation of militias and the possession of shotguns. The purpose is to protect people's lives and ... property safety.

Horse bandit robbers are also predators, so it's no surprise that a family in the West owns a shotgun. But when this group of people were carrying demonstrations outside the city hall with their guns, Julio could not calm down. He had never seen such a violent citizen. Do n’t people say that the folk customs in the west are simple? Why does the simplicity he sees differ from his own understanding of simplicity?

These people all started because of the death of Mennon and the arrest of the Kadima Party as a fuse. The three guarantees policy has been promoted by some people with ulterior motives. No one will continue to be responsible to them. No one can ensure that the three-guarantee policy they have purchased will continue to be implemented. This seriously hurts the feelings of the western people, undermines the trust of the western people in the official and the implementation of policies, so someone must always take responsibility for this matter.

This responsibility originally did not belong to Julio. The death of Mennon was an "accident". The killing and arrest of members of the Kadima organization had nothing to do with Julio. It was a collective operation in the three western states. It can be said that From beginning to end, nothing has anything to do with Julio, but he has become the first person to face it. Someone said in private that the reason why Memnon was finished was because he blocked the road of Julio. Who would get the most benefit after Memnon's death?

No doubt, of course it is Julio. Didn't you see that Julio has become the mayor of the city of Verrier? He sat under the buttocks in a chair that Mennon had previously sat in, and did n’t ask him for trouble. ?

Driven by such rumors, some angry westerners who felt that they had been deceived and treated maliciously came outside the city hall with their shotguns. They needed an argument and an arrangement. It is impossible to inexplicably lose a lot of rights and interests without even a single statement. As the biggest beneficiary, what should Julio always say?

These people are really stupid!

Actually not, there are some idiots and fools in it, but there are still many smart people. The bad influences and consequences caused by the uproar cannot be brought back by ordinary people like them. Throughout the history, no one who has been a scapegoat for political events is an ordinary civilian, even if there is, under the influence of some special forces They have also become special people with "political influence". But more, it is still a legitimate politician who carries this pot.

At first Julio didn't believe that the Westerners would be so outrageous until he hit an arrow in his knee.

"We should find a solution as soon as possible to resolve this matter. I don't want these impulse jerkes to continue to appear outside the city hall ...", Julio released his finger, and five people were sitting or standing in his office. The individual is his private team, or a decision-making group. This small group is very common in the South. Whether it is a businessman or a government official, they are used to hiring smart people to form a group to analyze problems to help them improve their work efficiency. It is said that Magus also has a similar private group, which is called a think tank.

The young man who stood by the wall with a wine glass was the first to speak. He was a social elite who graduated in economics from Southern University of Commerce and was hired by Julio to serve in his decision-making group to provide some necessary economic help, "boss, I looked through some files left by Mr. Mennon, and here I found that a total of nearly 2.2 million people across the western region purchased 3.7 million types of insurance, and paid 48 of these insurances. Costs ranging from one month to seventy-seven months, totaling more than 80 million yuan! "

"About 60 million yuan was invested in the construction of 13 cities. The largest expenditure was for land replacement and the construction of commercial centers. In addition, more than 23.5 million were used for other purposes, of which 9 were More than one million are in the Kadima's Imperial Bank account, which is currently frozen. The remaining more than 10 million have no specific documents to prove the flow of these funds, but they have disappeared. "

"In other words, even if those people lower their requirements, as long as they refund the money they paid, the problem can be settled. You, the city hall, including the state government, cannot afford to pay about 100 million yuan at a time to return all Western citizens who have participated in the Three Guarantees policy. So if you want to say that the refund will suspend the Three Guarantees policy, you will not be able to get any money. "

Julio suddenly felt a tingling in his head, and it didn't hurt anymore, but he had a headache.

A billion dollars?

Where did he go to get a billion yuan of funds, even if he sold him, he could sell millions or tens of millions of funds. The muscles in the corners of his eyes pumped uncontrollably and looked at several others. Gentlemen, how should we face the next disaster? Money, we definitely do not have it. Even if the cabinet agrees, it is impossible to allocate 100 million yuan to calm the anger of the citizens. I am afraid we can get it back. Less than 20 million. "

At this time, a young man in his thirties dressed in a formal social elite class smiled, "Mr. Hulio, in fact, we might as well think in another way. The farmer can maintain the three guarantees policy, so why do we Can't it be maintained? According to the data just now, the scale of about 10 million can continue to maintain the Three Guarantees policy without any problems, and every year we can get more profits from it to develop the city! "

Julio nodded his head, "This is indeed a method, but it is also the most inappropriate method. The foundation of the three guarantees policy is based on the fact that there is no basis for fraud. We know that Mr. Mennon was just deceived before he was assassinated. We are not familiar with the three guarantees policy, we do n’t know enough about the personal information of every citizen who participates in the three guarantees policy, and we have to deal with many capitalists, which is full of various things. Kind of risk. "

"We may need to set up a huge institution to complete the transfer of these things. The reason why Mr. Mennon was able to play the three guarantees policy is because he is the leader of the Kadima Party. The Kadima Party spreads across the west and every city has a march Party people. So they have a large enough organization to do these things, but we don't. "

"If we want to achieve the level of Mr. Mennon, the first thing we need to solve is the people who work, and then we have to talk to the capitalists, and find ways to make the money roll!"

"Gentlemen, this is not an easy task, because we have" lost "about 75 million. If we cannot find the money and we cannot get the funds frozen by the Kadima, then we are likely to become Victim! "

In fact, what Julio was most worried about was that some people were behind these people to participate in the trouble. If it wasn't for his men telling him that the farmer had snatched nearly 100 million yuan from the west, he didn't know that there was such a big pit here. Call it the pit of the abyss.

Even if only one million people asked for a refund, it was enough to make Julio helpless. He didn't have so much money to run these things. He didn't have the foundation of a farmer and not so many people were willing to do things for him.

Julio ’s legal adviser thought about it and said, “The only way now is to question the three guarantees policy to the state legislature and cabinet, asking the state government and cabinet to form an investigation team to investigate in depth the three guarantees policy passed in the state legislature. In the process of the bill ~ ~ Is there any MP involved in duty crimes? My personal opinion is that someone must receive the benefit before this bill is passed. As long as we find evidence, we can propose to repeal this clause. The bill's application and scrutiny then put all the blame on Mr. Mennon and the Kadima. "

"So what about those citizens who have suffered losses?" Julio was very moved. He knew what the lawyer meant. Anyway, he would not confess his account. If he could not, he would ask the Western Military Region to suppress the riots. The consequence of this is that he does not need to bear any responsibility for the three guarantees policy, although there may be some stains on his resume, which is less important than the former.

The legal adviser smiled slightly. "Of course it is to provide them with legal aid to sue the Kadima and Mr. Mennon. As to whether this money can be recovered and how much can be recovered, that is another matter." To make Julio and other friends more deeply understand the feasibility of this, he also gave an example, "The century scam happened a few years ago. A group of people used some common methods from Cherieth Street. With more than 70 million dollars in funds, they fled the empire, and so far no case has been solved, let alone the main culprit. Even the funds have not been recovered. "

"This is actually the same as what we need to face. As long as we break through the three guarantees policy is a scam, then this matter has nothing to do with us!"

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