Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 742: Self-cultivation of 1 actor

"Really ..." Xiu En, who was lying in the alley, twisted like a snake with his head cut off. When he first came out of the prison, he had a one-sided understanding of the specific situation of Du Lin. Most of them come from newspapers. Such things as newspapers are those who give more money, and who are more difficult to mess with, just listen to them, so Du Lin's image has always been positive.

But in Emperor Capital, in the investigation team, in order to help Xiuen as much as possible to understand the more "three-dimensional" Du Lin as soon as possible, the things that Du Lin has done over the years but have never been reported are shown one by one. Before Xiu En. Feeling his conscience, at that moment, Xiu En really counseled, not who he was trying to lie to, but really. Even if the investigation team releases him, he is likely to find a job away from Du Lin.

This Gou Ri is really a cruel man!

Xiun thought that Dooling during Tenell was very fierce. The street attack killed Wood and created the dock shooting. It also killed many gang members. In the entire Tenell area, and his previous involvement In the past cases, they belonged to that kind of cruel man. But when he saw the dossier, which was five feet thick and took eight people, he even wanted to die. Conspiracy with this kind of cruel person, it's okay not to be found. Once found, it's dead!

Unfortunately, the investigation team gave him two choices, either to roll back to the cell and live to death for free, or take the initiative to get close to Du Lin and collect evidence of Du Lin for them undercover. He had no choice but to stand firm. Fight your scalp.

This time in order to achieve sufficient "program effect", but also to guard against fraud so that Du Lin found possible flaws, so they really worked hard to repair grace, played very seriously, very real.

Covering his ribs, Xiun sat on the ground with his elbows slowly, and every degree of undulation in the upper body made his painful muscles straighten. He could feel that at least one of his ribs was broken, the kind from the bone. The pain that oozes out is completely different from the pain in the body, just like it hurts the soul!

"It really hurts!" He gritted his teeth and looked at the empty alley. There was no durin and no one else. It seemed that the plan had failed, but he was relieved and he comforted himself quietly. "Failure It's best ... it's best to fail, I don't want to deal with that bastard. "

But sometimes there are always things that are contrary to one's wishes. Whether it is Doolin or Magus, they will never go smoothly and let everything run according to their own ideas.

Xiu En, who stood up against the wall, stood on her feet, covered her ribs, and slowly moved towards the alley. When she was walking towards the alley, she was keenly aware that someone was observing herself. This was a very special feeling, which could not be described in words , But it does exist. It's like walking out of the house in the morning and taking the city transportation bus to work. Suddenly, I suddenly saw a person who was looking at myself. The instinct reaction that suddenly didn't even touch my nerves was actually The instinct of a species.

I felt something was looking at me, and then I looked back. The silly beep in the brain may still be evaluating the buttocks of the woman in front, but our neurons are not silly beeps.

After a brief gaze, most people look away, covering up their inexplicable glances and covering the embarrassment in their hearts for two or three seconds.

At this time, Xiu En also felt this way, or in other words, he looked up suddenly and saw a young man in a jacket looking at him across the road. The eyes of the two crossed the road and the pedestrian met for two seconds in the air. The young man lowered his head and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. After lighting one, he disappeared on the street following the flow of people. But Xiu En bet, that person was definitely observing himself just now, unlike other people's observations of liveliness, his eyes had a strange peace.

He Xiu'en's scalp was numb, and that might be Du Lin's.

Two members of the investigation team are going to "recycle" the rundown of the show. According to the predetermined plan, they will ask Xiuen if he needs help, and then send him to the ambulance that will come soon. . But inexplicably, Xiu En actually sat down against the wall and refused the help of these two kind people. These two agents are also high-level agents directly under the Military Intelligence Division here. Their lives are like a movie that will never end, and they constantly play different roles.

When Xiu'en rejected them, they immediately realized that Du Lin's people might be around. The two pretended to leave with some indignation, and the deputy leader of the observation from the height immediately let all observers start to lock the street Existing observers, in the courtyard of an open-air coffee house across the road, finally found a young man who was holding coffee, but had been watching Xiu'en.

Successful, Du Lin hooked!

