Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 732: Hire

? Just as businessmen are always discussing how to avoid tax legally, politicians often discuss how to avoid political risks. The ethics of work often requires top-down requirements. It seems that this word is full of heavy words such as "ethics", but in fact, if the phrase "professional ethics" is explained in a straightforward way, then obviously "ethics" does not exist and should be read as "professional rules" .

Getting blessed is a kind of instinct. It's like no fool would fly a kite under dark clouds and lightning in thunderstorms. It's as if the animal saw the fire in the night, both eager and scared.

People, this kind of creatures full of wisdom and contradictions are even more extreme in this respect. Everyone hopes that they can meet the best and luckiest things. No one ever hopes that he will be unlucky every day. He may even need to drink saliva. Take it to the hospital for rescue.

The problems left by Mennon should not be left to Julio. At least Julio thought so. The operation methods provided by his legal adviser were highly enforceable. Now, because of the death of Memnon, all of the Kadima are completely overthrown. At this time, do not hurry up and kick. When the Kadima is really dead, I want to find someone to carry the blame. Arrived. In the end, Julio decided to take a look first, and if that worked, that would be the case.

Not to mention that Julio asked his legal counsel to submit a review and re-evaluation of existing bills to the state government and cabinet. On the other side of the city, Doolin was receiving representatives led by the president of the Workers' Union of Verlier . Recently, the workers' union finally let out a bad breath. The simple and independent working class in the west finally realized the benefits of unity. Only unity can fight the exploitation of capital forces, and only unity can exert the real power of the working class!

unity is strength. There is nothing more powerful than the united working class, and even those incompetent capitalists will tremble in the face of the united working class.

Well, the last half is their excited fantasies. In fact, in the western working class, they can't directly threaten the capitalists like in developed regions. In the west, they are really vulnerable groups. Tens of millions of people are located in various regions of the west. People with jobs occupy only about 10% of the total number of people with citizenship and legal residency, and the unemployment rate has reached 59.3%. Such a horrible unemployment rate is also one of the characteristics of the west, which is also a "view" invisible elsewhere.

If the unemployment rate in cities in developed regions is as high as 59.3%, I am afraid that the entire city has become a mess. A survey of scholars and experts in the social sciences at Imperial College has shown that if the unemployment rate in a region is higher than 15%, there will be signs of chaos in society and law and order problems will worsen. If the unemployment rate exceeds 20%, then there will be obvious chaos and law and order will become the biggest problem in the region.

If the unemployment rate exceeds 30%, the area will become chaotic, creating an unstoppable vicious circle until the rule of a city is completely destroyed and it becomes anarchy. At present, the average employment rate in the southern cities of the Empire is around 9.7, and the east coast is only 8.1. Even so, there are certain social and security problems. Unemployment in the west is high, ranging from five to ten times that of other places. It still maintains a stable social structure, which is an impossible existence.

But this is actually the fact, because the special environment in the west allows many families to support themselves even without a formal job, so even if the unemployment rate is high and the appalling high, it will not be too chaotic. surroundings. In fact, the most important thing is that every household basically has a shotgun. The shooting of a criminal who is committing a crime does not need to bear any consequences and responsibilities in the local laws of the west, and he will even be rewarded and commended. This allows the cost of crime to increase unrestricted, as long as he can find a way to feed himself, such as farming For example, as a gold digger or hunter, everyone is fine.

However, this does not mean that people living in the west do not need to work. If there is a stable job, who is willing to take risks to find minerals or hunt animals in the wild? In many complicated situations, Du Lin promoted the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the west, so that more people saw job opportunities. In order to seize this opportunity, they hope that someone can represent themselves and talk to Du Lin. talk. For these westerners who speak at bullets every now and then, negotiation is a very nerve-wracking process. They are not good at this, so they are very "smart" to register information in the workers' union, and then hope that the guild can work with Du Lin Talk about it.

This will be a breakthrough point for workers' unions in the west, so workers ’unions are particularly excited. They also sent a luxurious delegation led by the local president, plus three legal advisers and some worker representatives, sitting with Du Lin Inside a horseshed.

