Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 739: patent

"Mr. Adams, do the laws in the empire now support patents in the language of planning?"

Mr. Adams is the largest shareholder of the law firm where Kevin was staying before. He is also a very famous and prestigious barrister. Although his reputation is not very good, no lawyer with any ability can have a good reputation. As Kevin said, to ask his employer to defend, he must first believe that he is innocent. Where can there be so many innocent people in this world?

As long as Mr. Adams's business is familiar enough, it will be enough to bring enough convenience to Doolin.

Du Lin had an idea to register the operating methods and business scope of insurance companies as patents through registered text planning. No matter what step the Imperial Bank can do, they must finally bow to him because they infringed. The reason Du Lin had such an idea was also related to some of the knowledge he gained in the world in a dream. In the world of dreams, there is a very powerful country. In this very powerful country, there are many very poor people who love daydreaming.

One day a drunk gentleman drank too much and lay asleep on the sofa and had a bizarre dream. The last owner who had a bizarre dream woke up and wrote and wrote a script called "Terminator", and this drunkard dreamed something more magical, and he was actually in his old one I saw three-dimensional things on TV and saw future trends, which may have something to do with some science fiction movies that were released at the time.

So he told his family about his dream, and with the help of his family and lawyers, he registered a series of patents on visual three-dimensionality in that powerful country. It may seem like a very inspirational story, but it is not. This is a story of daydreaming. What is even more amazing is that with the help of a lawyer, he went to the Patent Office to describe some of his dreams. After making some messy sketches, the registration was really successful!

Without any description of the principle, without any scientific proof, with the help of patent office staff and lawyers, he actually successfully registered a color 3D stereoscopic imaging technology that he did not know what the principle was, and registered one upon registration. century. Of course, in fact, some people say that this may be a lawyer and the patent office want to cheat money, after all, a hundred years of patent fees is not a small amount. The not wealthy gentleman took out his savings and registered this patent to continue his ordinary life. Even after thirty or forty years, he forgot such a thing, and even forgot such a **** thing in his hands. Patent, but also a hundred-year patent.

It wasn't until one day when a lawyer with a good accent asked him for a price that he realized what he had done thirty or forty years ago!

This is definitely the spokesperson for the magical Empire Dream, but it is not. In the face of the world's top group of super multinational groups, his lawyer advised him to authorize the patent to these people and calculate for him. Just by authorizing, the annual equity will be billions. However, under the oppression and threat of capitalists, this gentleman will be so important in the end. It can be said that the technology that affects everyone's life is sold to these large companies at a very low price-one billion.

When Doolin dreamed, he heard this story as an interesting myth, but at this moment, he has the idea that if the business method is registered as a patent, is it possible to succeed? If you can register, it means that the insurance business belongs only to him, and others who want to join this game must get his authorization. In recent years, the Empire ’s "Antitrust Law" and "Anti-Industry Manipulation Act" have become more and more perfect. It is impossible for him to operate exclusively, so he simply does not authorize himself.

Collecting a 5% authorization for each policy period will be a horrible asset, and he does not need to take any risks for it.

Mr. Adams was a bit overwhelmed by Doulin's idea. He held the microphone and asked the lawyer in charge of patents to come over, and opened the hands-free discussion together.

"Mr. Dulin, Mr. Adams has just told you what you think. A large part of the Empire ’s patent law is to" learn "from the federal patent law, and then added some provisions corresponding to some special circumstances of the Empire. The facts you describe are not included in the current Empire ’s patent law, and none of them can support your assumptions. "Du Lin did not speak after hearing it, and he felt that the guy's tone was still interesting and procrastinating, as if there was no words After saying the same.

In Emperor's legal affairs, in Adams's office, the lawyer specializing in patent law smiled at Adams and said one but.

"However, there are no legal provisions that will not allow you to do so. According to a proposal to supplement the amendments to the Patent Law passed last November by the federal government, there is a registration license for 'business' patents. Maybe we You can first register such a patent on the federal side according to your idea, and then reverse the two-step registration in the empire. The first step is we register your patent directly with the patent office, they have no clear terms to oppose Your registration requirements. "

"Then use the company that registered the patent in the federal government to propose international patent protection to the Imperial Patent Office. Of course, some other ways of operation are needed. In the end, there is a great possibility that the Imperial Patent Office will approve the application for international patent protection. Before, get your patent approved at the patent office! "

In fact, to put it plainly is to use the hostility of the imperialists to the federal government to pass the patent first, and then talk about the issue of international patents. At that time, holding the patent registration certificate of Du Lin can directly reject the international patent protection proposed by the federal company, telling them that this patent empire also , And is also registered, so it cannot provide the necessary legal protection for federal patent owners.

The "local protection policy" applies not only to local affairs, but also to national and inter-state affairs. In addition to what people can access, in fact, the rapprochement between countries has become the norm. For example, before the empire banned the circulation of alcoholic beverages, the federal government did not have a bill that seriously violated civil rights such as a ban on alcohol. In addition, the federal people firmly held the empire's tariffs and import and export permits. Shang Zheng brightly dumped countless drinks into the empire.

After thinking about it for a moment, Du Lin felt that there was no problem. He was relieved, "I see. I will let people register a patent right now at the federal level. Later, I will come to the Royal Capital to register the patent in person. I need your cooperation. "

Adams took the call and cancelled the speakerphone. He let the patent attorney leave his office and laughed out loud, "No problem at all, I will serve you personally, and we need to book your reservation for you Is it time? "For Qian Adams can be said to have no bottom line, more than two decades of study and research have consumed his best years in the library or office. The next few years are his harvest season.

In the end, why did you choose to take the lawyer's path in order to make more money?

Not to mention booking for Du Lin, it is feasible for him to provide Du Lin with services within and outside the legal business throughout the process.

Everything for money.

After rejecting Adams's kindness, Du Lin hung up the phone, he stood up and walked to the window, looking at the scenery outside the window for a moment. Patent alone is not insurance. He needs to talk to Julio. If this can be done before the imperial central bank, then this is the best result.

People always tend to be "first", whether it is the "first time" that people can't forget, the "first time" that people remember freshly, or the "first time" that often appears in memory and disturbs their thoughts "Is always full of people's recognition of the" first ". If you can be the first company to run an insurance business, as long as there are no destructive negative news for the rest of your life, the first position will be settled!

He packed up and asked Dufo to drive. With Dove's help, he arranged his personal clothes. When he was driving to the villa's door, a woman blocked it.

In fact, such people often see that there are always beautiful women who want to take shortcuts in life. They may feel that they can fascinate all men in the world ~ ~ All men should be young Dogs were walking around them like a dog. But unfortunately, they encountered a durin who had learned to deny himself in a dream, and his desire could not interfere with his reason and let him do impulse things.

"Honk and let her get away."

After Du Lin ordered, the Buddha shrugged his shoulders. To be honest, this woman looks very beautiful. She has dark brown hair, a delicate face, white skin, and a good figure, especially those legs. It's mellow and healthy glow. Unfortunately, she still had to leave.

Dufo honked his horn and made a concession gesture. The woman not only did not leave, she also took out a certificate from the Xiaokun bag she had with her, and gave it to Al who had surrounded her with someone. Leis, then said something, and they looked at Dooling together.

Then Ellis walked out of the car door. Du Lin shook the window and took a document from him—the Imperial Military Intelligence's work permit. Du Lin looked at the photo on the document and looked at that again. Man, read her name, Katerina!

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