The deputy leader waved his fist, lowered the telescope and instructed, "Okay, plan for the second step." A group of people quickly left the room without leaving any traces, as if they had never come. Too.

The person who followed Xiuen followed Xiuen for a day, until he slowly walked to the rescue station himself, checked the injury in the rescue station, and then took some medicines and five dollars to leave slowly.

There are rescue stations in every city of the Empire. The rescue stations provided accommodation services in the early days. However, because everyone came over to stay for free, some people even used the rescue stations as a casino and a place that can compete with skilled women. After that, the rescue station canceled the accommodation service, and reserved a place to freely visit the homeless for doctors, to give some cheap medicines and some relief money for free. You can get it once a month, which is a maximum of five dollars. This makes the Imperial City's homeless people far more than other places, after all, it is easier to survive here.

Some people have suggested that the imperial capital, as the empire's premier cultural and political center, should prevent these tramps from appearing on the street and affect the image of the imperial capital. These homeless people should be sent to Irian-Irian ’s policy on homeless people is to send them to the mining area in the seventh area or the factory area that requires heavy physical labor, until they have enough money to buy one. The money of the house will make them leave.

有人 In the process, some people plan to run away, and some people want to resist. In the end, these people become part of the manufacturing cost.

However, this proposal was not approved in the end, because another group of people think that the imperial capital has more hobos, and can make them look better than the hobos in other cities, but it can better show that the emperor is the most loving place of the empire At the same time, indirectly to the visiting foreign friends, it showed the empire's attitude towards the people and the social security system. In short, I don't know who made the final decision. This matter is so settled that in the daytime, the city center of the Imperial City can often see a bunch of homeless people sitting in the alley begging.

Wu Xiu'en bought a bottle of inferior wine on the way back, although it was said to be inferior, it was much clearer and heavier than those inferior wine a few years ago. He didn't know what was going on outside in prison, let alone the young man who had been allowed to dominate him, not only became a big man, but also changed the pattern of the private alcohol industry.

Such a bottle of inferior wine requires ninety-one bottles, 750 ml, which is very difficult to drink. But for homeless people, this is the best thing to drink, they always have to drink drunk to sleep peacefully.

Wu Xiu'en staggered back to the park where he "lived". There are some basic recreational facilities open to the public free of charge. At night, it became a holy place for tramps. Those basic amusement facilities can provide good shelter from wind and rain, and can provide them with the necessary warm environment in winter.

"Hey, Xiu'en, what's wrong with you?", A beard-bearded tramp waved at Xiu'en in his already sloppy clothes. He was sitting on a bench with several other tramps, each holding a wine bottle, and he could smell a compound multi-source odor before entering.

The muscles on Xiu'en's face trembled, and he took a few steps quickly with the pain. He rested comfortably after he fell on the bench. He unscrewed the bottle cap and said, "Daytime I met a young man who said I soiled his clothes, and then a group of people asked me to dance! "

This is a vernacular communication word between homeless people ~ ~ There are also site and power between homeless people, and sometimes they need to fight. To avoid trouble, they learned the gang way to replace some words related to illegal acts with less sensitive words.

跳舞 Dancing, for example, means beating with fists without using weapons. Vocabulary like this and Barbie can be used, this word stands for fighting, to be fierce. There are many words such as sacks and lattices.

The tramp heard that Xiu'en was beaten, and they immediately laughed uncontrollably, smiling and leaning back and forth. The bearded tramp of the original culture raised the bottle in his hand and said, "Toast for Xiu'en!"

Xi Xiun took out the medicine given to him by the rescue station and put it in his mouth. He also raised the glass and swallowed it with the wine and medicine. "Cheers!"

At this time outside the park, the investigative team has found young people who follow Xiu En. The two young people are very cautious. They did not go in and stare at Xiu En, but looked at it from a distance and turned away. . Du Lin ’s instructions were not to shock Xiu En, and they would naturally not run to Xiu En to stare at him. While Du Lin relayed his instructions through the local chairman, he also told them that Xiu En was already a member of the Bureau of Investigation. Have certain anti-tracking and anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

The deputy leader of the investigation team sitting in an unlaunched car shook his head and said to his team members, "These people are very professional, very cunning, tell the people inside, don't show any flaws tomorrow! "

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