"Mr. Du Lin, we are very sincere. The guild will arrange for your healthy workers to take care of your farm. One out of every fifty workers will be a literate and basic educated worker. This is also the case throughout the Empire. The conditions that best reflect our sincerity. "The chairman of the guild is not false at all. It looks as if this is a civilized society. In fact, there is still a" darkness "under the surface of this civilized society. "Society.

This dark society does not refer to things like crime, but to culture. Culture includes a lot of content, but what is said here is recognizing words, being able to read and write, being able to do some simple calculations, and knowing how to record some numbers and other tasks. It has been more than two decades since the Empire entered the new era from the decaying feudal rule. It can be said that more than 50% or more of the people in this society are illiterate. These people are precisely the bottom of this society. These people are workers. .

They earn hard and meager wages by betraying labor, but not every job is suitable for them, even physical labor.

For capitalists, educated workers are more popular than uneducated workers. In addition to receiving education to improve the quality and education of workers, there are many things in the factory to be recorded or calculated. These workers have become the most sought-after goods in the labor market. In the working class, these people are in the upper and middle classes of the working class, it is easier to find work, and it is good work.

In order to settle the "business" with Du Lin, the workers' union took the initiative to solve the problem for Du Lin. To this end, they organized a short-term literacy class and calculation class, and will teach free of charge to workers who wish to acquire knowledge. Those books, exercise books, pencils, etc. are all produced by the workers' union. This will be a lot of expense. But as long as you can talk with Du Lin about the employment problem, it will be a victory!

Du Lin didn't actually have any opinion about meeting in the horseshed. He was kind to him. After all, he was a farmer's child. Until now, some people who were jealous of him or splashed dirty water for other reasons kept emphasizing Du Lin's origin. The words of muddy dog ​​legs and the son of a farmer are very pleasant. At first Du Lin was a little bored, but as time went by, he gradually managed to be calm.

The reason is simple. There are always people who want to find consolation through the shortcomings of others. Just like a joke circulating a while ago, the joke has only one sentence-His Majesty actually digs booger like us. Perhaps for a figure like Magus, those who hate him can barely find this shortcoming to ruin his reputation, although doing so will not actually help.

People who are said to be a farmer ’s child or a mud dog ’s legs will not let themselves lose a piece of meat. Those who love him will continue to love him. As for those who hate him, there seems to be nothing more than hating him. Way up.

Du Lin looked down at the table in front of him. It was a shabby one. I didn't know which talent had proposed to meet in the stable. After a few minutes, when the opposite union president was anxious, Du Lin raised his head and stretched out. A finger came out.

"The first requirement is that for every ten workers, one must be able to read and write, and have the ability to calculate and record." Then he put out a second finger, "All worker information must be open to me. There must be no concealment. "

"I don't accept any form of dispatch system. Opening up the roster of workers, I will let people choose. It is not my choice, I will not accept it."

"I must have the right to dismiss workers unconditionally ~ ~ and I need to write this into the employment contract!"

"During the employment period, the workers who received the job did not accept any dispatch from the union and were not allowed to participate in the activities of the workers' union. Otherwise, I would dismiss him, which must also be included in the employment contract."

"As long as you can promise and agree in writing, I will work through the workers' union."

The reason Du Lin is willing to talk to the workers' union is that this is their specialty. In other words, Du Lin cannot let people post advertisements for employment. Now the workers he hired were all helped by the workers' union. It ’s just a little different from now. People in the workers ’union in the west did not have any sound at all. They helped Du Lin find suitable workers because Du Lin gave them money. For their own benefit, they filled the West with Du Lin. service.

Now that workers' unions are likely to rise in the west, it is clear that power is more important than money, because everyone knows that as long as they have a certain amount of power in their hands, they will inevitably get more money. Therefore, the workers' union intends to run the business publicly, but Du Lin is not willing to do so. What he needs are employees, not labor dispatch from the workers' union, and the kind of disobedience.

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